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Memorial Day Service

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Although Momlny oponed tnytblDg but pleasant and invithig, yet tlie ïnembera of Welch Post, G. A. H., fllnclied not a partiële, and canie forth with full ranks to do honor to thuir brotherswho have passed to tho other side, and no more nnswer to the roll cali here. At about nine o'cloek in the forenoon a detiïil of 15 comrades with a oommander marcbed luto the court house and received buskets of tlowers prcpared by the ladies, and then procecded to the 8t. Thomas, Catholie, cemetery, where the graves of 13 soldiers were strcwn with flowers. Return ing for more flowers they were joined by the entire post, and all were ¦onvcyod to the City Cemetery in the ."tli ward. Here the ladies of the Decoration Society had lattlly trimmed the soldier's monument, and had the grounds handsomely mowed and prepared. The ritual service of the G. A. lt. was observod notwithstauding the rain carne down in torrent, and the graves of 13 soldiers were lito tenderly covered with God's haiidsoimst jrift to man, the bcautitul Mtiwers of spring. The next place visited was Korest Ilill Cemetery. In this beautiful restinr-place of tlie dead repose the ashes of 47 soldieis of the War of the llebclliou. They were strewn with llowers, together with the grave of one Kevolutionary soldier. The graves of Mrs. Judge Lawreiiee, Mrs. Dr. üreakey and Mrs. Moses Seabolt were also reincmbered, because of tlieir earnest services in bchalf of the boys in blue daring their life-tlme. This concluded the services at the f?i uves and for the faithful m:inner in which the members of the post performeJ their duty throuli the down-pourliig rain, tliey deserve great praise. The feeling tliat pi oniptcd these men to do their duty no matter what inconvenience it put tlicm to is a f eclin i; tliat is too sacred to be portriiyeil upon ptper. Iu the afteriiooii the post, headed by tlie city band, marched to the uuiversily hall tbrongh another storm which catne on as they started. Co. A started out with theni but relurned to their armory after inarchiir a couple of blocks. At the hall the prognua as publishid last week was strictly cairied out. The Scriptures were ratd by Kev. Dr. Hyder, a prayer offered by Ilev. Dr. Sieele, snd a few very appropriate ntroduetory renuirks made by Prof. Ciias. E. Okcm, the commaiuler of the post. The following paragraplis, selected from Capt. Alleu'd speech, will show some of the thoughts advanced, and we regret very much that time and spnce forbids pobltohlag it entirc this week, as it was a grand efl'orl : I know of no fitter plave tlian this tospenk to in comradeH In anus aud ihruuh tiirm to th'e ttiouHundu who were eilher uhildren or patriotlo clllzens wheu tn natlon potuted Lhrougb lis nigbt of sorrow. This lohool of the people, owned aud oared for by lliem, han returiifd a líiuusíiiul fold 118 coat, in glvlng tue deire aud power to myrlad of the youlli of the state and the natlon lo be lutelllgeaMy ir in' to the principies that alone van mnktsiruiv o. eoverument of Ihe DeoDle. tëvery Uül lop had lts school-house, every vailey lts cliurch. Il was the home of lntelligeoce, patrlollsin, aud universal educatlou lnibedded In tlie very heart of the conllDent that made lt posslble tu erush out the rebelHon. ïhecommon schools solved the bioody riddle atul luade lt pussihle for the ualiou to trlumph. Win ii we remember that these anules were made up of the boys froin our wn farms and W' rkshops, froiu our schools and colleges, volunteers every oue of thein, knowtug the worth of tlielr country because lutelligeut enough to coraprehend lt, we ask wliat mmlice Is too great to continue these bletMlnga, by inakinii cducatlon universal and compulsory. Every boy who graduales in lüedistrlot school, and iniuti more each oue who re celves a diploma froni the high school aod unlverslly, supporled by the money or iba people, Is under a most soletun liuplled couiract lo beu iiueclllzeu Had the South been as the North t' e home of universal educMtlon ihere would have been do rebellinn. Of the mllllon héroes hlstory wlll preserve the iiames of soiree a thousaud There was not a regiment but coutnlned men wlth ablllly tltted for the hlgliesl res ponslblllty. The men of lsti_' and 18fti who wenl lnti the army were amohg the bent In the service, and enllsted from molives of the hlghest palriotlsm. They were excelled In lolelllgeuce by none who weut beiore them or followed aftei . Could all the MOttoni have seen the bioody ohj.ii laaKtn mtttrmrú jilnted there would have been BO war. lts hfdeousiiess would have frlühtened even Jeffergon Davls. Had the rebelllon succeedei ior want of volunteers we should to-day be compelled lo buy our peace by malnlalng a .standinu army ol Iiki.imki men, al uu annual cost of doubie what the peuslou list can ever be. I.iet hlm theii who decrles the Krowim,pension lint, be set down as oue who has not counled nll t'te cost. At Konie hitan Ihy I hope to see leared npou thts (Mtnpus. iit ¦ mat{iiiriceut monument or cold jgimnlte, but a beaullful structure devoted to the usih i,t ihe studi-ni, over whoae portall Inill ! rillen: "Memorial Hall, ere leil by Ihe people of the Ooininonweallh oi MloblgitD, in momory of her brave student sous, who ol her schools, went God, iiuvt' a ncw iiiriii oí fraodom ¦ ad Umt goverofneüti oí the penpla, bj the peopii-, añil f.r Iba pauple, 8lill nal perlsli fruía tlie enrtli. f hrtVL' fr),tlven soutli lior treasou. Klir ts ;ill MtHl JilH'tM'l (tf Ji Illltoil lieVT 1O te dtsbolveit, hh i 1 1 u. I of ilH record, hk JühIouh oí lumri' are vi . lint tojiffpis ni Dnvl llio CnUlIneof tlie country, no foigl veness caíi evr come. Militar; datractnn, wlieiher liere or Boroaa the ocean, Mtrlke Ín viiin i t the rvputHtion or Uta tai of s. Grunt. Hl Inurcls re radeleM, mul ril I rixlure as long as Itie llmlKDt OD whoaa bank.s lie sleep, rolls to the elernal laa. Thepoetn.rxcellently reidby B.f Grarrifrum, eutiile'l "Rt-colleHloiii u Gettysbarg," íii wrllten by ;i incinbcr of llieokl 4lli Mich. ín frtutry, :unl as of greiit inerit. Tli tocal mude, uniler tlie leadersliip of Di'. Dorrance was so well rendirid that it wa-! greeted tli encoles. Tlie bsinil also iliil exculluiitly WtJL And tlie {Tooilly sized aiuliencí1 - larjít oontlderltig tli(! misenible weatlier- went away well NiiÍHliiil witli wliut tliey hiid lieard :ind seen. "You can chronlele the fact if yon olioose," fiiiil a prominent man Iu univer9ity clrcles to BI the other ilay, that " the classes In the Hotnoeopftthlc departmcnt havr all tin1 cases ot' ubstetrics that can be uspil by them, uncí could have plenty rnore if desired. The cry that such cases Ciinnot be obtained in onr boapltsll liere 3 the merest bosli. If the regenta wouKI appropriate u lew liundicd dollars to pay the expense", all of the cases of confinement that conld be used to adrantajie by the medical tlasaes wonld be forthconilng. This I know to be a tact. If the departnieut could have the energetic support and assistaiice of every professor in the medical fnciilty without exception, that it ought to llave, this talk about dividing tho time between this city and Detroit would 8oon be silenced. Why, sir, the very ngitation of t lie Mihject by a meinber of the faculty Is suicidal. Xo wonder the nttendíiuce does not keep up as it ihonld. It is wroiiK, very wron{ that 8uch things are allowed. Let a professor in any other de):iitment advocate a policy that wonld dotroy his department, and see what would become of liini." Why tluTc should lie favorltisin in this mstance is a mystcry to a Krttnt man) people. Thcre sppPUl to be a gMtenJ coinplalnt trom papers all over Hik state o! tlie fallare of supervisors to assess the (Jol'SowihmI in different cnmmunities. In leveral cities tlie pólice have been dlrncted to shoot every dog fotiml upon the street without a muzzle. The Almu Normal School is a bellever in printers' nk, and throuh its proper tUfi is hiiildinif up a fine educational inBtitution t Alma, Oratiot eounty.


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