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Sliort advortlsements not to exoeed three ilne, of Lost and Found, Houses for Sale or Uent, Want, etc.. Insertad three weeks for )Ï5 cents. Sttuatlons wnnted, ftee. FURNISHF.D HOUSE on Ave., City, for rent. New Sewlng Muchlneaud (Jasollne Stove and House Kurnlture to be sold to lesso. Mathews' Real Fútate Agency. 1350 1S52 FOR SALE at a sacrifico 200 acres of land In the town of I.yudon- the liott farm, or wlll exchange for city L$?$',, w 48 Sw Real Estáte Agency. IriOR SALE.- A flue Qkadkd Ykari.inq Btjix; about 00 pounds welgbt. Sire, i ov.rt's reglstered fult olood ; dam, a twothiril Jersey-Holêleln, one of thenneatoows In Wiishtenaw couniy. (Money lu hlm for aiivoue wlio has time to handle blra.) Knqntre of J. B. Saundern, thts offloe, or oor. MUI and Washtenaw strs., Klfth ward. 48-50 . riRICYCLK FOR SALE, snitable for glrl L from 10 to 15 years old. Iuqulreatthe Courier Olflce. CITY SCAVENCER. JOHN A. ROniNSON, No. ¦ Wall Street, r.tli Wan!, Is now prepared to ntlend to all business In the line of a si-avenger, such iucleanlng vaults, cesspoolu, etc., UBlng the patent tlglit barrels. AU orders wlll reoelve prompt idii'iition. WAN'TKD Money to Loan on Real Estáte, Apply to Francls A. Slatterv, Washtenaw County Abstnict of Tltle OHlce, 2nd rloorof Fnrmers' and Mechanica' Bank. Anu Arbor. 1335. 5 I I 7 :30 ¦MSHlMiSSI 4H7.1! FOR SALE OR RENT. HOUSE- No. 18, Cemetery street. Apply at Courikr offlee. LOA.NING-Money to loan on nrst-class Heal Estáte Mortgage at Current rates of Inti'rest. Satlsfaotory arrangements made ¦lili capitalista deslrlng snen lnvestments. i'.vtTy oonveyanee and transactlon in abslnu-t8Of tltlescarefully examlned as to legal rilcct. Z. P. KINO. Ann Arbor.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News