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WHO IS UNACQUAINTED WITH THE OEOORAPHY OF THI3 COUNTRY, WILt SEE BY EXAMIN1NC THIB MAP, THAT TH CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R'Y By reaaon of its central positfon, close relation to principal lines Eaat of Chicnsro and oontinuous Unes at terminal pointe West, Northwest and Southwest Í3 the ruly true middle-link in that transcontinental system which invites and facü' itatss travel and trafflc in oither direction between the Atlontic and Pacific. The Rock Island main line and branches includo Chicafro,Joliet, Ottawa, La Sallo, Pooria, Geneseo, Moline and Rock Island, In Illinois; Havenport, Musculiuo Washington, Fairüeld, Ottumwa, Oskalöbsa, Woot Liberty Jowa City, Bcg ¦oinos, Jndianola, Winterset. Atlantic, Knoxviile, Audubon, Harían, Gutlirlo 1 luti-o and Councii Bluffs, in Iowa; Oallatin, Trenton, St. Joseph, Cameron , I jiansaa City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albert I ca, j iiimoanolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown in Dakota, and hundrodu ui' iLiinediate cities, towus and villagres. THE CREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Cuarantoes Speod, Comfort and Safety to those who travel over it. lts ror-dbcd ij tliorouKhly ballasted. lts track is of heavy stcol. Ii bridses aio soiid ntruoturoo of stone and iron. lts rolling: stock is perfect os human sltül can make it It haa all the safoty appliances that mechanioal go..ius han inventad and i'xpcrionce proved veluablo. lts practical operation is c jnservative and methodi -al- it disoipline trict and exactintr. The luxui-y of its passenger accommodavions is uneqnaled in the West unaurpassed in the world. ALL EXPRESS TBAINS between Chicaiio and the Missouri Hivcr consict jf comfortable DAY COACHES, magnificeiit PULLMAN PALACE PARLOIÏ and 9LEEP1NG CARS. eleKant DININ CARS c-xceUont nicals, and - betwoen Chicag-o. St. Josoph, Atchison and Kansas City-reatful RECLINING CHAIll CABa THS TAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the direci ivorite line betweon Chioao and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Ovei thj i-jute solid FoBt Expross Trains run üaily lo tho tu:aiaer resorte, picturebeo 1-talities and huntinr and nshinif Krounda of Io"wa and Minnesota. T.lio wheat üclds and crazüisr lands of interior Dakota are reachcd via WatcrL j nhort deBirablc route, via Séneca and Kankakee, offers superior inciucement ) to velero between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayatte and DonncU Blnffe, .J. Josiiph, Atchison, Loavonwortli, Kansas City, Minneapolis, St. Paul uua iutci mediato points. All classes of patrons, especially familico. ladios and cliildren, ruoeivo rron-, ofliciiü and employés of Sock Island traiu3 pfotoctian, vospecti'ul tourtcr;y . Ior Ticket,' Mape, Folders - obtainable at all principal Ticket Otüccj ia TTniuxl State and Canada- or ony dosired information, addross, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, redd'Wt and General Manager, Chicago. General Ticket .inJ Posseneer A :cnt, Ch.u'íi


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News