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Tlie sketcliliig club were at Whltmorc Lakc last Friday. Misa Haigh, W, is MiterUlulng her eister frora Chicago. Dr. L. F. Hatch will leuve oon l'or Dakota, liis future komt. J. C. Shattuck, lit., is takiiig a rest at Owosso, for a few weeks. The Psl U. fraternity gave a Uerinan at tlieir Iiousp, last Friday evculnr. The graduating puarmacy class liuve decided to have invitatmns printed. The freshuien will hold 11 social at tlie Phi Kappa Psi house, Friday evening. President Angelí delivers a lecture before the Hobart Qulld, tomorrow evenag. Dr. Clmdbounic will leave the liospitul at the close of tha year, aud eoguge n practico. Mrs. 1). Haroon, of Toledo, U visiting ber hiisbaud, a member of the dental dcpartment. Rumor li:tth It that Fred. Stevens, senior law, took a partner for lire during a recent vacntion. Miss Lovíiik, "mi, lm lias been on the sick list for soine time, has returned to her work in college. Mrs. T. P. Mltchell and daughter of Owosso, were theguestsof Miss Willoughby, '88, last week Smith, '86, issistant to I'rof. Stevens of the pliaruiacy department, has accepted a posilion at CliiOHgo. The meeting at the homeopathie hospital last Sunday afternoou was conducted by Kev. W. H. Ryder. An eflbrt will be mude to get Rollo K" Bryan togiveoneof his interesting "chalk liilks'1 hcre at an carly date. Up to date, 2,425 semi-centennial cirnulars have leen malled by the committee to graduates and foriner students. The sophoniores will holdanothcrclass social at the residence of Mrs. Neil, 44 S. Thayer strett, next Friday evtning. Muurice Levi, Ut. '87, taught the German class.-s in the higli school during the illnesg of Mrs. ( 'hlttenden, last week. President Cleveland has been invited to attend the senilcentennial celebration ol the Univtrsity in June, bst has not yet acct!ptd. J. P. Hall, law '87, lilled the posltlon of stenographer of the circuit court during the absence of stenographrr Goodrich, last Fridiiy. Mrs. Prot. Morris guve a reception to Prof. Moses (Jok Tyler, last Friday eveniny, enahling him to meet many old friends in the city. Prof. Hutuhius held his final examinatlou on Jurisprudence last Saturday, and the laws are shaking yet from the scare that he gave them. Manager J. K. Carpenter has under conslderation au offer from the Detroit Base Ball club for a game here soon. A guarantee of $200 is asked. The university glee club gave one of their c ucerts at Detroit lust Wednesday evening and were greeted by a Urge and very appreclative audience. Secretary Wade has gjven permission to a number of young ladies to plant erg arouml the library building, but tliey have not yt-t acceptetl the offer. Dr. Swift.who lectured before the Phil osophical society last Fiiday evenlng.was a former resident of Ann Arbor imd is an honorary inember of the society. W. H. Winslow, medie '87, was agreeably surprised by a nuuiberof bis frieud.o, last Wednesday, who presented hlm witli a handsome and complete medicine case. Dr. Vuiíxliiin liad received four monkeya from Central Park, New York, uoii which ka will make experiment, endetvoring to produce pneumonía and then cure them. The class in civil engineering leaves for their regular trip to the uorthern part of the state, one week from to-day, their destination being Lelands, abnut 40 miles south of Charlevolx. C. W. Belser, wlio bas held a position in Cirtliage college Carthage, III., has resii{ned to accept a position at Harvard. He is expected here in a tew weeks to spend hls vacatiou. Monduy evening, De Haven, lw, au Heiiderson, lit., had an interesting wres tling match for $25 a side. AfU-r muc liard aud exciting work by both partie De Haven was declared the winner. A grand torcli-light procession iu whlc all the studenls, alumni and faculty tak part, is suggestfd to tke place durinir th celebration of the ;emi-centenulal. Th suggestion comes from the Argonaut ani is r good one. President Cleveland has acknowledget the receipt of an invitation to attend th semi-centennial exercUes of the univer sity, and although not able to ifive a pos Itive promise that he wül be present, say that he will try to do so. The directors of the milversity base bal club have picked out the following team for tliU year : Ilibbard and Miller, battery; Wilkinson, McMillan, Carpenter and McDonald, infleld; Lawson, Malley and Jaycox, outfield; Bootli, Illldnerand ürey, suhstitutes. The uuiversity base ball club playa at home on the lollowlng dates: Cassclubof Detroit, May 3lstand June4th; State agriculturnl college club, Jane U. Abroad, Cass club at Detroit, Muy 28th, Amateurs at Detroit, May 30th. A game will probably be played here doriug commencemeut week. me Argonaut complains bitterly because a great portion of the studenu who are so interested in the base hall gamee refuse to give anything toward pajinj the expenses of the same, but are always on hand durliig a ame to "sponge' on thclr more liberal brothers. This in nol as it sIidiiIiI be. Prole8or v. rillin couimenced to quiz tlie senior laws separate and apart Monday on Evldence. He is very popular with the department and hig advent is hailed ach week with delight althoujfh it menas bard work, for the seniora, as he gires them to lectures each time lie comes, together with two quize?, both torenooo and afternoou being oceupied. The regular Field Day contesta will be held Saturday, May 28th, on the Fair Grounds. The program is na fnllows: 100 yards dash; 220 yards dash; 440 yard dash; ïao yards hurdle race; standing broad jump with welghts; standing' hop, step and Jump; heavy and light weight boxing; wrestling catch-as-catcli-can ; runnlntthiithjump; putting shot; throwinu hammer; 1 mile bicycle race; fancy bicycle riding; three legged race 100 yardf; and fut man's race, over 200 Ibs., 100 yards. Persons wisliing to contest mint hand in thcir mimes to Mr. Kelnhart during this week.


Ann Arbor Courier
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