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POWDER Absolutely Pure. Th is powdernever vnrles. A marvel of purltv streneth and wholesomeness. More eco¦ omical Itittn theordlnHry kinds, and cannot e sold In compettllon wlth the multitude of ow test, Hhorl welghl. xluni or phosphate Hwders, Sold only In cans. Koyal Haltlng l'uwiltr o . 1O Wall st.. N. Y. A CHILD'S SKIN Ears and Soalp Covered with Eczematous Scubs and Sores Cured by Cnticiira. Mr llttle on, aged eleht years hns been atfltcted with Ei .erna of the ecalp, nd at time a ereat poruon of the liody, ever since he was two years old. It llegan in hls ears, and extended to hls scalp whlch bec .me covered with scabs and sores, and from which it stlcky fluid ponred out. rantlne intens: Itching and distress, and ieavlng hU hair mitied niid llieiess. ('nderneath these ahs the kin was raw like a plece of beeisteak. (jradually the hair cine out and was destroyed, until a mail patch was left at the back of the head. My frlends in Peabody know how my little boy has suffered. At nieht hewould scratch hls hd until bis pillow ¦ - i overed tn blood. I used to tic hl hands be-, bind hlm, and in many ways trled to prevent nis scmtchlne; hut It was uo ui-e, he would scratch. I toot him to the hospital and to the best physicians in Peabody witbont succes. About thls time, some frieuds who had been cured hy the CuricuRA Humt, prevailed apon me to try tbim. 1 begau to use them on the I5th of January last. in sevei months every partiële of the dlsea-e i removed. Nut spot or scab remalns on bis scalp to teil the siory of bis -uflertnif. Hls huir has retornad and is thick and strootr. and hls fcalp s sweel and clean us aty chlld's in tbe world. I can not say enoueh to express my eratltude for thts wonderful cure hy the Cuticuka Rïmkdies. Hnd wli-hallsitnllarly affl'cted to know that my statement true and without eai'geratlon. CIIAKLES McKAY, October 6, Is 5. Pmabodï, Mii. I have set-n Mr. McKay's hoy when haddly affected with the Bezem. Ue was a pltiiul nleht to louk at. 1 know that he ha trled our best pbysicians, nnd did all a fatüer could do for a suff.-nug chlld, but availed nothlng. I know that the statemenu he has made yon as n-gards the ciirinK or uw boy by jour . utliUKA KiEDtw are In ovcry pa.tlcul..rly. WIUAM Mc0AHTHY. :i3 Fob' er Street Peabouy, Mass. I do nnt know of au lnMimce In which the ('utlcura Ueni.-diiK have Tailed to produce stl'faciory results. I belleve I have old more of thein than ofany other skin remedie I have ever handled dn lire th.' thirty-three yeur of my experlence as A. D. TRYON, Batatia, N. Y. SOLÍ) EVKRVWHKBE. Prlce, Cütjcuba, 60 cents; CuricuBA s..i', ¦2; cents; ( l.TICUKA IKksiii.VKS r, t.00. Prepand by tlie Potter, fíruy xei Chemical Ca., Hoston. .. Seudfor"How to "ur Hfeln DlseeB." T3?U l'l'tt". Blackheads, 8kin Blemishes and Baby STili Humorf. u"e Cutirura Soap. Á WORD ABOÜT CATARRH. ¦ lt is the tu ui: mis membrane, that wond'Tftil seml lluid enveiope snrrounding the delicate tissues of the air and lood patsages, that Catitrrh makes lts stronehold. Once establlshed lt eau Into the very vítala, and renders Ufe bnt a longdrawn breath of minery and dlsease, dalllDg the Bense of hearing, trammelllng the power of peech, destroylng thu faculty of meU,laUUiag tb breati and killlüg the reflned pleasures of tate. creeping on from a imple Cold In the head, 11 iiisaiilts the membranous llning and en velops tbe boneis eütlnj.' throui;h the delicate coats and causing lnflammation, slouehlnx and death. Nothltiii short of total eradicatlou will pecure !i.;il;l to ihe patiënt, and all alleviates are simply procrust natód sufffrinRS, leadinif to a íatiU termiuation Sandford's Radical Cm, by Jnnahillon and by InUrnal admlnlstratln, has never toiled : Kivcn vïiini the dlsease has made frightinl lnroad in delcate conmitutions. hearlnjt. rnell and tastes have heen recovered, nad vhc diseaee horouKhiy elven ont." Ss-iroRD' Radhai. ('i'KB consista of on e hottieof the Radical Cure, one box of ('aTARRHAt. 8oi.vf.nt, and one Improvkp Iniivi.i.k. neutly wrapped In one pacKage, with ful (iinxtions ; prlce, fl.i'O Po tsk DuroAKi' ChïMioal Co., Boston. HOW IT ACHES. i Worn out wlih p ilu, bat stlll compelled f9 by stern necesslty to stand up to the A . Work hefori' us aud bear tbc pain. HfSSAl lief In ons minute In a Outi-nra I 3t31.iill-I'aln Planter for the achine Vrrr Miles and back, thu weak and palnful rauHcka the sore chest and hacking cough. and every pain acne of daily toil. Klegant, new, original, sueedyancl inCalllble. At all drugelsts, -- ñ- for $1 00 ; or postase free, of Potter drug and Chemical Co., Botton. ft ft X y gldi art mre. M bau k " I I SUnMD k Co , Porilsnd, Mn, will rtelT. t I I l'". fo11 Informal! bol work whlth I ¦ I llhjea4o. nl 1W1 hom,tbl wlll p7 UKÍIIJ llura from 5 to pr dj. Som h.T. rnedoTr$S0lnd7 EHh.r M, jonniot ld. Ciltl sol rqulttd Ton rrled tf. Thow who Jtrt 41 one. va bioluMly ni oí Ulf Uttl forlant. Ml I Dn. WatchsprinB oqo ' ' oQo t o _ _ ' . owmQo q jC?.':ic'0C1T.?Si'c''' . 1VMS1. Vm. i-tm t'-mjyL 'qq M'ith Ml ld 1 ii KT DctacliatoUSprints. dTBcttcr than Wlialclioiic or Horn,jf] and ís uaranteed never to break. Prlce, For aale by ludiog wbaloale and retaü eabliahmcats. MAYER.8TROU8EACO. 412 Broadway, N. Y., Manufacturera. ¦ Cl FODl DUVlurni""""1 TtLcuKArnT, .i,.. miu.tion. ¦ furnlausd. Wrlle Vuloiitlu. Broa., Jauuavillu, "


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