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Toledo, Aun Arbor & Xorli,T ¦!? n.MK BCHIDÜU Toíak,. ,.11-,,.. ¦"'-oVlo,k,n y,Nov.28lh.l886. Traln rnn ly Standard tí,,,,. ft1 ¦ ij i-..p. n. A. MALm. TZ í-__L Toledo ; rli F1-" 7 g I ¦ Mnn.,.jun[. J? , UOft 8 02 4 Id 6 i:, Donde. 2 w12" K I'1 ;;' '-'¦ Milán ír!2sl!'"U 4# 8 SO Uranl 555 ?' 10 68 6 10 7 18 AniArlKir - ?. l4340 10 5 SO 7 80 1,1,,," I" Í4S 7 48 Whftiii're I 'k, H ' 10 ... 6 28 8 SO Jl,,w ., , ' ¦¦ ¦ 8 r. ;: io sol 4b Mt. rw.a, ;;;„; J 5 f outli I.jon Hrñrh7 NOKTTIIinu.NI. STATIONS. BOürHBoom, 10) T.v. l.e!anrt Ar ""i,?; ;¦ in Ar. Worden Ar' í; n Ai Bonth Lyon l.v! JJ Connectlonx: Al Tolrdo, wlth rallrowi.if"" hWi Manhattan JnnrtW" f wSjefe Lak,; brie H. t.;at A:el. Juncilon ,1 tf . 1'. K., U S. A M. S liv. „„,1 F A ,,' 'Mw''h -C ai PlttHfleld, wlth L. 8. M. s. Ry at AnJ . : whh Michisan Centra i(. K., m.í "i 'sou,h i ' Mlch. A. I. blv. of Grand Trnnk l(y AtH.i" bar wllh IlÚlie DWWob Orml"1 AtHowel wl:h Detroit, Lni1ng ANortnamK' At l)ur,,,,l wltH ( h ,¦,.-„ , Qraíd Trank t?, Ï?' Detroit, Grand Haven 1 Mi:wuk-.-R Am oJiinetlon wlih Detroit, orand l:m-u4 Mní" keeR'jraoaM hlgan Central R. 1! Att ÏÏ" wilh "' Northera H. i; nVv nam lili 8t. Loóla h'. At AlmawithDaSS THE ÁNN ÁRBOR SAYÏN&S BANK ANN AKBCiK, MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business CAPITAL, $60,000. Oreanlzed ander thu General Banklni; Uni th otate, IndlvIduHllt llitil tatMB Kilditlonalamouuieqiial lo the etock beld b! thum. Ihercby creating a c.u..ranti-e Futid for ibl beneflt of or $100,000.00. Thrcc per cent. intercel Is lloved on all Ihíib Dc(lts uf one dollar and upardp, accordinju, thcrulis (.1 the liank and interest romp .nndul eerul-atinuallv kioney to Loan on nniíirumlieinj real esute aud other good tecorlty, DIRECTOB8: CHHISTIAN MACK. Wm. 1). HAKUIMAN W. W. WINES. DANIEL HISCOCK WII.UAM DKDBEL, VILLA Hl B. SJIITB DAVID KIN8KV. OFFICERS: C. MACK, Pre. W. W. WINES 'cf-Pr . M. niSCQCK.CashliT.' CUae ilh fm; nt home, t b .¦ . lio nf ihe timn, or for t i-ir mra momento Bnalnenne llglit and proíta' e. Pemonn of eltlier ni eIIï eam rom 50 t $.",.00 per evenlng.'and a propí tiimal 1001 bj d.-voilni; all ihcir time to the bul nene. Boy aod Klrta carn i-arn nesrly ñr marl, „ men. I nat all who ree ttaií may send thelnddreaa, aml ti-st Um baataeai,w mike ihls offer To rucha are notwell íatltüed we wlll Kcndoue dollar lo pay lor the t.-ouble oí ful! nr fculnrn and ntitfí: fr.-e Addre Georoe Stisson A Co. Portland Malnc. NTBE ONLT TÍO! GfTONIC J Krrtokk the HEALTH andVlGHa BL 0R of YOUTH I)yBiiÍH,W'nt BK_ oí Appetite, Indineation.Lack oí 9 btrentb and Tired Feelingab¦B uoltitely cured: Bones, mus 9 , c'e9 aad nervpíi receire new forcé. Knlivens the mind LbW nnd snpplies Brnín Power. h m vhHéV HufTering from comptaintspecD I Al ¦ILSC lifirtotlifirsfiwill íiudinDR ¦ ilI HARTER'B IBÓN TOMC i wife, npeedy care. Gít h rifar, healthy com;ltxitin All attempts at counterfeMtinR only nddtt to itüpopa liiriij. Do not experiment- set Original and Bkbt (_ Dr. HARTER'S LIVER PILLS i Cure Constlpation.Llver Complalnt and Slck I Hesdache Sample Dote and Dream Bookl malled on receipt of two cents la postage. f THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. ST. LOUIS, MQ, Tuít's Pilis miinnlaiis thc torpld llvcr, Ntrenctb ¦¦¦ th t'iliu.t i t-oru ano. ri'SiilutcsIlK eU, miiiI are unequuleU us uu ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, ín maiarinl iiiotrirtv thcir virtneaan nUlely recoKnlzed. UHlhe.T puummÍinc iilluir.erlics in rri.i-iiiKth.-s,stem from tliui poison. Elccatntlv Niiicai couu-fl. Itoscsniall. lr(-t.. aSot. Sold Everywhere. Oflice, 44 MuiTíiy St, New York 0t ftGEHTSWAHTEO F-. " FOR THE raA AUTHGñIZED .jgyf, UFE of LOGAN HKsBBmrs. locan. Thia BlographT has beon moro that two yean lo prepnration. (en. l.itmui hinist'if furnltibed the tint tn aVathor. E-. Fruncía Unuion, t' Intiiimt1 frienii a mi asmo a ti'; ;im1 t6fofe lil dtíaiti he reart all but iht oloslog ebapten of the workand K'veit hiB unquHhiU'd DdonaneuL Mn. 1íOki staten thts In the Intrad QCtlon. A milllon uámlrrrt ot the lr:ul Cbleftatn W unt thU thrllllH atory of ht tíi-)il carter in jh-hco ftiul war. SplenUdly lllaitr&t4 tih portratta and bl ?cene. Send iiint-kll for oatnt uiui (iet cliuice oí lerrítory. Ailii nm E. B. 11 K Vi I .V OO.i Chica, I"tlMlSIÍIÍil ANN ARBOft, MICHIG&K M a ii ti fací u re rs of ASH, CHKRRY, 01K, ANTIQOÏ A M i WALNUT BED ROOM SUITS. Qaitw oo9p aU NO. 52, 5OUTH MAIN St. l:i;-i;!is. riwl i ilnirr ' N'oUn1. STATBKF VH IHOAN.Connt) o WaaW" The anderotenrd havlni I iipi-onHed njt ('..mi fi.r Muid (' nnt ComnilMIQ-f.I rcci'iv.-. nanUe and n(iju-t ni) clatm and dw"" ¦ l sil i-r-'ii .iL-iin-i thc ¦ - 1 i . ¦ r Mrj ! lal.' .)f aiíl c.iii'tv, d.'.-i-a-cd hereby sl '" that -ix monlliH ipnn dan ¦¦¦ , ' ild ProbHK Oimrtfnr (redltor to p etatnw antnm ett oí nald deceasefl."! ili.' wltí meel at !!¦ olllcf of Zimu 1'. Kinf. ' ihi-cii of A. ii Arbor, in uld ciruv. od i.¦iy. t if June nuil on WednJMl7 7th day r September nex, al ten Bt,j M ich of-Hi.l.lays.t.. receiva, txanih'e Dal0 ín-' Mld cUim. Dated, Murch 7, I88T. JOHN BI'KO. iOommis-liii ¦ W1LI.IAM N.S1 'KVKNS. f OTATR ÜF MICHIGAN, The Clreolt OojJ i IbrtheOonnt] al Waphlenaw, ü Catocw Kmina HUÍ, CoroptalfMOl, I v. Krm-st Day HUÍ, Deftndant.1 II sallsfact.inlv npperlD by atlMavl' n_ ii,,. defendant, Ernesl Hay Hlll Itnolif, di'tit of tlils átate, Iml resides nt I "'''"V' j the sUte of [lllnols. on mollon ol (-'rU",,r. Warner, sollcltors for "__ .l,-r..l ihHl Lbe sai.l .l.'l.-ii.lant, Kru"W llill do onuse hls appearance to na 'J"" ,,Jle ihis canm wltbln toar months fnun n' " ol tbl order, towU: on or betore the WJJJf, of Aiiüii-t, A. n 18. and Hint tn n"M tberaol Uieblllofcomplalnl In "'"';",. ,s oonfessed by the wld delenanfc Datad, Ann Albor, Aprll 28, lj 6 w. 1.148-51


Ann Arbor Courier
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