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It will be quito dlffioolt for runaway c...

It will be quito dlffioolt for runaway c... image
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It will be quito dlffioolt for runaway coupk'S to get married nfter tliis. According to the new law parties desiring to have the marriage ceremony perforined will beobllged to secure a 1 cense f rom the county elerk (it ought to have been city or tosvnship clerk), tor which a fee of 50 cents goes to tlic clerk, and if the bride is undcr age the wrltten consent of her paients must be obtaincd also. Then the mariiage must be reported at once by the official perfurming the ceremony. The ilivorce law has been cbanged alo, making t very dlfflcult to obtain a divorce. E;iey going people will have lo go to Injianny. Ouce again lias Michigan come to the front grandly. Tliis time nt the national drill, at Washington, in which the cadetsfrom the Michigan Military Aeademy at Orchard Lake, took the lirst prisa. Tuis is not only au honor to the boys themsilvcs and to the academj-, bnt to the State U wcll. llurrah for Óid MtelligHD anl her ;r.ind educutional sysUm. It is s:iicl iliat a larga number of Chioagoa thieves and Uiuga wliom shc lias been driving f rom her limita recently, have come to Michigan to steul a living from our citizen?. One thing is certain, there seems to be a plentiful Bopply of them just nt oresi-ut, in this part ot MicliIgan. ______ At a democratie conventiou in Louisrille an ico water tank set u; in tlic lobby by soiiu' Kenerooa citizen, was bi-lievcd by the delegates to be a Baboock Bre t - tiiiynislicr, probably U nobody u-cd tlie 'la-s once cluring the convention. The animal cncampiiient of the lniform BahK Knlghta of l'ytliias is tn 1; held at Kalamnzoo, .fnne 15, mul it is thought aboul 100 Colghtl from tlie 30 In tlie state will attend tlie saiac


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News