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BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. Thcrc WfU n grcal rmh for Dry .oi ijisi reek. Tb ere ill more ol' a i-noli tlii weck. It will pay jou to rcad lilis ndi criiseiiicnl carcfiilly. ImoB'l Blark Grot - dirain siiUs, marked down 25 cent a yard. Thcj are ih moM durable ICliu-K Milu in the World. Wc fuaranjee thcin in ilic mo.i liberal marnier, and in ihi euaraiitee ilie maker itantfi befallid ii. Quality A hitliorto .1.2-' non wl.oo " B " " 1.25 " E " 1.75 " 1.50 " O " 2 OO " 1.75 " li " Ü.5O H 2.OO [Down 50 cents. Oiir Coloréd sm-air are very clicap at si.oo. We show all Ilie leirable color in Pink, Licht Blue, 4'ream, White and ¦everal ihadei in Tan and l.iIil Bron ii. Vio botter Ciros-Grata Colored. Slikt In liic uniiii i li m ii ours al 1.OO a yard. All hades of la n and Itrowns In stock lliis weck. Excellent value in Blaek Wratered Kilkw al 1.5O and &2.OO. Our Light l'inlt, l.iylil Blue, ile .i ii, and lleliolrophe Walered Mik at n-.-.'. are very li.unl . Do jou kuow a bargain wlien you WC it '. Among the very (joods you would think to bc the Iai to iiiinidc. BoMonable Qoo&%. Whcn you read Ihe priee you will want to m ¦ i Ihih . Ten si j ls or more. Slimmer Silks at 55 cents a yard, herctofore 75, 1.00, and l.!. They are good valuc al the old price. Thcy are aurprisc value nou-, Eall It l'ercale or "Shirtlng" Hiere' no il o nst' n e aboul il. lonyii and plump 36-lnchet widc. The weight ín from tlic Cotton in it. Hard-lwlslcd and hard-wovcu evcry thrcad of It. A muir lor hard wear ir you will, very neat and dressy, too, liandKouiely prinied in ¦trtpea, plaidv and Qgurw on white Kroiiud. The priec lias been 16 oeiltt. Il been a lively oer atlOeent. We makt' il 12 l9 een Is. Takc a quiek f laar fi at our Cotton Kit Stuit. otmler piled high. It will be it cray erinkle year. year lixed it. Fine, hard-lwiNted, irregularly woven, erinklcy, lliinys you siioultl ji'i non, rough-dry Iliem in the niiii. reuní and White (roñad. A dozen ij ie, four or live linie a many eolorinss. ace a bil, ¦ and 12e. Itjilisle seem dal ulier Ilian ever. All on Crcani icrounU and plump janl vile. Flgnred iripe and odl lesión Tliese are Ilie oilon tlial drove out the prinied I.inni LltuilK, 12 1-2 eenl' Tlic linest Katiüle Iliat i made 12 1-2 eents. Why, ue your leisure time in )ii)iu;' material and making 1 iitlerwear l warm weather lien we ran i'tirnlsh you with jnsi hal you want and l'or les uioney. Don'1 Judse our l'n(liTuriir by wliat you MC In other stores nor by the prieeit you hear quoied. Judge it ly ilie l'nderwear iieir. and we it here. llvamiin' the se ing, the eutting, the deeoralion and the sijle. on, liulie. know the good Ironi bad. ot a word iiIhiiiI iliat. We ask your judgment, nol your iavor. Traslij I.aee Flouneillg are eoniiiton enough in some store i:asier to make Iraslij s nll' I lian iiimI. Easicr in laee tlian mosi good. They say we have the ¦leest patteniN and Die best aiKurtiiicnts ol' black laee Hounciiï iliat jou eau find anywlicrc iiiiin trashy about Ihein, tkat'l eertain. 12-ineli, $2.OO, .i. .", $1.00 and $5.00. Crcani and White llouiiciug 12-inch 90c., -l., 2.OO, 19.95, $2.50 and $5 00. We are ihowing Ihis week the linesi line of beaded irimiiiings inllieeily. II" jou want clieap irimiiiiiias we have Ihein lij on want medium priee trimnlngi we have tliem. 11' jou vanl high priecd Iriminiiigs tve have Iliem. Will you examine our beaded li iniiniiigs at 2.OO, ;:t,00 1.OO, 7.00, l.) and IJ. O a yard. 25 lozen auzc Vesls for ladies at 25 een In. (Don 't come xpeeting lo get the 25 dozen for 2. eenls. Vou will be liappointed if you do.) We mean 2.' cent caeh. Ves, twenty-live eenl. Perfeett regular goods, iiMHle lo seii l"or IO eenls. l- L.', dozen i. adíes' .auze ei at 50 cents each. Wc know of no garmcnl at all approaehing eitlier of tlicm in quality tliiii were ever before olfered at Ihe prlcc. 1'iilcüM you know more about I iidcrit ear llian the Wrlter of his you ill say Iliej are elieap. BACH & ABEL. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NIGHT ONLY. MAY, 23187, MONDAY Superb Dramatic Company of C. R. GARDINER Iu the Ureatest Play ever produced : Olí? a Farmer's DaiWer ! Supported by Emily Fairchild, rhe talen ted and Benulifiil youim Ai-tr, ¦-¦;. The pliiv ol the Oentury endoned bvtlie lam eo ted "Hanry Ward Beeoher," l'iisUlent Cleveland and celehrlu-s evcrywhere. ¦.M':ininrc' "f Civalesl LiTlDf 0WM Arlre8 Wonderllll :uil translormatlon Hom Mollle, ( muid), to )11 MolUor Btark, y ZBD I.AWHENCE. Admission, - '.15, 50 anti 75 Oatl. Reserved s(mi(s now on Sale at Wahr's Ilook Store without extra chartse. Celebrated Tñe best shoe yet for the Best American Calf Button, Lace and Congress all.'cut Seamless Hard wear in every pair. GOODSPEED i SONS 17 South Main street.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News