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Short adverUseineuU not to exceed three iiiii's. of Lo8t ana Fouud, Houses for Sale or Kent, Want, et.. lnsertcd tliree weck for LS cents. Sltuatlons wanted. free. TTfANTEU- By a Junior Llterary stMdiiil. VV employment during viumUIou. AiUlresM K. K.' Box 292, Anu Arbor. ¦¦¦¦ FOR 8ALE - At a bargaln a Toboggan ölide. Cali ou or address C. N. Banks, Anu Arbor, Mlcli. 53 "ÏTTANTED- To rent a house, aboutS rooms } T wlthln reasonable dtstance from Unlverslty. Possesslon wanted July lst. Referoncos glveu and wauted. Address, P. O. Hox 1434. 52-51 AS I wlsh to resume the work of the Chrlstlan mlnlstry I offer al a rare bargain my plaee on West Huron street Just outslde city llmlts, coniprlslng llj acres and cholee lmprovements. Would itlvlde the land and sell a portion wlth or without tho lmprovements to sult the cu8tomer. Terms eusy, Rev. 8. H. Adams. 52 FURNI3HED HOUSE on Wllmot Ave.. City, for rent. NewSewIng Machine mul Gtaaollne stove and House Purnlture to be sold to lesse. Mathews' Real Katate Age noy. 1350 1352 FOR SALE at asaorlflce 200 aerea of land In the town of I.yndon- the Bott furm, or wlll exchange for city property. MATTÍÍEWS' 48 Sw Real Estat Agency. . pRICYCLE KOR SALE, sultable for glrl JL from 10 to 15 year old. luqulre at the CoUHiEKOtace. CITY SCAVENCER. JOHN A. ROBINSON, No. 32 Wall Street, 5thWard,ls now prepared to attend to all business lu the line of a scavenger, kui'Ii as cleanlng vault, cesspools, etc, uslng the patent tlght barrels. All orders wlll reeelve prompt attentlou. WANTEU Money to I,oan on Real Estáte. Apply to Francia A. Slatterv, Washtenaw County Abstract of Tltle Offlce, 2nd Hoor of Farmers' and Mechuulcs' Bank. Ann Arbor. 1385. REAL ESTÁTE FOR SALE OR RENT.Houses and lot valued from S1.Ü00 to ii,(W0 and contalnini; from one-flfth of an acre to twenty acres-all lu the city llmlts. Housese rented on reasonable terms In central localttles. Farms exchanged for city property. Euqulreof J. t. A. Sesslons, Atloruey and Heul Esiate At;ent, Offlce over Express Offlce, Main St., Ann Arbor. 51tf Hfor saler rent. HOUSE- No. 18, C'emetery street. Apply atCouKiKit otüce. r OANINQ-Money to loan on flrst-cmss I i Keal Eutate Mortgage at Current ralis pf uterest. Satlsfactory arrangements made Wlth cal Hal lsts deslrlng such lnvestmenU. Kvery onveyance and transacton lu abïüé oUH.e.carefuUxaml.jedUWega,


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News