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Goodyear gold over 400 roses one day iMt week. Not a single prisoner was confined in the county jail lust Tlnirsduy and Friilay. Tlie wool niarket is now open the prtou r.ingiug tioin '2 to 38 cents pof posad. Lew H. Clements has joined the army of bicycliols, having purchased a new machine. New signs adorn the fronu of the stores oecnpieü by Mann Bros. and VV. (.;. Dieterle. A. F. Hansou has broken giound for a new house on Fourth slreet, north „of Win. McCreery'í. Rev. Kerr B. Tupper will deliver u lecture at tlie Baptist church Friday evening, his subject being "Be a Man." The spriug fair of the Washtenaw County Agricultural society takes place in tuis city, May ola uiul Juue lst and -'lid. The rite of conüriuatioa was conferred upou a oUm ol 41 by Kt. Kev. Bibliop Harria at St. Andrews cliuich, laat Sunday evening. The cheap excursions to Whituiore Lake bv the T. it A. A. railroad will probably interfere eouoiderably with the livery business in this city. Judge Juslyu says that when he travels now, he is obliged to pay his tare, soinething that he has not been obliged to do since üctober, 1847 . Thos J. Keech having resigned the pfetideBCJ Of the Building and Loan wociation ou account of ill-health, Benj. BarktT has been elected to that office. The Ladle Aid Society of the Methodist Episcopal church will glve a social iu the lecture room, Thursday evening of this weck. Tea served at hall-past 6. Comuiencing wilh Sunday, May 29th, the Toledo A Aun Arbor railroad will run exeursions from Ann Arbor to Whitmore Lake at 50 cents for tiie round trip. Jacob Hoth, of Freedom, was arrested Saturday for threatening to shoot J. Charles BaM of that place. Hil trial take i-place beíoie Justice Freuautl' today. The second number of the C'ocker League Kccorü appeared Saturday and cnntaiued interesting historical papers by Mis K. A. Bel and Mis V. W. Whedon. Rev. W. W. RaoiSay will deliver a memorial aermon at the M. K. church, Sunday. May 89th, Welch Post,?}. A. H. and Company A baving been invited to attend. Something should be done by the council to make arrangements for keeping the doek in the court house tower lighted. It has been In darkness several nights past. The following saloon keepers have paid thpir tax daling the Ia9t week: Emftiiucl Wagnnr, Anu Arbor, :S00; Jacob Zang, M.mchester, $300; W. Fred SclilaiuliTfr, Ann Arbor, $200. The announcement is made of the marriage of Dr. O. C. Jenklna and Miss Eva l'ayne, laiiirhter of Prof. and Mrs. W. H. Vayne, at theif reddence on State -tn-ct, Wednesday, May 25th. The Building and Loan Association made their tirst loan last Saturday evening. John Gites received the prize anj the aninunt was $400, for which he pnys the issociation 5 per cent. interest. Word has been reattTfld by deputy clerk lirown that hls brother. AVilbur, who left Saline for St. Paul, Minnesota. In .iKnuaiy, had both hips broken by falling trom a bridge, last Thursday. It would have been unfortunate for several sportsmen of this city if deputy L'ainc warden [mui bad hui pened to see thi'in shootlng duck and snipe, a- II claiincd .i iiiunliiT wirc rloing last Saturday. Notwithttanding the fact that J. M. Stafford employs seventeen hands in liis tailorinj; ostablishinent, ho is so overrun with work at present that Iip is obliged to send a porlion of it to Detroit to be made up. The unveiling of the Gen. Steedinan ïnonument takes place at Toledo, Monday, May Jlith, at which time the T. & A. A. railroad will scll round trip tickets at one and a tliird fare, good to return the next mom Ing. Sherili Wiilsh and George W. McCorinick 8pent part of last week in an unsuccessful attempt to gi't ¦ some trace of the tpam .f bonei reppntly stolen from Mr. McCormick. They Marched Toledo, Lyona, MunslieUl and northern Ohio generally. C. B. Davison has received a hand" aimdy printed iavitation from E. W' Coddinston, of Hirtow, Fla., to attend the layin of the cornerstone of Summerlin Instituto, lo that place May 12, tlie cer(monv by the If. W. grand lodge F. & A. -M.. of Florida. By soma mistake, Prosecuting Attorney Xorris oonaented to the arrest of a tramp, Saturday. Can t be possible that he ig going to commence a warfare on them and f ree the city of these pests? What will become of his extra snlary when Urn Wiplvlaort hen1 of tUU? M. M. Green, the liveryin:iii, hired a horse and carriage to a stranger, Saturday, who negleeting to return with the rig on that day, Mr. Green went to Detroit on S ni'lay, where he foond the rig at one of the liverles. The party who hlrad tin; horse could not bc found, bat Mal. was glad enough to get the rig back. Tlnirsday evcning Prof. Tyler gave a bright, breezy lecture In Hobart Ilafl on " Th Name of our Country." He reviewed the atteuipts to have it called Coluinhia, Alleghenia, Washiniítonia, etc., closing with words of dignitied cnution to the people to keep the name of their country iu high repute amoni; foreign people. The hall was not large enough to hold the crowd. llcv. Uucl 1!. Pope of Cleveland seems to be as active as ever. Heccntly he was ut the dedication of the M. E. church at Addison, .Muli., where he kept up his record as a charch-debt-rmlter by clearing theirs for them. On Jlay 26 he UtiüU Cbapkin MeOabe and BUbop Andrews In ¦ niiionary convention at Mercer, I'a , and i month later he gives the baccalaureate addn-s al LakeaMe, He will ipend the tammer al bis cottage in Bay View. Spcrry enter 1 1 1 Ohlo Wesleyan Uuiversity at Delaware tiiis faii. JuclgiiiK f ruin au article in last wcek's Iiegister the proprletor of that sheet is toaddlng bitter tears of regret over a fallare to iecare the printing f the Business Men'. Ajeoclatlon pamphlet of 10,000 copie-, iind with baby-llke foolishimh cbtrgei the printing oommitUe composed of sucb men at A. W. Hamilton, U. F. Alhuendinger and Dr. JJreakey, with collusiou iu awardlng said priuting to the Ooukieu, it belng the lowcsi !,idder. We tlunk the committee will be able to suryive tlie. charge. So lut the Infant wail. Dr. Darling takes great pride lu liis new carnage. The board of review is in session in the council room, this week. Dr. L. F. Ilatch bas sold his handsome grey horse to Dr. Maclean of Detroit. Tbc Ann Arbor water company are building another rcceiving basin at thcir wo ik s. Mack & Schmid opentd the wool season by purohailMg two lots of wool, Friday. A borse beiABgiog to Dr. A. C. Nichols ran away yesterday. smashing the buggy into pieces. Eniil Smitb, of Jackson, will bulld a cottage next to E. W. Snell's resklence, Whitmore Lake. Fred Brown plead guilty Monday, to selling liquor to minor. He paid $2o fine and &3.50 costs. J. D. Stiiuson bas purchased four acres of land, in rear of bis place in Ann Arbor township, of D. E. Donut'. Charles H. Lewis, of Ypsilanti, bas sold hU horsc, Little Joe, to a Boston man for $4,000. His time is 2-21 JL. Goodyear is to have a new front in bis store. The plate glass on either side will reach nearly to the walk, being 114inclies long. ¦ An average of 300,000 gallons of water was used each day, last week; the water works have a capacity of 00,000 gallons :ier day. WttMemw county Indebtness to the Eastern Michigan Asylum is $842 49. for the support of the county insane for the ast quarter. S. Uosenthaler purchased one lot of the James property on Liberty street, yesterday, and will erect two houses thereon for rent. A race last week on Whitmore Lake tmM the new Clifton House yacht and the Like House sail boat. Lake House got Iheir first. The New England división of the L. A. W. will pass through here in special ¦:irs to-olght, on their way to attend the St. Louis meet of the L. A. V. In tlie case of G. Waldmeyer vs. Wm. Gaeger, attorney O. B. Taylor made his malden argument before aljury last Thursday forenoon. And he did well, too. Jacobs & Co. have a collar on exhibi;ion whicb will mike the dudes turn green with envy. It is of the latest tyle and measures elgbt incbes in height. The Michigan Central company are building a new water tank just north of the Detroit street bridge. The old one wHl be torn down andtbe tracks straightened. J. B. Hoffman & Co., the music dealers who hac been located at the corner of Main and Williams streets, have rented he store No. 38 Main street, and will move next week. Emma F. Wise was granted a divorce from her husband, Jacob T. Wise, by the circuit court, last week. The parties 'ormerly lived In Ypsllanti but have ived in Ann Arbor some time past. Mr. John Hausclienberger of Manchester, fonnerly of tbls city, and Miss Pauline Keichert of Lodi, are to be married to-day t the residence ot the bride's sister, Mrs. Lou. SweeUand, iu Lodi. Idn. Catherine Hangsterfer wishes to return her thanks to the Knight of Ma - cabees for the prompt payment, through Arl)or tent No. 2!X, of the InsuraBM of íil, 000 on the Ufe of A. F. Hangsterfer. Catherine MoCarthy, who bas been a resident of Northfield for the past 24 years, died t.t her residence Monday, of i'ntUmatlon of the bowels, at ".the age f 37 years. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning. Mary 1'., daughter of Edward and Mary Fitzgerald, died at their residence, corner of Huron and Ingallg sts., on Monday, of consumption, at the age of '21 years and five months. The Inner il was he'd this morning. The regular ïnonthly meeting of the Wonian's Home Missionary society will be held at the reside nee of Mis. Geo. A. Douglas, on soutb Unlveroity avenue, tomorrow afternooa. The top:c will he "Mlsslonar; Effbrt Among the Indians." The case in Justlce FrwiaurTs court against Joh:i Reynolds, for keeping his a!o )ii open on Sunday, bas been adjourned uutll the 23d ; that against Emaiiuel Wagner, for keeping open after hoiir-, has been adjourned until the 24th. John Core, son of Patrick Core on N. Fouitli street, died on Friday of consmuption, aged 31 years. He arrived home fiom Colorado, only two weeks ago. haring lived in the west for the past thirtoen lycars. The funeral was held Monday morning. Over 400,000 gallons of water was allowed to run out of the receiving basin at the water works, each day last week, instead of heilig pumped up into the reservoir. And still you must not water your lawns but four liours a day, under penalty of the conipany's refusing to suprly water thereafter. On Monday afternoon, a barn on the farm in Northfleld owned by Mrs. Tbos. Earle and occupied by John Wall, was burned with the contents. The loson the barn was $450; on contents $500; the barn was insured In tho Wasbtenaw Mutual for $300. A small child of Mr. Wall's bad a narrow escape. In RpeaklngoftheKIrmess recently held In this city, the Ypsilantian says: "We have recelved no information as to the delightful features of the next Kirmessian iustitute, but we will not be surprised should tlie program include a heel-andtoe clog by Mayor Smith and a song and dance by 'President Angelí. The deoiands of high art are very exacting and imperative, you know." The Puit brought by John Loney, who uves near Chelsea, against the Michigan Central Ilailroad for killin? bis son last summer, wa settled on Friday, the day set for trial in the circuit court. It is understood that tbc company pald 18,600 and costs of f uit, although an attempt bas been made to keep the amount secret as several otbers were killed at the same time wbose relatives will probably want the same amount ot' the company. Arm Arbor Commandery will observe ascensión day, to-morrow, with appropriatc cerinonies, according to the following programmc: 4 p. m. -The Knlghts will assemble at tlieir asyliini in ful! dress, and proveed to Forest Hill cemetery, where the graves of Sir Knielita will be ppropriawy decorated. 7:30 p. m., - Divine service will be held in the asyluiii of the commandery, Hev. T. W. Maclean, of fpdhtntt, olüciating The friends of the commandery and the public generally are tnvited 10 be present at the eyening service. On Sunday afternoon last large niimbers of men and boys were swimming in the raee, adjoining Swift & Co. 's milis, and this was not the worst part of it, for most of the time during the afternoon and cvining, they were not content to stay in the water, but were running up and down the bank (without an article of clotbing on ) th rowing stones in the water. As this exhibición lacked any degrec of decency, and there is a city ordinance imposing a fine of not over $25.00, ot thirty days iu J, we are in hopes tbat OOr city ottlcials, whose busines it is to attend to it, will see that the gcene is nut repeated.