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HARK? NO FEE! I ) kstiblisbed ii. ) Merrill UNTIL BETTER 1 DETBOIT.MICH. f Block. ' 235. " The Begnlar, Old-Estatlinhed jLjlfl PHTSICIAJÍ L SURGEON 5U8KILL AND 8UCCE88 HWLf)ffii68 YOUÑGmen,middle-ageo men and all persons who by their own acts of Imprudenceor Follyat any period of '¦' have hrouglit upon theraselvel, the evil eifects followini; closely unon tlie heels of transgression of the laws ol nature, should consult the cflilirnted Dr.Clarke I at once. Kcmmbrl N erroui diftenMSfwith or without dreatns) or debtllty and loss of nerve ! power treated scientifically by new metno.N witli I ever fniling success. 49It makes no clitirrrm e wliat you have taken or who has failed to cure you. y'.'iie trrlbl polsons of Syphlll and all ¦ bad blood and skin disensos, completelv cradicatcd without mercurv, Rílnember that ihiiono horrible riisease, f neglectcd or impropcrly ' ireatcd.euraesthe present and coming gencrations j-All unnaturnl discharges cured promptly I wnhout hindrance to bnstnesg. No experiments. I linih sexes consult onliili ntlally. Age and rti.n i. iic . - import. -uit . A written furnnti-e ; of cure giren in eveiy case undertaken. JB-Snfferer from any chronlc dlseasewrite Iliwtory and Symptoms of your case - plainly. j Cases solicited which others have íailcd to cure. )rf-Send two stïmps for clebratd worki on hronic, Kervousand I)ll-iite Dtscases. You ' have :m cxlinuntive symptomatolotgyby which to study your own case. Con.sult;ition, personally i or by letter, free. Consult the olcl Ioctor. ! Thousumls cured. Ornren and parlors private. You sec no one but the Doctor, ncfore conüding your case consult Dit. CLAKKK, A friendly letter or cali may save future suffering and i shame and add goklen years to lile. Medicines sent everywhere secure from expoture, Hours, b to S; tiundajs, 9 to 1 2. Address, F. O. CLARKE, M. D. MERRILL BLOCK. DETROIT. Mlck CURES Goughs,Colds,Asthma,Tickling in the Throat, Whooping Cough, Quinzy,Sore Throat, Consumption, Bronchitis, and all Pulmonary Diseases. r VbuÑc's ! ICo u GHj Midi 1 Howeil, Micta , Au. 15, l-Ti Ü Oct. 2H, JS74. I 1 wan ut inrit ori $ - J have trled Dr. K. with a m-verej m $ A.Younga CoukIi cold and threat-! and Lunti Syrup md wllli luriR 1 m _ ! for more than m tvtT while on hI mf $ year, kb 1 had ocvisit to HuiI-muj. I m I a reroeMich., uhoiit ai dr for Tolda and nionth uk", -o iCouith, and unicti to ttutt I t found Itareltable wm uiiuhle to uil H S medicine. I have itn Hpoolntiuent ( $ used hls Ague to ii nuil fin J Bk land Liver Syrnp int of Ml V y III 111 ittltlllV Wltlt WTtn ooaghtng, I ¦¦ $ the best or ¦uehut iniiitHKtMi to I r.'SN. curlng m v gel lifiii(.Hnd ¦ ¦ ¦ S mother whoBe ru.MinuHy tm,k , Ke was OTer ¦ome "f I)r. E. A. I I Mïventv pural nf mVí!Vh;.' !"h! J ?," ""e. Of M won ¦ I % ! ""¦ the serond tiifin-pil tAkfng It. i LB chtll and fertr. ti'.u tint] ' F9 tl take pleaHurv neiit relief bon J In recommnojn( I uní uttacked i the above remeby cnugh orl .1! dies to all who I ii n a coiiipltttiit. ¦.¦ ih(1 theiu KEV. IIUUT. COPK. KEV. S. B. KlMMILL. I by all ilruKdlBts. Prlfe, 25c.. 50c. and I1.U0. I .arito bottlea Mot free .ui receipt of prlce. W. JOHNSTON Sl CO., ETROIT, MICHICAM. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BflKERY. GROCERY, AND - Flour and Feed Store. Wt kep coii!tHutly on h .nd, KltFAl), CRACKERS. ('AKKS, KTC, Kor and Ki'tutl Tr de. - hall aleo keep H cupply of SWIFT & DKUBBL'8 I5ESI' White Wheat Flour! iïcilii l'lour, lLjt l'luiir, Itiifkwlieal Huur, i-n Wcal, fooi. Ure., At V ,i .i.vali' and iU'tall. A gnttti tock ol G80CKRIES and PROVISIüNS riMiniatitly on hand, which wil! I' ld lu as reasonahle terms ge at Mi}' other Imhi-i' In the ctt. . ch1, a (I lor BUTTBR, Kliti -, and OOUNTHY PBODPUB mneralb. 'oo.l d-livend to any [wrt of the cuy wlthat extrs charir1. Rl.XSKV SKA BOLT. YlnrlUiiüc Mt DKKALIL'J' havlni; been nimii' In the couültuin of a certalti Morlsg (wliereby the power tliercln rontalned to sel! lm beootae on'i':iti ve) exaoutad by James II. Hopk Ins. of Lyndoti, Waebtenaw oönnty. Mlclilitti, t(i John SariHon, of UnKiltilH. Livingston Coaaty, Mleblgtta, ilatid tl, ilrst day or Deoeinber, A. l). l"s. anil recordl on the tl 1 1 li Jayól May. A. 1) isw In the offlee of the Register ol Deeus for suld county of WiinIucnaw In I.iher Illty-une Ol ruolt gages ou ptige unehnnarëdandïlztjrthereof.wnloh tnortuKBe was on lourteenlli day ui Ueceiuber, . O. I8H0 rtoly asslgnod by the suld John Sarsl¦on, norlmnM, lo Sarah Sarglson, of Unadilla. I.ivinston i-onnty, Michigan, nnd wliic-h issimitiienl w recorded In tbe ofllce of sald llegUter ,i deed, ou tlie twelfth day of July. A. l. I8H6, in Líber pina of assluninentsof tnortL:ii;es ou page nr Ihereof, and which inoitnagf was alterward on the elulith day of July, A. D. 188, duly aMUraed i y the Bald rtarah Sarglson to Wtllntm Snrglson, of Marton, l.nUiitston County, Mlchigoo, nnd win. h asslmiinent wu recorded In tlie offlee ol SRld H.'Ui-tii ol Deeds, on llie twelftli day of July. A. II. ISè6 In i.lber tlloe oIh.huíkmini'tilsiif mor tundes, on panu slxty-two thereof; Opon which tnortüaije there Isclnlmed to be dua tl Mm data of tb u aotloa the sumol three hundred and Uve dolían and forty-tivc oebli (f.m Ifti. himI nosult .ir proceeillng at law liavllig been Instliuted to recover the .leut now t rftiHinin: seeured by anld mortKHgeor any pari Ihereof: Nollcels therefure hereby ivrii, that on Tluifsiliiy. sei-omi ilay ol ¦ luin'. A li 1H7. al one oV'I.M'k In Ibeaflertin n of hald day, at tsM lront door of the C'onrt House In the cil.v of Aun Arbor, In sall County Ol WaslitetiRW, Mhat belug the place of holilttiir the elrnall court withln Ibeeoonty ; In whii'll tnoitL'iiKi'd prentte tobesold aresltuafed , tbenala moitaat-e wlll he foreelnaed by sw ai public vendueto tlie biubcst bidder, l llie premlses contalned in sald tuortaiie or so mucli thcr.'ot ns inay le necesaary Lu satlafy the aniount ilue on mld inortgage wtth Interefetaand legal cxivti) that i-, to iy : ll Ulal cermln and plecf and t.:ui't'i ol land altiialiHll In the lownshlp of l.yniloti. In the counly of Washtenaw anti ftutte of Mlchlcan kmjWn and AHmrlbM aa lollow. lo-wil: Threast pati ol thesonlheasl it 'u't lonal .{Utu'ter of setHion 1 1 1 1 m I o r one i In townnhip number onefl , soutb 01 raiiL.'!1 Milliliter thrce (:tl east, and binnde1 on Ihc west liy the outlct ol llllnd llke. iind ooiitalulug lor tv acres nf land inore or I.'sn. Dated Mareh I, . H 1887. ILLIAM SAIKilsoN. AKKlgnee ol MorlgUKe. 1,1'Kt: S. Muv IAOÜ1S, Attorney lor AsNlgnee of Mortgage. Kstalo of Kloanor C. Dibbins. SrATKOKMR'UlOAN, County of Wasntenaw. - At a eesion ol Ihe Probate Court lor the County of Winthtituiu , holden at the Trobate Offlee In the c'.tv if Ann Arbor, on Mottday, the 18th day of April In the year ohe thotinand eiïht hundrt'.l a id i'ii.'hty-'!v.n. Hrerant, Willlam D. Harriman, ¦I ol Probate, _ In the ui uter of the eítte of fcleanor O. Ribbins d ccH-.'d. Charl'! II. Vorden, the exerutor of t ie I ;M wil) mul textament of said deceared, coniea loto ctuut Huil represent! that he iw now urepared to ronder liic tliml sccoQüt a? inch ex-'cntor. TharMpmlt benlanti, thatTueadty, the ie venlei'titlnlny of M iv tiext, at ten oYlock in forenoon he assirned for the examlrdne and allowtng of iMKh account, and that the h'-tr al Uw ii t.iiit de 'eased, and atl other perron, iiiterested in said entiite, are roqulred to appear ut i neaelon of salii eottrt, Ihen tu bc hohlen at the Prohste Ofllce, In tbe city of Mm Arbor. and huw MUM. If nny Ihnre be, why the taiil aicount nh.iiild Dot lieiilloued : And It in further onlcred, that sald ex.cutor firlvu lii'lire tó thu persons tntorertted in trlid ehlrite.ol thf pciidcncy of -Mtd accouut.aDd the iiearin thereof, hy catitfns a -.iny of thl order to he pnbMvhrd ii 'iie Ann Arbor t'mtrii-r, a newtpnper print'il aud circnlatint; In said county, thrce nuccetive. weeiti proviuutoid dy ofhoarinc, A trm copy. Wli.l.lA.M IV 1UKHIMAN, Itidit of Probate. WM. o. lt)TY, l'rolwte RaRldor. ÏHSW-IWÜ ' . VMMBHUBSS JsSSBBisEasiiiiiiii ASTHMA cured CERMAN ASTHMA CURE , IutJntiy r"Ui'itri t h" movt violent attack and - cmntortable altwp ".o h aitiíí tor RK. sl l ls.llain im.lh - mhalation. it .tiontolmnimimu,, ]ir,,vt nd cerlitin. nd a cura is th I rmult in nll ourabk caara. A ainxls trial th m.ait k.-ptioal PrioeCua and (1 UI) of au oruttiriftt, or tii mail SuupU Krc? tut


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