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WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOORAPHY OF THI8 COUNTRY, WIL.. SEE BY EXAMINIMC THI8 MAP, THAT THE iP"11 l i o i sF;. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By reason of lts central position, close relation to principal linos East of Chlcapo and continuoue liuea at terminal points West, Northwest and Southwost- ia tho ouly true mlddle-llnk in tiiat transcontinental system which Invites and fácil' itates travol and trafile in either düection between the Atlantic and Pacific. Tiie Rock Ialand uiuiu lino and branches include OhicaffOLJoliet, Ottawa, La n-ille, Poorla, Geneseo, Moline and Koek Island, in Illinois; Davenport, Muscati'i Washington, Pau-field, Ottumwa, Oakaloosa, West Liberty ,Iowa City, Bes Woinea, ludianola, "Winterset. Atlantic, Knoxvüle, Audubon, Harían, Guthrio md Council Bluflfe, In Iowa; Gallatin, Tronton, 3t. Joaeph, Cameron aud Kungas City, in Missouri; Loavenworth and Atohison, in Kansas; Albert Loa, ii:me.ipolis and St. Paul, In Minnesota; Watertown in Dakota, and hundrods of .aterinedlate cities, towns and villages. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guáranteos Speed, Comfort and Safety to those who travel over it. lts roadbod ia Uioroughly bailasted. It track is of heavy steol. It: brldprcs are colid ttructuroo of atone and iron. lts stock is perfect os human Bkill can make it. It has all the safety appliances that mechanica! pcnius has invented and xperionce proved valuablo. lts practical operation is conservativo and methodi ;al- its discipline strict and exacting-. The luxxxry of its passengor acconunodutions is uneaualed in the unsurpassed in the world. ALL EXJPKESS TBAINS betwoen ChicaBO and the Missouri Hivor consiat A comfortable DAY COACHES, magiiiflcont PULLMAN PALACE PAKLOK and 3LEEPING C ARS, elegant DINING C ARS providing excellfint racals, and -botween Chicago, St. Joseph, Atchison and Kansaa City- restful RECLINING OHAXB. CAS8. THE TAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE lu tho direcT, rvorlte line botween Chicapro and Minneapolls and St. Paul. Ove' tiiij r out solid Fast Express Trams run daily to tho nummer resorte, pioturosqv:e loülitics and hunting: and flshinv Rroundu of Iowa and Minnesota. 1io who,it iiolds and grazinf? lands of interior Dakota are reachod yia Watertc A Bhort desirablo route, via Séneca and Kankakeu, offers superior inJucei to travelers botwoen Cinciunati, Indianapolis,. Lafayotte and Council Ui : uh, Atchisou, Loavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, St. Paul and ia niocbati) points. All classes of patrons, ospecially familios, ladios and cliildren, veceivu ïro. . official and employés of Rock Island trainn pi-otoctlon, rospoctful courtocy . ! kinilly attention. fOT Tickets, Mapa, Folders - obtainable at íill principal Xicket OiïicGa ia .- United States and Canada- or any dosired informution, addvoss, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, reild ;nt and General Manager, Chicago. General Ticki't anú Pssscnrjcr Ch


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