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Au Imperativo Nccesslty. Vli:it pure air is to au unliealtliy local ity, wliat spring deantac is to the neat liimst keeper, so is Hood's Sarsaparilln to ever body, at tli is se.ison. The body needs to ba IhciroiiL'lily reiiovitted, the bloixl purilied and vitalinl. Ilie (erms of disease destroyed. Scrotula, Salt Hheuin and all nllici' ÍiIo.mI (li-oiilers arecured by Hood's Saisiipmilhi, the niosi pupular and successful spring medicine. BACH & ASEL'S COLUMN. Tiicrc was a grcat rush for Dry (¦ I laat week. Tiicrc will bc more ol' a Hii weck. II will i:i )ii li rcad llii advcrlWcincnt carcl'iilly. sinnni" ISlack írn - raln Slik, markcd down 25 ¦ik. a yard. Tlicy are the iiionI durable Black Silks in the World. We goarantee them in the moni liberal iiianner, and In iiii ¦uarantce tlic maker -taml heli in d uk. Qunlity A liitherto I.M mm Sl.OO " lï " l.o " i.5 " e " 1.7 " I) 2 00 " 1.75 " i " 2.5O ' 2.OO lo ii 50 ¦- I .. nr Colored Kurab's are ireri cbeap ai tl. 00. We ihow all ilie destraille colon in l'ink, l.iüln Blue, ('rcaiu, Whilc and teveral Iimi-n ín Tuim and ¦iitflil ISroun. heller ro-rain Colored Stikt tB Ihe uorlil Ilian ours al jjtl.OO a yard. All I nulos of fan and Browiis in stock Ilii reek. Excellent ralue in Rlaek Watered Slik ai $1.50 and x-i.m. Our LlgM Pink, Llgbt Blue, Greent and lleliolrophe Ualrrcil Ulkl al 12.25. are verf haiidftoiue. lu you know a hargain uliin you tee H { Ainoiitf Ihe very ImxmI you would Ihlnk to bc Ihe laai to tuiublc. Seaaonable Oooda. Whea you read tne prlce you w n want to sec i in-m. 'feu StylCM or more. Milliliter Silkft at 55 cenlR a yard, herelolore 75, $1.00, and ¦l.'2-". The) are (oodialue Mt Ihe old priee. They are hiii-lric value now. all il l't-rcalc or "MiirliiiK" llir-' lio ¦OBWnW aboilt il. ToiiKh and pliimp :t0-ineli-s wlfle. 'I In wetgBI hl Irom ihe Cottvn in il. Hard-lvNled and liard-uoen every thread of II. nu ff for liaril wear ir you will, very neal and dres)y, loo, handsomel; prlnted in itrlpea, plalda and Draret on white iround, The trlce ha been iti oenti. ii been a lively voer al l 'iil-. fFe make il 12 1-2 centaa Take a quiek flanee al our (non Dreaa Muil. Coaaaera [iled Inli. Il ivill Ite a craj rinlilc year. I-at jcar lled I. Fine, hard-lwiwled, in-t-ynlarly woven, erlnkley, Uiíiisn you Nhoiildn't iron, rouh-dry Imiii iu Ihe mui. 4'reain and While (round. doren Mjlea, l'ournrlhi' Iiiim-s m ïnany eolrriap. Sec a bil, and 12e. Batlatea teem daintier than ever. All Oll rrani uroiniiU iikI pliiui jard wide. Fiured iripe and odd detlgn. These ire the Cottoaa Ihai trove out li o prinled Mnen Lmwuë, 12 1-2 cents The HiicnI ltalile Ihal In iiadr 12 1-2 ccilttt. Why, Bte your leisure linie in jiiyiiitf material and iiiakin l'nderwear warm weather when we ean liuni-li )ou with nl what jon want and for Icüs noney. Don't judfje our Inlerwear by what jon %ce In other itorei nor by Ihe priecw oll hear quoled. .ludye II by he Undcrwear Itielf, and sec H ¦ere. Examine ihe lewlng, the uiting, the decoratlon and the tylei. 1 on, ladieM, know the ;ool froni bad. ot u word iboul Ihal. We atik your judgiK-nl, nol your Tavor. Trashy Lace l'loiiiieinu are -oiiiinoii eiiouh in ome xtorcM Saaier to make traaay siull" ilian „'ood. Cnalrr in laee ilian mout ¦OOda. They mij we have Ihe ileeal patterm and ihe i-i asortmeata Of black laee llounen. ihat you ean lind any whcre Iraxliy altoul tliem, bat'a certaln. 12-ineh, 2.00, :{..-O, $I.OO and $5.00. C'ream iikI iliiiii-iiiu 12-ineh ."-., .-1.0, 2.OO, 2.25, $2.50 and -5.OO. We are Mhowing ilii week he liiicsi line l Iteaded Iriinnlaga in Ihe city. Il' you want -heup Irlmmlañ we have Ihem ¦ l'you wanl mediiiiu priee Irlinniiiïs we hav' 111. II' you want IiIkIi priecd triiiimingg we haie Ihem. Will you examine our hended rlmmlngaat S2.00, $:,oo si.oo, :ï.o, Í IO.OO and $I2.OO a yard. 2. Ganze Teata Tor ladieN ai 25 eenta. (ion't come BXpectlng lo -' 1 Ihe 25 dozen Tor 25 centt. 1 011 will bc dlippoiuled f you do.) Wc mean Iftcenti eacb. fes, iweniy-iUe eenta. l'erleei, regalar gooda, ¦natie 10 seii Tor 10 cents. A.lao 25 duvu i.;uiir' CMHize Veita al 5 oeata eaeh. We know ol' ¦10 KarnifiH al all approaehIiik eillier ol' Ihem in qualily Ihal ueri' 'i-r iK'forc ollered al Ihe prlcc. Vttleaa you kuow more aboul 1 nderwear tban ihe Wriieroi' iliis you will tay ihey are cbeap. BACH & ABEL, MAT 1% fUMa r Ctrr, snt Ihnit wno wrtU to I I Stiiiaon Ao ,)'i,itlrnd, Mfin,wil) rec.-l I - I I II free, full loformittlon bout work whlch II 1 1 1 lhry '"" do ni1 llT at hoi".th wt" p7 VI J XJMJ them frum $.'. to f 2S per Bom bT mdoTer$50lud7. Ettber hi. young or eld. Caplul Dot tequtred Yuu areitarlnl Ttaa. Tlmaa wbuttart at uuoa aie biwlutoly lutft uf uu UUl fyituuu. AU i utw. ,t


Ann Arbor Courier
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