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Washtenaw Pomology

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The monthly meeting last Saturday was presided over by J. I). Baldwin. Tlie commlttee on transportation reportel lli:it Professor Nichols liad left to-day Tor Detroit to see the H. K. authoritles. The comraittee on fruit preserving factory are still in arrears, they expect to complete thelr work tliis week and report next Saturday afternoon at an adjourned meeting of the society. The price for pickiug berries was fixed at 1) cents per fjuart and Mr. Giiiizhorn was instructed to inform the fruit growers who were not present. The resolutions by the fruit growera convention at Dover, Delaware, Eastern Haryland and New Jersey, aiming at a ?'ruit Exchange " for the better distribution " and marketing of the fruit erop, were read by E. Baur. Among otlier mportant resolutions tuis society give ¦xpressiim to their unwillingness to doïate their peuehbasketsto the commission merchants. Five cents for ench basket ïot returned is asked and all growers are advised not to ship to any dealer who vill not pay for lost baskets. The motion by J. C. Hubner to estabi.-h a blark list of dealers, who wrong he producer was unanimou?ly adopted. J. T. Bell & Co., of East Saginaw lead he van. If any commission merehant or dealer acts dishonorabiy his name s to M miiI to the secretary, the complluant stating the case with his signatiirp. 'I'lie insect question was thorounhly li-cussed by all present, each givlng his experience. These fruit growers who iliscnt theraaelve froin these meeting", allowing a few to carry the burden of the diffleult and practical questions, like tiansportation and fruit preserving fuetory, should be on hand anyway when his noxious insect question is discussed [f one man ueglects his duty In this re¦peet, he does it at the expense of hls neighbor who does his full duty. Pres. T. T. Lyon, llkens those wlio are ever ready to draw general benefit from rgauized work, but fail to contribute, to the horse that hangs back, shirking work jut never fails at the feed trough. Mrs. Prof. J. B. Davis exhibited very arge and fine specimens of lemons from i .six year old treee from the bud. E. Baur exhibited raspberry syrup and shrub, adpated to the sick and convalescent, a cooling, refreshing and liealtliy ieverage without any alcohol, used with -';, of water, also fln for culinary purloses. l'almer & Son. exhibited % bu. basket fr sliipping fruit. The society adjourned to meet next Siiiirda.v lo Completa gome important business. An exhlhit of strawberries will ais be a principie feature of the meeting. Fruit growers especially and the public in general are cordially invitml.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News