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A detailed editorial eriticism of Lord Wolseley'g estímate of General Lee wlll appear u tlie June Century. Seventeen "eparate points are made against tlic Knglisli eritlc. We liave received a copy of that verv pnjoyable book called '-Oood Oíd Songs.'" It conbUai more thnti a hundred songs that have been, and still are, dear to the people. These are not war songs, but are of a varied nature - 9ome patuetic, some sentlmentality. mm gcnulne " heart8ongs," and otliers oí' a patriotic and descrlptive character. Tlie book to larjje. sheet miisic size, nicely printed and bound, and ought to ünd a place in evt-ry home. There are plano or organ nccompaniments to each piece. Oood Oíd Songs" Is published by Ollver Ditson & Co., Boston, Maja., and will be sent to any address, on receipt of the prlce, $1. The Magazine of Art for Muy has for its frontispiece an etching nfter Jules Worm'i painting, "Under the Chasm.'1 The episode the arlist has chosen to ileplct Is tboroughly Spanish iu its treatment, but all mankind em nppreciate the situation, no matter what their nationality. The opening artiele h is. the late Ilandolph Caldeeott for its subject and it is illustrated with engravings from several of bis most characteristic picture. Caldecott was a genius in the representaron of Engllsh huntlng scènes and he has left no successor. He began his lite a ¦ bank clerk, but bis talent did not long lie burlad behind a desk. A paper describlng a lost art of maUing gl:s 'ollows, and then we have some more '(limpses of Artist Life" with Mr. Wilsou's amusing illustrations. Prom the ridiculous the sublime In art i but a step and we tind Iho next ai tirio devoted .o YaiiDycW, and illustiated with admirare eiifrrnvlngs from somc of lii motl 'amom piclures. A review of 51. Plon's woik on -Leone Leoni and Pompeo Leoni" with engr.ivini;.-! fiom their soulpures follows thll and letween it and the liird paper on "Some Treasures of the National Gallery" Is a poem by Renneli todü. Copious art notes close tbc nnmer and place the reader au cuntnt with he art news of the world. - Caixell & 'nmpny, 35 cents per uuiiiber, $i .JO a ,'ear in advance. The sixth articlt; in the Sterling series of Great American Industries in Harpcr's Ifajraztae will be on "A Sheet of Paper,1 n the Juue number, by K. II. Uowker. it sketches the orlgin and history of piiici from its nriglnal manufacture in SjQTpt and China from plant pilli to tbe asi' ¦"- ¦ T..rittjr of m.ariials transnrtned mto it nowadayi, comprising al) namxT ot rajrs, roota, grasses, {rrains, Ma-weeda, nettles. thistles, woods luir, skins, gutla-perchaand asbestos. Amonj: he frequent coaxings by whieh the world was persuaded into the habit of tavlng ts ra({s for paper occurs this appeal lrom a mili in 1S0S to "The ladies, young, old. mil middle aged: " If tbe neceaanry stock s deilled paper-niHls, young ladies must angnish in vaiu for tender cpislle from lieir swaii:s ; bachelors niay be rediiced o the necessity of a personal xttendance ipon the fair,when a w ritten conimunicaioil nrould be au excellent substitute. ¦'or rng8, matrons can be furnished Hi)lcs, spectacles and suuif; mother with rainm.iis and prtaen for theirehildren; 11 1 il young misses with bonnets, ribbons nul riii-rings (by means of which they nay obtain busbands), or they may re! :ish." The various proceaaea of mpi-r-m iking aredescribed in detail, and llustrated willi nuinerous drawings, wilh peclal emphasis upon that most wonderlerful machine, the Fourdrlnier, whieh eceives a fluid streain of pulp at mie end and transforma h into a dry smooth, sized ind Dnlthed paper at the other, In coninuoui rolla or in cut sheets. The renarkable uses of paper in paper-boats, carwheels, lumber etc, also reoeive menion, as well as the commercial uspeetg of he Industry.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News