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The Chaiitiuiqua circle ït Manchester has disbanded. Ground has been bioken for the new chureli at Salem. Milnn is to be surveyed and Dew platj made of the villaje. Dr. S. E. Holmes, of Whittaker, has removed to Stony Creck. Tlie Saline high school wil] gradúate three scholars tliis ycar. There are tifteen foreifi scholars attending tlie Clielsea schools. The Dundee Reporter is ten years old and is a credit to its proprietor. There nre only li) snloons in Livingston county, and Howell has 8 of thetn. The National hotel at Dundee bas been leased and will be Dewly furnisued. Nearly 3.000 pounds of milk are used daily by the cheesc factory at Dundee. Four dealers have opened up the agricultural mplement business at Saline. The village of Milán is taking the proper steps to put iu a systom of sewerage. South Lyon is talkina; of organlzing a Building and Improvement Association. The Dundee paper mili resumed business last Friday, under the new management. Iliram Sutton, a former resident of Salem, died on Sundav, May 8th, at Eureka, Kansas. The Germán ehurehes of this county bave conti rtni'd 109 cliildreu during the past year. The Saline council have purchased a lot and will begin the erection of an cngine liouse, soon. Nearly all of the places in this vieinity are talkinsr of grand celebrations on tlie Fourth of July. The Methodist ehurch at Saline, held a May festival last Thursday evening, netting Kbout 135. Kev. .1. M. Getehell will preaeh a ineoiorial sermón to the Manchester G. A. K. on Sunday, May Sflth. G, J. Nissly, of Saline, sold a complete poultryand tncubatorouttit to Sault Ste. Marie parties, last week. Last Tbursday, Chas. W. Rodgers, a prominent South Lyon merchant, was mai ried to Miss Ella Hooper. 15. W. Lamkin of Milan. is gsttlng the material on the siround for a foundry, to be 20x40 feet and two stories high. The ladies of Dexter have purchased a beaiitiful banncr whicli will be presented to Jeffords Post, G. A. R., ou Decorntion Day. City Clerk .loslyn, of Ypsilantl, held the lucky nuniber in a lotterv diawing recently, mul is teeling $40 richer than before. Dr. C. F. Unterkirchpr, who hut been pntctlciflg at Bi klgewater will look after the siek at Saline ir. future, where he has removed. Married at the M. E. parsonage in Lima, May 11, n7, bv Rev. H. Palmer, Fred. G. Staplcr and Misa Deliglit 1!. I,cwick, all of Lima. Wllliam Stevens, of Uirkett, bas been awardcd the contract for earrjrins the mail between Dexter and Birkett for the riisiiiiiir yeiir. Iiurglars entered Mart. Dewey'8 house, in Bridgewater, one night last week, and succeeding In getting away witb lus watch and $0 in eath. The Chelsea Herald has been sold to Mr. Allioon, proprietor of the Echo, and both papers will hereafcer be issued from the same office. A young man named Luckhardt, living In Lodi, was serioutly injured last week by being run away witu by a young colt that he was drivlng. The house and ltscontents of Thomns York, of Ypsllanti, were converted into ashes, last week Friday, a loss of about $700, covered by insurance. Last Weduesday was the 70th birthday of Mrs. Harmon Allen of Milan, and the occasion was celebrated by a family reunión, a great surprise to the old people. Carpenter Post, G. A. K., of Ypsilanti, is making arrangementa for an imppessi ve observance of Memorial Day. Rev. A. B. Allen, of Detroit, will be the orator of the day. Mr. and Mrs. ('. Ij. Yost, of Ypsilanti, celebrated tlie 2."th anniversary of their wedding, on the llth inst., a large gathring of friends being present to assist thein. Since Mirch lst there have been 0570 dozens of eggs marketcd at Bridgewater and shipped to eastern points, making a good showing that mercliauts there are doing souie business. Dcputy Bheriff Burroughs, of Clinton, succecded iu catchiug a horee thief and a stolen horse last week. The property was stolen at Fiudlay, ()., anda sheritt' from there took both the horse and thief back. The Ladies Library Association of Ypsilanti have elected the following offlcers : Mrs. Daniel Putnam, president; Mrs. T. W. Maclean, viee-president; Mrs. V. II. Crawford, ree. secretary; Miss Helen Post, cor. secretarv. A reunión of the fimüy of Mr. uncí Mrs. G. W.Wilson of Salem, was held May !Uli, the occasion beingtheñOth anniversmy of their marriage. The entire family of eleven ohililren were present, some coming l'rom California. Burglars ente red llic drug store of M iles iV Curlett, at Dexter, on Friday night. Thcy tnok what ohanjre was in the cash drawer, amoimtlng to between four and live dollars, and made three unsuccessful attempts to drill the safe bef ore leaving. Horse thleves nre doln a large amount of business in this vicinity, thls spring. The latest comes from near Mllan whero Chas. Dennison lost a horse, Henry Vandeventer a carnudo, and Frank Buck a harnees. No trace of the thieves or property. Williini F. Rehfuss bouztlt Of Wllbor Short of Hridgcwatcr, two liead of cnttle, two and threo-year-olds, which wcijrlicd 8,00Q pounds, and of Joseph Loweiy, of Bridsrewuter, two head, somewhat older, which welghed 8S40 poundt. - Enterprise Yp8ilanti ia followin; the fiood cxaniiU' et by Aun Artxir and anVffort is nou beinj: made to organlze a Business Menva s-ociation iu tlüit city. Geo. ('. Smyllic, l'rof. Georgo and Olías. McCorkle Ikivi been appointed as a committee to report plaws of organizativa, etc. Fifteen tombstones, sent by the government to be erected over.the utiniarked graves of soUIUts, arrivt'd at Uextci on Mondny of this week. They ure of white marble, ¦' feet hirh, 12 inches wldfl :im 4 inchos thick, and are inscribed with the eóldier's name, age, regiment and conipany. They will be at once put up under the auspices of Jeflbrds Post, U. A. H. Tlie six men who were recently arrested for spearing fish In Crooked Lake, plead Kuilty and were Ut off upon paying the costs. The spring meeting of tlie Washtenaw Agnculturnl society, whicli takes place at Ann Arboron May 31st, June lst and 2d, will be of special Interest, as it will be the flrst attempt tii hold two meetings 11 year.


Ann Arbor Courier
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