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The class ot '72 Wlll hold a reuuioo this year at Ann Arhor. The tiento hn lookad nfter in tbc Argonaut now ly K C. Clow, J. E. Curpenter manage! tlio nniveiiiy iiiue for the ensuinj; year. The imi viTsity gun club will paifect au organiziition next Sntunliy. The ü. of M , B. B. C. will play the Dutrolt amateurs next w.-ek Situiday. Field-IJay wilt be listl lor the luit of Mty. Oetyour '¦ athleticistu" ready. The latest fbreigu student Ht the univeriity is O. K. OUubo, of Kioto, Jxpati. The state championship for the intercollegiate league isstill iiiiilimned at Lui sinp. Fresiunau banquet Friday evei)ing. Il is ruinored thnt they wi'l wear their olass hats Elijah is in very grcat nerd of a lirstclas tenor leader. Don't all speak at once. The Michigan Inter-Collegiate Prohibition eoorentton is on tho boards for iMay 0 and 7 at the opera house. The Chequaincgons will furnish music for the Class Day exerciscs of the law graduating class and also of the dental class. The Glee Club will delightan Ypsilanti audience to night, a Saeinaw audience touiorrow night, and a Flint audience Friday night. The university nlne fonnd the agricultural boys too niiiny for them over at Lanslni; last Suturday, beinf; be aten by a score of 8 to 9. It is reported to have been an intcresting game. The Pharinacy Alumni Associalion of the U. of M., wlll hold its animal meeting in tlilri city on the 2th of June, at the laboratory at 11}L a. m. Banquet and address at 3 p. m. O Satunlay evening May 7th tlierc is to be a jolut contest between tlie Webster nuil Jeffersonian societiee, at univcrsiiy hall. Tbe Chequamegons will fuinish the muslc for the occasion. Tliere Í8 no truth in the report that a coiumittee of tlie legislature will Investígate tlio " gymnasium comiuittee " that wet to Lansinff to lobby the "gym" throiigh that body. It is all a canard. Besides, the boys paid all their own expenses, and didn't have a cigar or notling white at the capítol. S. H. Tulienkjean caine from Armenia three and one-half years ago and attended the medical college here one and onehalf years. II then weut to New York and attended the medical college there two years. lie now comes back to Ann Arbor with his diploma, honored with M. I)., for a lew days to visit friends. Wben li' 'Mini to this place he could speak but three words of Éngllsh. A certain professor of the university in a recent " lecture " npon divlüing the med. leal di'.partment betwcen this city and Wetroit, is credlted by one wbo heard the "lecture" with words to this effect : "The fjraduates of the Michigan University medical department are the Inushing stock of the medical profession." If he said that had he not better gire place to instructors who will do their duty by the stiidents in uttendance upon that depar.nent Inctead of bringlUfr it into ridicule? What do the graduafs ihink ofsiich talky Are they llattered with it 't Are the present under-graduates pleascd at becomin; the " lauKhlng stock " of the profession hereaftery Would theslgbtof a few surgical operations at Detroit, make them any less ludicrous in the eyes of the profesalon v


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