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MA WO Ml BIBECTOKÏ. AMS A.RHOR OOMM.VNDKttY, Nc. 1 :' HIPCls llrst Tuesdayof eacli moiitli. W. O üoty. I W. A. Tolehnr.l, Recorder. WASHtlJAW CHAPTHK, NO. 6, B A. M.- Mi-'ts flrst Monday each month. Isaac Handy, II. P. í. Both. Beoctary. BUSINESS CARDS. Hl. ll.KI! IN CLOTH C1SKET3, METALIC And Comm.m CoRlns. OaUiftUfDted ray or Nlilit. Embalmlm a ipeclalty. oreroomon E. Whlngton -uvet. ResuLm-.' Cor. Liberty and KI fin. W. II. JACRSOS, JD'JESüNr.irilIIISIITIL OFiriCK : OTer Bacil & Abel's Dry Gowi Store. Kntrance next to National Bank. WILMAN HERZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperiuï, Glaziog, Gilding, and Caleiminlne, and work ot every dcrlptlon done In the nest style. and warrauted lo glva naüafaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Anr, Arbor. W. W. & A. C. NICHO1.8, DE1TTISTS. Rooms Over Ann Arbor BftTtagl IUnk, Jíasonic Temple Block. GASorVITALIZED AIR .Vlminlstuml lor tb paluli-se i-xtraction of teeth. ET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. Secarlty held for tho protectUm of the imlley christÏan mack Bepresentn 'he füllowlne ftrsi-cla-s cómprate. which one, the tna, hti id o),0UO,00 ttre oes d ixty-ftve i ers : tna,of Hartford 0,193,644 Franklin ot Philidelpbi 3,1 18,713 GermaniM, N. Y 2,100,739 Gemían Ameiïoan, N. Y 4,065,968 Lonilon Assuniiiff, Lomlon.. . 1.416,788 MicUisriui K. A M., Detroit . . . 887,608 N. Y. UiKk-rwlitrr.s, N. V.. . . 2,69679 National, Hartford 1,774,805 Plicenix, Brooklyn :;.7.-)!l.o:!; Losses liberally adjusted and promptly paid. folicies issued at the lowest ratcs of premium. uuur LÜMBSRI LUMEEH! LÏÏMBER! If you contémplate building, eall at FERDON Lnltr Yara ! Corner Fourth and iHjpot öw., and e our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and Kiiarautee AERY LOW PRICES JVGive us a cali and we will make t to your Interest, as our large and well graded stock fully ustains our assertion. Telcphone Conncttions with Office, r. I. KBECH Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop T.DePOREST. Pire Insurance Plate Grlass Insurance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lowest Rates, Honorable Adjustnients and Losse Promptly Paiil. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS 8PECIAL ATTKNTION OIVRN TO 7ol.LK I I'N Or RknTS AND MANAdK.MKNT O 1ÍKA1. 1OSTATE INTKKRSTS FOK NoN-RBSIIII N r. ETIBK 8ATISFACTI0N TO OWNKKS Gl'ARANTJCKD. A TíeK'ORíi:'!' ¦ 171 KT more money llmu at any tbtng elnc by tak 11 I il Ing an ij,'i-ncy for th'! baat eellliig boak ¦ f 11 Ht-ffinntiri sacfeud gtandly. None ' "-11 fall Term- free. Hallktt Book Co., Portland, Maine. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. tPreBcription of a physldan who has haa a Ufe loncr experience in treatinpr femóle diseases. Is used monthly with jierfect success by over 10,000 ladii s. Pleaant, safe, cffectual. Ladies askyourdrujpist fur Pennyroyal Wafcre and take no substituto, or incloee poBtaee f or sealed particulars. Sold by all dni(rpistn,l per box. Addresa THLKUliEEACHLHICAlaCO.,DsTBOlT. Mica. S.Mdin Ann Arbor, .Mich., iiy Bb rbaeb A Sim I7iYT nan Mvtfat home ftnd mflke more money at I f I work for ut, Ihan at anylhinir 'll In thit III I world. Capital nol necdi'd ; yon ure w starled Tree. Both kct'-ii ; all aw. Any one can do the work. Larif earolim asre from nriHUrt. Cimtly o'ltflt and fnc. lictli'r notdelay. CoBtyon nothini; ti Fnd Ba yonr addresn and fird oat ; if you tin1 wUe ynn will [n m at once. II. lUixurT .t Co., l'ortland. Maine. J f 1 MHRSAl k -."" m vi""'iwiiT- Z +, Ctntmnt] A"' fl JTT"V 't"T Z 9 "i L'm'tthf '"rl1!"'Lf7Li Ki. " " ? WltoUtatë A lUtatl. OM Btthï Rrr.ew.-d. ! % lal ror circuit.. E. 1. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor, Mich. A ' 'iHI'll.l K AKKAN(il:MI.N I I OH Physician iü Families, Keiier andSCbeaper AXI) MOKK CONVJENIENT TH VT A STAT1ONAUY BATII TUU, W1TII NO KXl'KN.SE OK BATII BOOM ANT) FIXTURKS. H-tB SUBSCKIBK FOIt The Ann Arbor Courier.


Ann Arbor Courier
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