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How I Feit. Why, two years ago I was just about crazy, and no wonder that ray wife and children were afraid of me. You just want to suffer with neuralgia with no relief as I did until I used Sulphur Bitters. Tliey cured me, and now my wife says I am as meek a a lamb.- Robert Davis, American House, Boston. The vote In the recent elertion was about 40 per cent, leas than in the last state election. In the cities and villages tliure was llttle falling off. X! rs. DeLisle, formerly of Stony Creek, was found dead at her home in Armada Corners, Macomb county, April 2G, aged 40 year9. A OKlíAT MISTASE has heretofore been made In the treatraent of rheumatisni, neuralgia, and nervouB or sick headache. This is evidenced by Ihc failureon the part of rtionsajwh of nnftnrrn to find relief, even tliough tluv bave exhausted üieskillof various physieiaue and tried numerous so-called remedies. '1 a sneh Athlophoros is offered as :t tefe, and quick cure, lts shcccss has been pbi nomenal, and yet it i not surprising because it uill do all that is claimed forit. The Athlophoros Co. will gladly refer any who desire to niake an Lnvestigation ¦ liable i:irtii-s wlio have been i-ured by ft. Mrs. I). C. Piokott, CchnnbuSjWis., tai: " It isalittle overa yearagosincel (rao so badly altlicted. Tlie lliwiw IM ín every nerve and muscle cf inv lnwly ; 1 (raa cunipletely prostrated and hel plena for fonr weeks; I could not besrto be toncked, n ¦ even the weight of a fisgar irooW carne the greatest pain, and 1 was in conatanl dread of its getting into t lie lii'art, in ÜU't it bordered very close to it, and tlio doctor had vi-ry grave douhU as t.i my gettin well. I had taken many dillen nt kinds of medicines, but was rcroiiiiiirii'U.l to 1 Athlophoros, was positive it wonhl li In Oh, bow sick it made me, und had I not been for the persistent eflbrts of my busband I don't think I sliould hnvécriitinued taking it ; lut bainaisted s., i ron that I kept on with it. In alnnit five ib) I ln-uan to iiiprovi-, and when 1 li "1 Ri : tauns the botttle I was wi-ll. 1 only l""k a smáll dote as the medicine na isti nj Madison, Wwconsin. I have useil Alhlophoroe Tur rheumatisni and I can cheerfullv s:iv itli lite most satisfaotorv results. (ii:n. W. [Ioi GG PinckiifV Btreet. Every druggistshould keep Atklepboios and Athlophoros Pilis, butwhero ilu. not be boucht of the drtiggist tka Alhlophoros C., 112 Wall St., New Vork, will send eitlior (caniase pald) on receipl ut regular prioe, whioh is tl.00 per 1 . t t Kfor Athlophoros and .r(V. for Pilis. For liver and kidney ilisrasos. dypepsift, iitdigestion, weakness, nerroui dolility. ülfieáaea Df ¦ornen, coiiRtipatton, badacbe, Impura Uood, .te, Athlophoros Pilis aro inuijualod. 7 Sore Eyes The eyes are always in synipathy with the body, and afford an excellent Index of its condition. When the eyes become weak, and the litis inflamed and sore, it is an cvldence that the J%tBOi DM liecome disordered by Scrofula, ior which Ayer'a Sarsaparilla is the best knowu rcniedy. Scrofula, vvhlch produced a painful inflammation in my eres, caused me muoli sutferiog for a nuniüer of veáis. Hv t lio advire of a physician I commoncod takini,Aycr's Sarsaparilla. Atter n - ui; tliU mediviac a short time I was COmpletel; Cured My eves are now in a iplendjd condition, aml I am as well and Rtrons as ever. - Mr. Willtam Gage, C'ouc-ord, K. II. For a mimfoer of yoars I was troubled with a humor in my ovos, and was niialilo to obtain any relief 'until 1 commencoil uslng Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Tlii BMcUcIne lias effectol a complete ouro, and 1 belleve It to be the best of blood puntiers. - C. E. Upton, Nashua, N. II. From chlldhood, and until wlthin a fow months, I have been affllctsd with Weak and Sore Eyes. I have used for UlCM complaints, with bonoticial resulta, Ayer's Sarüaparllla, and eonslder it a (rat MooU purifier. - Mrs. C. l'hillips, Ulover, Vt. I uffered for a Toar wilh Inflanimation In my left eye. "Th ree uloers formcd on the hall, depriviug me of llght, and causing great pain. Altec trylog many other remedies, to no purpose, 1 :is tinally luduced to use Ayer's BwMptuilla, :uul, By Taking three bottlea of tliis medicina, have boon entirfly cured. My llgbt has been reatored, and there is no sign of inll:miin:tlnn, sore, or ulcer in inv oyo. - Keudal T. Bowen, Sugar Tree Hidge, Ohio. My daughter, ten years old, was afflleted with Scrofulous Sore Eyes. Duiinsr the last two wars she nevor saw lij;ht or any kind. Physiclans of the highest itandlns exerted their skill, but with DO ponnnmiit lUOOrm On tlie reoomniomlaticn of a friend I purchased a bottle of Ayer! SarMnarllla, trMeh my daagkter riwnmrnrrd taking. Befort Khc had used the thircl bottle her slght was restored, and ihecan now look steadlly at a brilllant lii;lil w ihout pain. Her cure is complete. - V. K. Sutuerland, Evangelist, Shdby c'itv, Ky. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., I.owell, Mau. Beid by II Druf UU. I'ric $1 ; ii butilo, H.


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