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Clielsea sent 50 persons down! to the CÍICU8. The Hernld lecturcs tbe Chelsea "dada" about bad sidewalks. Mrs. S G. Ives, of Cheleen, has arrived home from her eastern trip. Ex-Gov. Austin Blair is to deliver an oration July 4th, at Pinckney. Hm. Chas. Gregory and wife of Dexter, are visiting relativesin theeast. Jas. L. Mitchell, of Lima, has reíuriied from a trip among the Buckeyes. The Dexter Baptist ladies made $18 by seiling ice cream the other night. Mr. Miles will soon retire from tbc di ug tirin of Miles & Curlett, Dexter. The Saline Farmers' Club recently held ¦ profitable and entertaining meeting. The Webster Farmera' Club is to give a picnic at E. A. Noriltnan's lakeon Julv 2d. J W'm. Hoppe, of Sylvan, gave a hop in hls new barn last week, and a hoppy time rwlini] Mr. and Mrs. E O. Hong have returned tD Chtlsea from their extended bridal trip east. Otis Cushlng, of Webster, was grven a big surprise party on Lis 40th birthdiiy last week Friday. The North Lake cor. of Chelsea Herald coinplainsof havingchicken lice, and savs "they are too lively foranold rooster like me." Pullet. TSe !ittlesteamer"Queen of the Lakes" R making regular trips on the bosom of Kavenaugh Lake.- Uhelsea Herald. There are seven new dwellings in courge of erection in Chelsea at the present time and several additions beinjf made to old ones.- Chelsea Herald. The "cornet fiends"are overrunning our peaceful town. For the sake of suffer! ng hun.anity somebndy " choke 'era off."- Dexter Leader. Blow 'em up. The Dexter Leader man very properly poes luto ecstucies over the Ciclorama of the Hattle of Atlanta, on exhibition at Detroit. It is all he claims for it and more too. The Hayseeds and the Windpounders of Lima, had a game of base ball lagt week, the Hayseeds being beaten by a score of 65 to 30. The legislative hayseeds did better tuan this. It is said that a healthy fly lays 480,000 eggs per year, and instructs each egor to steer for bald heads, sleeping babies nnd the butter dish.- Saline Observen No flies on that, eh ? The literary and choral union have decided to give a picnic at North Lake, Saturday, June Mth. The place of meeting will be at the residence of Deniiis Warner at 7:30 a. m. sharp. - Dexter Leader. Miss Evans, who has taught the school in the Sutherland district, in Saline, for the past three years, was presented with a large Bible at the close of the last term, a few days siuce. She bas earned her reward. Just as several young men around here were about to pop the question our legislators had to " pop" a license law.- North Lake cor. Chelsea Herald. Well, that wasn't bad for the girls. If a fellow can't atlord to pay a half dollar for the sake of marrying lus bestirl, he isn't worth living. Kvidence comes fast that Qoverm r Luce ha? been a Hule niirrow in his vetoing the university approprlation bill. It is not alway8 best to be too close flsted. especially when an open hand calis i liberal foreiirn patronage to nld In sustaining worthy Instilutions.- Pinckiey Dispatch. The last regular services were held in Methodist clmrch, at Stony Creek, last Sunday, and the tearing down of the old edlflee beran Tuesday. A temporary building will be erected to hold services iu during the time of erection of the new one. Mr. Warner, of Ypsllanti, has the coutract for building the new clmrch. A local newspaper is a traveling agent making its weekly roiiuds to the families of all tspatrons. No mntter whether the times are good ordull; no matter whether tradc is brlsk or otherwise ; no business man can afford to take down his signs, nor witlulruw the pieasing influence of a weekly chat with his patrons throughthe newspaper. For a business man to stop advertising would be equivalent to saying, " I have stopped business, and ask no more favors of the people.'' The principal reason given by Gov. Luco tor vetoing the university bill, was that loreigu students or those outside of the state derived the same benetit as natlves of the state, at but little additional cost. And he advises the ralsing of fordm atudent's tuition tosuch an extent that only rich men'schildren can afford to take a course in the university. He also intiinates that the expenses of the university are too eitravagant, when the truth is that the university is run on a much more cconomical scale tlian any other institution of learnlng in the United States. Now for the facts in regard to foreign stmlents deriving advantages that are paid for by the state. The 7i)l state resident students pay fees amounting to $20,655; the 781 non-residents pay $84,980 fees. Therefore a less number of nonresidents pay 70 per cent, more feos than the students of the state. And the only saving in expenses in excluiliug the foreign students would be less than $10,000, the salary of the additional asslstant professors. It would not be vcry wis; to save this $10,000 at the loss of $34,980, but that is evidently what the (overnor wants to do. That is a Luce business principie.- Saline Observer. All the wool growers ia tlie western part oí the county are receiving 30 ceuts per 1b. for thetr clip. The South Lyon Picket man bas been married only a short time yet be ¦ column of " little Pickets." It's all rtght, of course. The fish commission have had planted in Sand Lake 250,000 wall-eyed pike, tbe same number in Wrampler's Lake, and 150,000 in Joslyn's Lake, all Deal the soutbwestern part of the county. The Picket wants us all to come up to South Lyon next 4th of July and help them celébrate. Now 'twixt bandee nd South Lyon whatshall we do? "Oh! we could be happy witli elther, with 'tother dear charmer away." Now ain't that a pretty mess of porridge? When the common council of chis villaje pass a resolution ordering an ordinance euforced, and tben after the council adjourns certain members say you need not pay any attention to it. Now is tbe very time that every do#;fshould be muzzled and our people are afrald of bein;; bitten by dogs that are not, and if the officers do not attend to their duties the people will take the matter in their own hands. It is known thatrabid dogs have been through the country blUngdoge'a, and we cannot afford to take an v chances.


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