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DOTY- Eva May Doty, aged 17 years, dled Mondajr aflernoon. April 21, of meiuiels, Kt the reuldence of Mrs. Mlnnle I.jttle No 01 East Seventli street, Cnnton, Otilo. Funeral was held from tüe St. John's KiikIUIi Calholic chureh. DONNELLY-On Weduesday, April -fí. Ml, Josepn F. Donnelly, aged 18 yeare. The niHny friends ol Joseph DoiiMlljr, Jr., wil] be palned to learn of liis deatli wliicli occurreil on Wednpsday cveninjr ' last, of peritonitis, after a short siekness of' only live dayc. The deeraMHl v;is a very bright yoiuijr in: n witli tl.dleiing prospecta (f a noble tiilure, ilthmign only 18 je its of age lie wa a linislied telegraph operator and bad been in the eniploy of the Mloh. Central R, R. Co. for tbe past year and a huif. Ilis liinend j was held at the St. Thomii.-." Cilholic cliurch last Kiidny inornini; and was Uraely nttended l'y reiaiivts and f riendi I from Chicago, ICiilaina.oo, Detruit, and adjoininjr towns. He lias ieft a v;waeny in liis home and large oircle of friends I whiih will hard ly ever be lilleil. Peaee tti bis 8hes. He luis geut hlH last message And lald down to rest. Mld the tears of hls friends And the smlles of tliu biest. Kor the biest rejolce When they ndl to thelr hout A spirit o pure As the one we have lost. But though lost to our ga ze We wlll thlnk of hlm stlil, In bis sllent abode On tbe green shady lilll. And li i fm-iiits and coinpiinlons Wlll vlslt hlra there. TUI the spot be made weet Wlth the fragrance of prayer. I know our youug frlend would not come back aunln If he could, for enrth's glorie Are trannleut and valn. We will bid hlm farewell I-et hlra sleep in the love That eudureth and lasteth Korever above. ann AitHiiic, May 3d, 1887.