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Prof. C. B. Tliotnas lelt on Filday for Detroit. Tlie law clikH invitations ure expected this week. Tlie pharmie's tinul examinations occur tliis week. Chas. Wliitcomb of Oxford, Micli., lias retunied homo. W. T. Potter '90 is ouce more able to be out after a short Mines?. H. J. Karle, '90 leftfor his home In San Francisco, Cal., last Friday. l'rof. Morris has been presented witli a bust of Plato by bis studente. Muee Thompson, pharmic '86, ol Port Hnron, returned bom Friilay. Grauam '82, of Uuffalo, N. Y. vlsited his Alpha Delt friends last Thursday. D. Davenport '88 has returned from a week's snjourn at St. Jolins, Mlch. Prof. O. S. Morris attended thealumnnreunión at Battle Creek last Friday. Miss Blanche Smith, of Grand Hapids, is the guest of Miss Arlisle Young, '89. l'rof. P. K. De Pont's French clas of cours; 3, were examlned last Monday. Tlie last lecture In the law dept. will be delivered June 13th by Prof. Hutchlns. Prof. Richard Hudson gave his lust lecture in course 9 In History, last Wednegday. Prof. Relnhardt left for Milwaukee last Tuefday, where he will spend the summer. Prof. G. S. Morris and f.nnily Intend to camp out at North Lake the early part of July. C. I. Pierce, law 87, bas been cnntined to his room for tlie past three weeks by illness. Prof. Frieze went to Jackson last week to examine three applicants for the university. The freshmen medies will complete their work by June 10, and the )uniore by June 15. Miss Seidenwartz, of Chicago, is the guest or Miss Smalley at the Gamma Phi Beta house. W. E. Graves of Toledo, O., is In the city the guest of Otto Marksof the dental department. The senior mechanicat engineers made a test of the engine of the City Mills last Sunday nlght. The Pharmacy depiirtment will elose .Tune 17th and not on the lOth as heretofore supposed. H. V. Jiicksop, luw '88 l.fl for his home In Detroit, Saturduy, having compleled Idi year's work. M 1 1 1 student tuke ndvntitage of these mnonlight nights to complete their work at the obuervatory. Prof. Johnson concludes li is eliemislry courses on the 17th, as hc iutends lo salí for Kurope on tlie 30: li. The eluss colora of the fresliinan eb se at Lehigh Univeraity are tlie samo is those of I ot M. freshmen lits. The dent. Delta Sigs will oecupy the house formerly owmd by Dr. Fmntiln, on S. Thayer st , next year. F. 1'. Wliitely, law '87, went to Cillltnbus, O. to take the exa:iiination foradmis sion into the siipreme court of Oliio Prof. Fremont Swain, the former instructor in the gymnasium is now in charge of the gymnasium at Lehigh. It is quite appareut thnt our own and only granger Governor has swnllowed a Campbell, aml t makes him appear ridiculous. Rain interfered with the gime of ball between the Alpha Delt's and Zeta Psi's, and the contcst will donbtiOM come off next week. The law's moot congress met for the last time last Friday and in the evening a surplus of $7 00 was expended at Hank's in a good time. All the in the literary departini-iit swung over in tlie cbapel on Tiles day moriiing and henceforth there will be no Freslimen. Prof. M. O. Giaves, bus been re-elected superintendent of the Wyaiidottc schools for the ensuing year at an Increase ol' $1(10 per anniim. The Nu Sigma M's defeated tlie Zet Pt i's, at base ball on the fair grounds S iturday, by a score of 32 to 20, 17 runs made the last inning. At the Oracle meeting heiil last Friday the following offleere were eleeted: Manajrini; editor, León J. Kichardson ; tinanclal editor, E. L. Miller; secretary, MiM Randolph. The Phi Delta Phi's played the flrst yeir men at base ball, on the fair grounds 8aturday morning, and were vlctorious, the score beiug 'il to 1 1. A ball was the prize for which they contended. Herbert Hodge, '82, of Juckson has been married to Alice Spencer of Ricbland. Botti were in the unlverslty at the s-ime time, and this Is only a fresh Illustration of the dangers of co-edue itlon. The all absorhing question now is, " Will the university altempt to run iiniuck of Forcpaugh and not close up itdoors next Friday p. m " The boys wllj all want to go to the show, of course. The ('hiss tie of '88 Is certalnly a Hti ikIng thiug. A silver ground trimmed wllh rnby formithe basis of tlie tie mul the large '88 In red removes all doubt as to what das Is tlie posessor of the ornament. I,ast week we stated tlmtGov. Luee had got as tur as the u in Luce, in sigulng the university appropriations. When he got to the c the next day that stood for C iinpliell, and he couldn'tstumble over it. Su he sent the blll Lack to the houite, which very properly sent it back to liiin agaln. (iov. Luce better come to Aun Arbor and look over the university students and see how many farmer's sous and daughIers are being educated liere. He Is siinI ply acting throiigh prejudice now, he should he broad eiiough as governor to act tbrough a personal knowledge of the fact8. If there was any method of llndlng out w. o the real owners of the Sinitariiim at Detroit are, the faets niight develop a strange state of allaii s, and the reasons why certnin cases that come to the university are hustled off to Detroit lor operation An invettigation by the legeuts might aid our medical department. A. O. Revenaugh, the Jackson artlst so well known here, has presented to the university a line portrait of the late Prof. (ieo. P. Williams, and a $50 frame bas been procurad througb the energy ot Prof Frieze in which to encompass the canvass. The many friends ot the late Dr. Williams (and their ñames were legión) will be rejoieed to learn of this. If that man Lu-ce and hls private secretary appendage will come over to Ann Arbor, inquire Into and look up the methods pursued In running the university, they will probably both know more than they do to-day. The message of Mr. Lu-ce bIiowi tlense ignorance upon the subject upon which he attempU to instruct others. There are few members of the legislature bilt are iniieb better posted than be. 250 student atlcnded chípel yeaterday mornlng. An adverüseinent for teacliers graces the bulletin board in the lit. dept. The senior committe say thiit their pavillion will take 10,000 feet of canvass. F. Thompson, senior medie, who wiis pnisoncd while dlMOOMug is inuch better. The graduating cliiss have lecn requested to oall at the NervUry'l office and verify their credit. The Universlties play the Asrriculturnl School club on the fair groiinds next 8aturday afternoon. Mrg. R. A. Hailey of Hastlnrs, Midi., WHS in the city last Sunday visitiiifj her eon, K. M. Bailey, '1)0. Prof. Lnpinski left Monday nljtht for Grand Kaplds, where he will enter apoB liis new duti.'s as health officer. The Glee Club and Atnphionsarc practicing together, preparatory to the renderin; of the Messiali al Comineucemint. Twelve foreigu universities have acknowledged the rccelpt ol invitations to the U. of M. semi-centt-nnial celebration. The senior Hts. swung out yesterday In their nevv class Imts. They are black slik mortur boards with 11 black tménTI and have a very neat and studious appearanee. Twenty-eijrht iniiversities and colleges in this country have already appointed delégales to attend the semi-cententiial ( f Michigan Universlty, and more are being heard from each day. The Kcgents were to have met yesterday but the Oovernor's veto of the approprialion bill made it unnecessary, and until soine actlon towards passing the bilí has been taken they will not convene. The senior laws were photograplicd by Gibson on the law steps on Monday morí - Ing. A llttle three year old girl with hu umbrella posed In tlif center ol the group as a inascot for the success of the class in afler years. The Palladium Roard have electcd the followlng offleers: Managing editor - L Comstock; linanelul editor - A. B Claik; sec'y and treas. - P. H. Guie, and ut their last meeting appointed tin' coininlttees for the coming year. Was Mr. Luce bom in Miehijran? If not he should - aeeording to own reasonin - be excluded froiu the advanlairt-.- of tlils 8tule. Get over the Injiiiiuiy line, Cyrus, you may be better appreciafed over tlure. The senior laws have derided to h"l 1 their baiiquet in Detroit June 94, wiiere they expee' niany inembers of the supn me onnrl and other prominent nvnihers of Ui' brto be in attendanee. Aboilt 7"i enrslinve promlipd to go. Up t( ilnte -2S;i eninrs h ve pnld their {Tl üilnatinn fee leavinif übout !00 whi have not. All the medies Inive done their dnty 8"l the lit" re the ones who are backwurd In 1 1 ¦ i - respect, thu sliowing tli t liieratuie and innin do not go hand In hand. After chapel Tuesdiy Pre. Anjell n. formed the seniors that nwin t the 1 re attendince of alniuni pxpeftt-d, they conld nnt be prfivided for at tlie alumni binquef, tuir thal they could puiehase tickets at 1.00e:ieh, :ind if there w:is iiiiv room to spare they would be adrnitted in order of purcliiisinn. if not money refunded. At a meetine of the Alhi Nu laet S:iturdav nijjht the folluwlnij oftieers were elected: Pre -E. Huhharil. V. Pres.- H. W. Kiilrlianks Seoi'y.- M. W. ilrlBpin. Tren.- F. A. I.enlle. Senior Slbyl editor.- I H. Powell. Asu't " " .- Min H. rrosby. Crltlc.-.I M McKrlde. rthrartHii -P I,. Huilón. 'l'lie nonappearance nt Keferee ('ome on Friday evo., prevented the wrestlino' m itch between DeHiven and Mal ley, and so the match was postponed until after Satnrdays hall uame. After some delay the conteitantK entered the liiijr and r tic n was witfwwwd trial of Hcieure aeniust strengtli. Bets were 5 to 1 in favor of Malle v and for a time they Inokcil good hut DeHiven sneceeded In iritinini; two consecutive falls thereby winning the championsliip. 'l'he freshman hall club played t!ie Detroit school team on the campus Saturday monrtnf. In spite of the hent nniiiv spectators turned out to see !)0's representitlves win a victory by a score ofl0t9. The feature of the gaine mi battinsr nf K-dley ani) ('ook, 15 liley gettine four hits with :i total ol even bases. Malley in rif;lit field made a line catcli of a lonjf fly Cook pitclied very well for one who has playee! hut once this year, and though lackinjr in speed, shows capability of (food work. Errors were numeroii- on both sides and it was uybody'a gatne up to the nlntli Inning wlu'ii "9U latted In three runs. CihIiI and Williams were the battery for the Detroit High Schools. Followinfr is the score by lnnlngf: InnliiKH1 S S 4 5 7 8 9 Kreihiiicn 1 1 il il I 1 - il 3-10 Detroit 3 1 ü 0 0 2 2 1 -9 Home run- Cook. Three bnse hit - Bailey Two bHe Bailey. Oray, Wllklnsou Total baiie hlU-IW U, Detroit 7. Umpire - J. E. Carpanter. The Iliawathas of Detroit defeated the Universlty base balt club on the tair grounds 8:iturday by a score of 11 to 10. The (jame was very exciting throtijjliotit and the large audlence wan very appreciative of its good point. MacMillan and McDonnell formed the battery for the "Varslties" and with a few exceptions ilid good work, but it was rather a severe te-t for Macmillan to le placed in the box without practice and be expected to pitch with hls old time eflVctlveneas; this liowever did not effect his buttlng. Errors at Critica) pointg loRt the game. Bailey, a new man, was placed at tlrst and did linely umi showed liiui-clf ahle to liamlle the :ish. CupantoF wh.s used up amt did not do himself justice. Stephens who has pitclied for the Detroit League team (track out 15 of our men. Below is the score by inning?. Inning- 12846678 Unlversllles _ 1 (110 10 4 2 1-10 HhiwutliiiH (I 14 0 3 0 4 0 0-11 Two liane hita- Mücmlllan 2, Wllklnnon 1, Hlïiilii2, Kerry I. Total base hlt8 -Univ. 11 llüiw 11 Krrors- Univ. 8, Hlaw. 4. Umpire - Oeo. Frank.


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