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MVHOM1' IUKKITOIIÏ. At A.BBOB COKHAKD1KY, No. M Illwl.s ftrst Tueiïlly of eacli inoutli. W. U Doty.E.C.; W. A. TolcharJ. Kceordi-r. WaSHTESAW CHAHTKIt. N'o. 6, R A. M - MeetH llrai. Monday eacta mohtB. raaao Handy, H. P-: '- Hoatli, Ki-oroliiry. BUSINESS CARDS. o. k."kabtiu, Hl. U.KU IN CLOTH CASKETS, METALIC AndCominoul' Calis iilii-ijtfil to Day or Nlght. KmhiiliiilnK a spetalty. Htcveroomon E. Washiu-ian Btreet. Beatdenoe Oor. Liberty nd Flltlt. W. H. JACKSO, ÜilEllINniTllIWilT . OFFICE : Orer Uach & AbelN Dry Gooil Store. Entrance next to National Bank. wn.i.nn iierz, Heuse, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paiwriui; Glazlni;, Gilding, ana (.'alcimining, nd work of every deacripuon In the b.'et style.and warrauted to give Httefaction. 9hop, No. 4 W. Washington St„ Anr. Arbor. W. W. & A. E. ICIIOI, Room Over Ann Arbor Saviaurs Itank, Masonic Temple lUovk. GASorVITALIZED AIR MaiaMcrad r.r Ui. paluleaaxtneUoBof tsath. C1T THI BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Securlty eld for the prntection of the pollcy CHRISTÍ&N MACK Bnreeiitê the followlni flret-cla f!''1" ;.of whch oue. the JStnn, ba llOM paU 5ii,0uu,(XIOure oho tn slsty-lve years : .Etna, of Hartford I 9,192,64 Franklin of PbfladelphU 3,1 18,713 Germanla. N. Y 3,100,799 Qerman Ameiicaii, N. Y 4,060,988 London Assuranc, Loniton... 1.416,788 Michigan F. A M , Detroit. . . '2i7,;08 N. Y. Uiiderwriters, N. Y 8,596,679 National, Hartford 1,774,605 Puoenix, Brooklyn 759,086 Ijossct liberally aitjuslcil and promptly p.ii.l. Policies issued at the lowcnt rataa { premium. 1191tf LI7MBER! LUMBEK! ZT7M BER! It yon contémplate bolldlnfr, cal) at FERDON Lultr Yart ! Corner Fourlh and Depot Bu., and e our flgures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own LnflUer and xuurantee AERY LOW PRICES WGive US a cali and we will make t to your interest, as our large nd well gradcd stock fully ustmins our assertion. Telephone Conm-Ltiuns rlth Office. f. I. KSECH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop A, DeFOREST, Fire Insurance Plate Grlass Insurance,. Steam Boiler INSURANCE ! l-owest Bates, Honorable Adjustineiits and Loases Prompt I y l'ail. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS 8PK0IAI. ATTBNTION OIVENTO OOUiBCTION or Rknts anu Ma.naííkmknt of Ukai, E8TATE INTKKKSTS ïflK NOH-RBIDEDTI, V.STl 8ATISFACTION TO IIW.IKIM (iUAKANTEBD. A. UePOKKST. I ir f KT mnrenKney than at anythlneclac br tak 11 I II íuk uu Ki-nry fur Mwl sslllng book 11 ont. Beifinüers eurreed crra'idly. Nune 1 " fill Ternn free. Hallctt Book Co., Portland, Malne. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPrescrlption of a physician who bas had a iife lonfr experience in treatinf female distases. Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladiis. Pleasant, safe, effectuaL Laücs askyourdrugpist for Pennyroyal Wafera and take no substituto, or lncloso postaee f nr sealed particular. Bold by all d ru t't'i st h, $ 1 ïcr btkx. Add n-ss THE EUREKA CHEMICAL. CU.. Dixitoix, Mica. Sjld la Anu Arbor, Mich , by KDc rb:icli & Sou 110 1M0 irifT cin Mvcai hoine.iind mttVe more motiey at I work for au, iban at unylhnit' lM In ttiin lil) world. Capital nnt neiiiid; you are ¦tari ed free. Both iiexe ; all Been. Any ona can du tlie work. iMrxr Mrntan fr.m fl'ttutart. CoBtly outdt and terra fn-e. H. tur nat delay. Cfwtn you notblng to Heni u; your nddr and fltd out; if ymi :nv witf yon will do to t once. H. Hallktt Jk no.. Portland. Halo. - . 0nUnnil Awr,l. kjjt.l y. WMaml'A Bxail TTU ¦¦¦ Bmm H awdfoCinuUn. E. j. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor. Mich. A COMPLKTK A HKANIi 1-M I 1 lul: Phjiicia ud Fiaüies, Neater andSCheaper AMI HOU CONVENIENT THAT A 8TAT1ÜNAKY BATH TÜB, Wl TH NO EXPKVHK OF BATH BOOM ANO FIXTUKEB. tt-88 SUBSCK1BE FOK The Ann Arbor Courier.


Ann Arbor Courier
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