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James M. Howard, an ultorney, oí Valparaíso, Iml. . was fouml murderod m a Chicago lumbcr-yard on tho 17th. Hobbery was the supposed causo of tho crime. Lightnin on the 17th killed John Reachall, near Smithland Island, O. ; Mr. John Marks, at St Joseph, Mu., and A S. Potter, atO'Neill, Neb. Su cases of Insauity wero reportcd at Tucson, A. T., on the 17th. They were believed to result from earthquake f riglit. as the patlents nearly all had iinirh to say on the subject. TnB Missouri militia was disbandcd on the 17th. This action is the rosult of the refusal of the Legislatura to appropriate funds for lts support Auoustin Dalt, the notod thoatrical manager, said on the 17th that the Interstate Commeree law had increased the rallroad faros of his company fully twenty per cent J. M. Goopspeed, a prominent cltizen of Cincinnati, tried to choke his wife to death on the 17th and afterward surrondered to the pólice. Ho was thought to bo insane. Crop news from the West and Northwest was favorable on the 17th, as a rulo. rains having fallen upon large áreas that wore in need of molsture. Iv a room ovor the court-house at Glasgow, Ky., on the 17th William 8 tolt was shot and killed by Hay Rutledge, the boty rolling down stairs into the court-room where Judge Carr was on tho bench at tho time. Reports of the 17th from Lewis township, Bcott County, Ark , say a gold-mine has boen discovered on the farm of W. H. Dickson. Thi forest fires in Michigan and Wisconsin were extinguished on the 17th by rain. Large tracts of land have been burnod over, causing heavy losses. Richard Hance, a prominent young man of Kokomo, Ind., was murdered on one of the principal streets of the towu on the 18th. The murderer escapod. A stkono flow of natural gas was struck on the lSth near Blunt, D. T. Four tons of dynamite explodod on the 18th in the nltro-glycerine works at Spirit Lake, Minn., killing two men. The site of the building is now marked by a hole forty feet decp. All the trees and houses near by were mowod down. Ak express train on the Missouri Paciflo road was stoppod on the 18th by flfteen masked and armod men at McNeill, Tox., and robbod. The robbers went through the passengers and rifled the express-car, but the amount taken was not known. One man was shot dead. Tns monument erectei by the Grand Lodge of Indiana OJd-Fellows to the mmory of the late Vice-President Colfax was unvailed at Indianapolis on the ISth In the presence of a vast assemblage. Hop-growbrs oí Central New York were apprehensive on the lSth of a third disastrous season. Repkesentatiyes of all the building trades in Chicago mot on the 18tU and agreed to 9ustiin the present lock-out until tlie unions were beaten. Nine hours were agreed on as a carpenter's day's work. Advices of the ISth say that this is the driest spring that Minnesota has known for mauy years. Eioht stores at Hillsboro, Tex., were destroyed by flre on the ISth, causing a loss of 120,000. Mrs. Mart Auotstisb, seventv years old, hanged herself in Coitsville, O., on the ISth. She said slio was weary of the world. Mme. Javausciiek, the aetress, feil down a flight of stairs in a Newport (R. L) hotel on the 18th, breaking her right fora arm and sustaining other injuries. Her engagcments for the season had been canceled. James P. McCabk, sentenced to be hanged May 26, escaped early on the morningof the 18th from tho Honesdale (Pa.) iaiL Thb records of the Patent Office at Washington showed on the ISth that women had obtained patents on nineteen hundred inventions. Ddrino a quarrel on the lSth at Cairo, Tex., Francisca Stakes, Deputy United States Marshal, shot his wife dead and tb. en killed himself. Forest flres were again raging ñercely on the ISth in portions of the Upper Peniniula of Michigan. Large tracts of hardwood had been destroyed, and the locations of raanv mines were threatened. Tuk avaüable stock of wheat east of the Rocky Mountains on the ISth was 66,309,000 bushels, and of corn 16,5G6,005 bushels. On May IS, 1SS0, the stock of wheat amounted to 61,510,000 bushels, and of corn to 14,058,000 bushels. Gracs Leslie, a well-known actress, and leading lady in the Kale Castleton troupe, was killed in a railway accident near Salida, Col., on the 19th. Thï ninth annual gathering of the old settlers of Chicago took place on the evening of the 19th at the rooms of the Calumet Club. A can of gasoline exploded on the 19th at Brigán, O., terribly burning Mr. and Mrs. Grim and Mrs. Bette. The two ladies would probably die. Julius Maktise, one of the most prominent citizens of Atlanta, Ga., WM on the 19th convicted of furnishing friends with liquor in violation of the Prohibitory law, and was sentenced to pay a line of $500 and to work thirty davs on the rock pile. Thi ninety-ninth General Assembly cf the Presbyterian Church assembled at Omaha on tno l'Jth. The Hale railroad was sold t Cleveland on the 19th for $16,000,000. It will be controlled by the New York Central Company. Thb boiler in a planing miU at Fulton, Ky., exploded on the 19th, killing threa meu and everely injuring six others. The ttaree thousand striking shoe-makers at Haverhill, Mass., resumed work on the 19th. At Cuthbert, Ga., on the 19th two offlcers were fatally shot by a negro whom they wcre trying to arrest for murder. Amono the suicides on the 19th were the following: At Pittsburgh, Mme. Leheyde, a well-Known soprano, spiritualism having unsettled her mind; at Boston, M. De La Tourane, a French noble, on account of family troubles; at Philadelphia, General J. L. Selfridge, a famous Union soldier, despondency, arising from illness, being the cause. Fobkst flres on the east fork of Black river, in Wlsconsïn, had destroyed on the l'Jth threo million ieet of logs belonging to N. B. Holway. Thi will of Washington C. De Pauw was probated at New Albany, Ind., on the 19th. It bequeaths $3,000,000 to his family, and the residue of his estáte, estimated at 15,000,000, is devoted to benevolent, educational and religious purposes. A kkvibw on the 19th of the business of representativo railroads since the InterKtate Commerce law went into effect showed a material gain in both net and gros revenues, the latter amounting to 17.5 and the former to ai.8 per cent Anxici Botd, wife of a man who, whlle drunk, committed murder, and U nuw servlng a life sonteuoa la tna Michigan penitentiary, tecurcd a verdict for f!),50 damages on the l'Jth against the Rockfon (Midi.) saloon Is l who old lw"r husband tho Hquor. The livery stable of J. Balthropo, a Quincy, 111., was burned on the l'Jth, anc nine horsos porished ia the flamo. Abser O. Couy, agod seventy-two years one of the most export passers of counter feit money in the United States, was ar rcstod near Paintcd Post, N. Y., on the 19th. Rkv. Samuel F. Smitw, D. D., of Boston, author of "My Country, 'Tl of Thee,' appeared on the Board of Trado in Chica go on the 19th and was giren an enthusiastic reception. Tuk unvailing of monument on the I'.'th at llopkmsville, Ky., to the unknown Confedérate dead, was witmessed by twenty thousand poople. At Springfleld, Tonn., an unsuccessfu atteoipt was made on the l'Jth to kill Rev T. J. Duncan, pastor of the Methodist Church in Pulaski, whilo he was engaged In delivering a lecture on prohibition. Thk small village of Whltney, Mich., was entirely destroyed on the 19th by forest flres. The principal lires wer in Alger, Baraga, Uoughton, Keweenaw and Mar quette counties, and large tract of splendid pine and hardwood timber there had been destroyed. Thï Inter-Stato Commerce Commission on the 19th, in answer to a request that a ruling be made allowing railroads to transport disabled veterans at half rates to and from National soldiers' homes, said that it had no authority under the law to grant the requesU Georqe Silver, of Rumford, Mc., who died on the 2Oth, confossed that he murdered his son David, who disappcarcd thirtcen yoars ago. Lbwis & Co.'s foundry and machlneworks at Pittsburgh were burned on the 20th, the loss roaching $100,000. A HEAvr snow-storm prevailed on the 20th at Helena, M. T. In Chicago the thermometer registered 96 degrees in the shade. The League of American Wheelmen at its meeting on the'JOth at St. Louis elected T. J. Kilpatrick, of Ohio, president. Advices of the 20th say a gang of robbers invaded the promisos of Farmer William Wagner, near Tionesta, N. Y., and a desperate fight followed, one of tha burglars being killed on the spot and another b3ing found dead a few days later. Three others of the party had been arros ted. A strike affecting two thousand brickmakers was inaugurated at Pittsburgh on the 20th. Earlt on the morning of the 20th $17,000 in gold and currency was stolen from tha house of John W. Spayd, a wealthy citizen of Greenville, O. Grait, Hennett & Co., iron manufacturera at Pittsburgh, who four years ago asked for an extensión, paid off their remaining indebteduess- $500,000 ia cash- ob the 20th. Advices of the 20th say that the recent train robbery on the International & Great Northern railroad, near Austin, 'IV x., was committed by twelve men, well mounted and armed. The amount taken from the express-car was estimated at from $21,000 to $55,000. Thb city of Cannon Falls, Minn., was almost entirely destroyed by flre oa the UOth. Los, $300,000. Szvex horses, including tha noted raccr George L., lost their lives on ths UOth in a flre at New Orleans. Thb street-car drivers at Indlanapolis ¦truck on the 20th foran advancein wages. A mob of negro and Hungarian strikers attacked coke-workers on the 20th at Kverson, Pa., using clubs and pistols. A number of persons were wounded and a large amount of property destroyed. Secretaut Faikchii.d on the 20th lssued a cali, maturing July 1, for all tho outstanding three per cents., amounting to about $17,000,000. Every public gambling house In MiVwaukee was closed on the 30th by order of the mayor. Neaklt three hundrod houses aDd the entire business portion of Lake Linden, Mich., were destroyed by flre on the 30th, burning brands from the sarrounding woods causing the conflagration. Total loss, $3,000,000. The ores were still raging all over the Northern Península and the damage amountcd to millions of dollars. Charles B, Retsolds was found guilty of blasphemy on the 20th at Morristown, N. J., and flned twenty-flve dollars. He was defended by Robert G. IngersolL Tmiir. were 152 business failures in the United States during the seven days ended on the 20th, against 135 tha previous seven days. A TAJJNERT, oap-works and a number of dwellings at Bridgeport, Conn., were destroyed by flre on the 30th. An old and valued leathn--splitting machino, used by General Grant at Galena, was ruined by the flames, wbicb eaused a loss of $100,000. The report on the 20th of the Director of the Mint for the calendar year 18S6 shows the production of gold in the United States was $33,000,000; silver, $57,000,000. A heavy wind and rain-storm on the 20th at Lake Providenoe, La., unroofed many buildings, demolished fences and trees, and in the surrounding country did great damaga to growing crops. PERSONAL AND POLJTICAL. Si vir Congress adjourned the President has appointed 240 postmasters. Mr. Andrew Cakn-iuib, of Pittsborgh, the millionaire manufacturar and literator, has written a letter declining to particípate in or assist the proposed celebration of the Queen's jubilee in New York, on the grounds that he is "an American Citizen, who rejects the monarchical idea as inconsistent withand lnsultmgto his manhood." Coloshl FitKD D. Gkant was on the 17th nominated by Governor Hill for quarantina commissioner at New York City. Mr. Twitchill, United States Consul at Kingston, Can., in a letter to the Department of State at Washington claims that under the Interstate Commerce law freights have been increased from twentyfive to one hundred per cent on Unes doing business into Canada, and that the result bas been demoralizing to American trade. Tut National Frohibition camp-meeting will be held at Decatur, 111., July 30 to August 8. In New York on the 18th Stuyvesant Fish was elected president of the Illinois Central railway, in place of James C. Clarke, resigned. Thb wife of United States Senator Gibson, of Louisiana, died at Washington on the 18th. Ex-Governor Bmith, of Virginia, who for upward of sixty years had been conspicuously identiUed with the affairs of the Old Dominion, died atWarrenton, Va., on the lSth, in his eightleth year. Presidbnt Clïveland on the lSth appointed Major J. L. Rathbone, of California, to be United States Consol General at Paris. Píníístxvan-ta's Legislature adjourned line die on the l'Jth. Samuel Pasco (Dem.) was on the 19 th elected United States Senator from Florida. Hoy. Chari.ks E. Stt'art, at one timo a Democratie United States Senator from Michigan, died at Kalamaioo on the inth, aged seventy-seven yoars. Williak K. no, munaging editor and part owncr of the Troy (N. Y.) 2imi, diod on the 20 tb. Edward Fi.anahav died at Ellington, Wis., on tho 2üth, aged ono hundred and three y o ars. CoLOjtEi. Richard West, the most notod broeder of trotting horses in the Unitud States, dlcd at his homo ear Lcxington, Ky., on the 30th, at the age of sixty-eight jears. FOREIGN. Fitb men who were conspicuous In tha recent plot to assassinate the Czar were executed at St. Petersburg on the 17th. All the memberg of the Freuoh Cabinet resigned on the 17th. William O'Bribn, editor of United Irtland, spoko at Toronto, Can., on the 17th concerning the manner in which Lord LaDsdowno treated his lnsh tenants. During the speoeh the platform was stoned by Orangemen, and several flghts occurrod. Esormoüs sums of money are benig collected throughout Germany for the purpose of propagaling the Protestant faitb. in Italy. A Bücharest telegram of the 17th says Roumania was fortifying rapidly under tho supervisión of Germán offleers. Dr. Junker, tho eelebratcd African explorer, was interviewod at Brussels on the 17th, and expressed hii belief that Stanley's expedjtion would be successful. Tiiree Mexican train-wrockers wer shotdead on the lSth by the authorities near Patzcuaro. Elk ven persons attempted suicide in Berlin on the lstli. Heavy rain-falls were reportad on the lSth in Thuringia and Silesia, a sim w-storm in the south of Germany and alarming water-spouts in Bohemia. A Kkiii.iv telegram of the lSth says tha pólice at Novo-Tcherkask had unearthed another plot to kill the Czar, and thirty arrests bad been made. Fouit Mexican laboren on the Mexican National railroad wero killed on the lSth by tha derailing of a hand car on vvhico. tbey were riding down a long grade. Jobn Dawks Sc Sons, well-known iron masters of Btaffordshire and Yorkshire, Eng., failod on the lSth for $500,000. Qckin Victoria, it was said on the 18th, was not in her usual health. Hcrpaleness was remarkod by every body, and to the close observer she seemed strikiugly infirm. Fivb Turkish officials were on the 18th bunishcd f rom the country for treason. William O'Hrikn, tUe editor of United Irelami, was inobbed in the streets of Toronto on the evening of the lSth. He escaped to the hotel without injury, but several of tbe gentlemen who accompanied him received serious injuries, An ex-convict, just out of prison, murdered and robbcd siz persons in Austrian Silesia on the 19th. The strikes in Belgium were spreading on the l'Jth. Eighteen thousand worlrmen in the center district had struck, and troops were being sent to the disturbed región. A vioi.EXT shock of earthquake was feit at Monte Cario on the 'Jüth. C F. nUTkJMU, president of tho Bank of Montroal, expired on the 30th at MontreaL Fip.RCE gales were reported on the ÜOth in various parts of England and Scotland. Jlany wrecks were said to have occurred on the coasts. The tirst Chinesa railway was opened on the 'Mlh by tlie passag of a train over its rails from Taxu to Tientsin. At Kingston, Ont., William CBrien, edS itor of l'nited Jrcland, addressed a large audioiu'o on the eveuing of the 30th. On returniug to tha hotel he and his party were assailed by a crowd of Orangemen, who throw bricks and stones, but all esoaped with only shght injuries. The office of tha Canadian Frettnan, an Irish Catholio organ, was wreckrd. Advicks of tho '20th irom the City of Mexico say that burglars broke into a bank vault in that city and carried off 30J,00U. A I ii in nos dispatch of the 20th says that extensive frauds have been committed on tbe agents of an A me riem bank by means of forged letters of credit, whicb were presented simultaneously by a gang of skillful thieves in sLx or eight loaling citias of the Old World. LATER NEWS. DisPATcnEs of the 22d say that about two thousand people were sufferers from the recent lire that destroyed the town of Lake Linden, Mich. One porson was burned to death. Appeaio for aid wero made on behalf of the victims. Severr stormg, accompanied by snow, hail and lightning, continued to prevail throughout England on the 'Jlst. A row-boat, contaming eight persons, capsized opposite Market street, Fhiladelphia, on the 33d, and five of its occuants were drowned. TifK record of the base-ballclubs in the National League for the week ended on the Bist was as follows: Detroit (games won), 19; Boston, 14; New York, 12; Philadelptiia, 9; Pittsburgh, 7; Chicago, 7; Washingtcjn, 6; Indianapolis, 4. Turbe men were found guilty on theülst of robbing cars on the Pan-Handle road at Pittsburgh and were sentenced to threa years' imprisonment. Tiiirtken dwelling houses at Savannah, Ga., were destroyed by firo on the 22d. A sailino boat, containing a party of pleasure-seekers, capsizsd during a squall on Traverse bay, near Harbor Springs, Mich., on the 22J, five of the eight passengers being drowned. The steamer Harkaway sank in the English Channel on the 21st, and sixteen Uves were lost. Os the 21st two reporters for Philadelphia papers were struck by a train and killed in tbat city while returning from a picnic. Jüdoe Joim N. Rooers, of the Seventh lowa Judicial district, died at Davenport on the 22d, at the age of fitty-seven years. Fokest flres were raging on the 23d over a considerable área in Clearfleld and Clarion Counties, Pa., doing great damago. Advices of the 21st say the steamships Celtic nnd Britannic, of the White Star line, collided in mid-ocean, and the latter was badly damaged and several of her steerage passeugers were killed orinjnred. Mii.i.ions of caterpillars were doiag incalculable damage on the 21st in the eastern portion of South Carolina. The grave-diggcrs in two of the Catholio ccmeteries in New York went on a strike on the Bist be cause two non-union men were employod. Thb strikers in the district of Borinage, Belgium, were making lawless demonstrations on the 21st The houses of many workmen who refused to strike had been blown up with dynamite. Advices of the 22d say that the losses bj forest lires in the Upper Península of Michigan and the northern tier of countiei of Wisconsin since May 1 were estimated t f5,000,000. Two men were instantly killed by lightning on the 21st at Westport, D. T. Thb exchanges at twenty-six leadin? clearing -houses ín the United States during the week ended on the 21st aggregated ?1,101,232,965, against fyjl,S7Q,3K) the prev ie nis week. As com pared with the corresponding week of lÖSü, the incraase amuuuU to 40 J per cent. Mr Fox, t lio cclt'lir;itrl Eügtlstt orator, j nne 'i iy 'nld liy a dj wlinni he vi.-itul "ilmt ilicl tint threr -li.s of u Innwfor ii'iii ." Hi' inmi'iliaíclv iiñk OUt blí X'IU'il Mlxl VI'ltt' ttlt' t 1 1 1 VV 1 1 if ! line: " V lady lias tiui mi-, uní iliut ni bar nwn , htKlsr, Tlmt slie cnri-t not for me 'tliree 8klp (r a louie.1 I foiglve tiie defti ereiitore for wlmt he has naid. BlnM wuiíifn wl;l tulk ' run In thelr ! haad.' "


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