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Manchester yoiing men have organized a band. W. E. Stevenson of Kufth Like plants 15 acres of corn per day. Jeftbrds post i. A. R., Dexter.deeorated tlie graves on Memorial Day. The Leader is very anxious to have a wool nmrkct openeil in Dexter this yoar. The Ypsihinti city council is off on a tour ot littpection ol' eleetric llght plants. The Chelsea Herald wants its rornet band to wake up and give the folksa tuno. Ov.e enterprising üextcrite proposea to put bo.its on the Huron at that place to rent. The North Lake correspondent of the Chelsea Herald uses a hainmer ti Cftteh dog flsli. The Plnckney Dlspatch is one of the live country newspapers of this sectionof the state. Dexter gentlemen of leisure are extensively engaged in fiahing these days. Great luck. More palnUng, repalrlng and building in Dexter this year than r r several years I previous. Base and Portage Lakes havo niany camping parties already enjoylng the water and mosquitos. Palmer Westfall, of Lima. Il building a barn whieh la 22x86 feet in size, to be ; ered with a gothlc roof. A buster. Say ! are we golng to let the " Mgte scream," .Jtily 4lli f For pity's sake, duif t ü II cry yes at once. - Dexter Leader. A new concrete walk is being lakl on Ii i-treet frotn A. H. Ucnl's refcldeoce to the depot. - Dexter Leader. Tliüt's business. Hpv. 0. (.'. Bailey, of the CongregationhI ehurch, Dexter, has gooe e i.-t visiting relatives. No service until further notice- Tbe Sunday excuiVons on the T. A. A. A. R. R. from Ann Arbor and Howell to Whitmore Lake, brings large crowdi to that place. The Picket Is already looking forward to July 4th with great anxiety for South Lyon. Tr.e uagle is vory much desired to scream there. The Aretics and the Twilights are two ofClielsea's bise ball uines. One tries to freeze the other out, while the other endeavors to bat them blind. The Northvile Record gives Charlle Dolph thecredit of layiug an GVjxH1 inch egg. Mercy, Charlle. yon are a great "chlck." - So. Lyou Excelsior. The township of Lima has ceneluded to rt-mov the old wooden bridge across the creek west ot Um Centre, and replace the same with a hnndsome iron structure. The Chelsea Echo has gone where the Echos no more resound, and the Herald Dow lieralds all of Chelsea's news to the world, with A. Alliíon at tlie business ei ui of the editorial helm. North Lake girls are sald tobe contented for the fitst yearor two after marriage with a board cottage, hut nothing less tliHii tbfl lincst palace in tlie ooinmiinity will satisfv them alter that period. Eider Marshall has sold hls cart and put the inouey into a library. The effect Is already noticoable In his very intcresting sermoDS.- North Lake cor. Chelsea Herald. A wise Eider. How few llke hira! Now that the annual road work is in progress farmers ought to remember that a lew loads of gravel are worth more than miles of rounded up dii t. Read the article on stone roads In another colun.n of today's paper. Silk dresses should ncver bc brushed with whisk broom, but should l.c carolully rubbril with a velvet initten kept for that purpose only - So. Lyon Picket Now we should like to know how the Picket man found that out. Last Sunday night aome one tonk Dpoa tiicinsiivcs thf responaibllity ol' polaoDlog dogs, and tbe rcsiilt Stuiilay niorning was as faraswe have learned, ciglit dcad ilii(,rs, non or less. - Miiau Leader. Hou UIU Any paitlcular loss to the town 't P. W. Carpenter, with whom (teneral public of this section of the moral vineyard ia prlncipally acijnainted as the (Jranci Scribi', Recorderln-Chiel and 860retary Superior of nbout all the My-lic Lodges and Tents and Oaniis and Order! that have their abiding place In 1 his coininunily, is n miUl-inimnercil loft spoken penonase undor ordinary clrcuinstances; but lic was mail last Thurtduy evening, and tor a Unie had no inoic usc toi mildinanners or soft words Ilian Wftold n angel liavc bm for the ezpreulom Peter dld emplciy. He had made arrangcincnts to attend the Masonic cervices at Anti Arbor that evening; the hackman lic had engage(l to take him to the depot lalled lo cali for li i in , and the train Itnved aml (H'artcd, wiiii the nnfbrtanate object ot' oor ruiarks patlently Waltlng al home for the hackman. He had canTully brulicd the gilt-edged uuit'onn lic was OftlgtO wear, had written and commltted the nnexpected remarks he was going to oiake, and had eaten a liylit Hipper in view of possible invitatioii to tVast ; and then tn "get left" throusih the forgStfulOUM of a poor ¦Inner of a hackman, was more tliaii ordinaiy, everyday human natiuc could Htainl, and l'rtcr didn'l stand il. llrhoirowcd the honeand buggy of au intiuiate fnetid and with them conveyed his unllorm and unexpected remarki to Ann Ar bor. It mav be hardly necessary to add that hackmen are rcincinbcrcd in lYtcr's prayers no more tdrever. - Ypsiluitisn, May'v'iiih. The Enterprise thinksthat the prospect for boring for natural gas or something at Manchester, is excellent. The Enterprise speaks liilily of the fine improvements being made by Manchester petple In their Oak Grove Cemetery. Justin Cook, of Sharon, died Sunday, May 22d, aged 85 years. He carne to Washtenaw county in 1845, and has lived here ever sinee. Dnndee propoaea to have a lmge celebrutoa nest 4th of Jnly, and to let the taglc scream in tlie old bird's loudest and most approvcil ni;inner. Let'sall go down to Dundee; what do you say? fl Some of Manchester's citizens are kïcïTJnjt ftgalnst erecting a new council building. Oh ! psbaw ! Don't do it. Such a building will not only be an ornament and con venience to your town, but a good "ad."' in the bargaln. Milán lias probably had more principáis for its schools durlug the past two or three years than any district in the union. Wonder what's the matter? It cannot be that the school board hasjbeen so unfortnnati; as to secure poor timber all the time ? 'J'hcy have just turned out Prof. Stanley, who lias secured a uiuch more desirable situatiou for the coming year.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News