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The Value Of Stone Roads

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The legUlarnre lias rwwMly pusscd a bilí uinking Hay counly :i Mom rnad district, and authorizing the Mini of 5123,000 shall be npplid to the buildlnjr )f new Btoue KMO The suin of $(0,)00 wlll 1 reallzed froni the Uvo mili ax to be levied on the stone rond ilisrict in the years 1SS7-S8, aml $00 000 la to be borrowed on Mie credit of Bity couuty, payable tlfteen years froni the date such loan is consummatcd wil li interest ut the rato of fotir per cent. k.t in ii umi. Upon thls last propositinn the llector of Hay eounty ure to vote un June l' next. 'l'here wil I probably be 10 doubt as to the result of the eleelion. l'he farmers know the practical value of the stone roads. and will bcynnd a-iy ireadventure vote for the proposltion. l'lie electora of the eounty wlm are Dot "arruers freely appreiiattt the value ol tliis improvemeiit and will help the farrnrs to carry the measuie. No man in the enu:;tiy, to write in general terma, should ever entertain the 'hadow of un idea to oppose the oon'(ruotlan OÍ stone roadn Kortunately [5ay county bas shown that lt appreciites the value of these local Iruprovement?. The stone road is the local hlgliway of coniintne. It is to the county what the milroad is to tlic state, lt aids n the purütiit of npncultnre rad enlauccs the value of land. lt r1o increases the business of the city. Iu fact n every wy fio tone road is nor "ly h great commercial factor, bal it Is also a jrreiit eonvenience to the farmer umi the people who live along its line. In the matter of stone roails Hiy eounty has pbown niucli enterprise. They stretch out in vatious directimi.-. And niany a time Ihe good farmer bas occasion to blessthe spirit which prompts the building of the stooe roads Weallicr all'i-ets it not. The element may raise all the raiket imajflnable. Vet the stone roul alwiys in a conüition for travel. 11 benetita the city, becatifo it is a commeiciül route, jn't :im miich as R railroad i-, and atlracts to the city the bualnOM of the territory into which thoy penétrate. 15ut it is not more a benttit to the city than a coiivenience to the farmer. It tirinas to hls farm the traile ot the city, justas iniic-li :i it lirinj; tlie product of the furm lo the doors of the city people. He need never complaiu of mud or water or the terrible comtltion of the roads. lt sa ves the stietigth oí bis horses and the wear and teur upon hls wagon. There are nianv reason.s which ,-liould induce tbe farniei aiul llie residints of the countv, Imtli in and out of the city, to stronjriy support iiiiv project lookiiifi toward the building ol'new roads. Parta laminare increased in this valu; by tvery stone road is constructed, and the more stone roiuls there are the rreater wlll be the home m uket for both producer and city merclmnt. üay county & to be confra(ulated upon the eni'ifry and enterpriHe displaycd by the county olliciaU In tecurtng the pasMge of this bilí. Nothlnx can do more for the building up of trade in the cltles and villajes than to have gooi roails leadin; to theni. What more could benefll Wa-hteimw county '! We have some good roads hcre but there are those whicb, at cirtaiu seasons of the year, lt is alniost liiiKasible to drive over. It ini-rlit bo a source of economy to the county to ilo this and make the prisomrs in the county jail pay Dieir way by breaking the MODA. We would Uien have fewer of the worthless vtigabonds and tnuui'S roiining the country, or if cailght, we woald be .ible to get some woik out of thcni. The l!u-iness Meu's Associalion have thought of iniprovinur tbe mails Ie iding into Ann Arbor aud lilis mightb'doue in this manner wltb but little expensa if properly litoked alter.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News