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.1. VV. Boudinot of Cleveland, 8 in the city. Commencement concert next Wednesilay even ing, 29tli. Ctiapel In the lit. dept. has been suspended for the year. Li. Hoyt of Gram! Baptdt visited hls Delta Tau frieuds Ust week. Tlie invitations for rII pnidutlng classes are out and are very tasty. Killlen, 1W, '85, of the firin of Pho?blcin & Kililea of Milwaukee, is in the city. Kalamazno college hasaccepted the donation of Prof. Olney's library of 1,000 yolumes. Powell '8 vvho bas heen attending tlie thcolifrc.i school il Xewton, Mas., Is in the city. The Chequnmeeons will furni-li the mu-ic for tlie dramatic club acxt Momiay eveuing. ¦I. V. Doty pharmic '86 is uovr in Mnrlne City, and has charge of Sorg & Co 's drug store. A. C Peterson and W. Cheebro, lit. 88, will spi'inl the Slimmer among the Thousiind [tiet. W. A. Mc Allaster, '88, wbo isemployed in Detroit Dry Doek draftinj; offleu, is in the city for a few days. The presidenU and marshals of tlie senior classes are requested to meet at the treasurei's ollice to-day. An oíd gradúate of the university U now editiiisf the Toombstone Daily Epltaph at Toombstone, Arizona. " Elijah " will be one of the grandest est music .1 tteats our people ever listened to on next Wednesday evenin. F. P. Wlntely, law '87, has retnmed trom Oolumbui, OMn, where lie was admitted to tlie fupreme court of thnt state Examinations in branches of the litcrary (Icpartmeiit are progressing nnd everythinji will be concluded bv Thnrsüaj', .1 une 23d. W. P. üoty plmrtuic, '86, is now in Detroit iind and has charge of Dr. McFarland's dnijr store duriiig his absence of several weeks in Texas. Dr. Marden Sabln, of Centerville, an old soldier and medie 'GO, will be present ditrlng tlie colebration, witli his sou, who will enter college next yenr. All tlic literaiy seniora liave paid their rraduation fee with one exception, and that one is out of town. Tlie unueual promptness is quite reinarkable. The arrangement committee of the senior reception requested tliat all orders for extra invitations be handed in at once so that all eau bo fllled befoie it becoines too late. Judge H. N. Hibbard and wife of Hyde Park will be in the city Saturday to attend the commeneement exercises in which their sen John will liure con.pionously. Dr. E. A. Kilbouroe, T)7, maimgcrnf the Northern hospital for the insano of Illinois. ilttMted at El;in, was the jruest of the Sigma Phl fraternity Saturday and Sundny. Prof. Payne has sent circulare nround the country to the effect that he will establl.-h a slimmer school of advanced pedaRgy.v. to oontiat of 24 lectures, extending from Ang. Bth to Aug. 30th. An attempt has been made to combine the Cbronlcle and Argonnut and establis a weekly paper nuil a monthly literary magazine. Thiseffort tlms far lias not attained any definite conclusión. Tlie University of Michigan, Society of Alumni. The animal meeting for business will be held Wednesday, June 29, 1S87, at 8:tO a. ni. in the University obapel. C. VV. Noble, pres. V. M. BfwldIng, sec'y. The Dramatic Club is rehenrsing every ilay in the " Lttdtet' Battle," and in the farce " Whleh sliall slie Marry,1' which tliey are lo prewnt on the opening niglit of the coinineiict'Hicnt and auniversary celebration. The banquet of the the senior laws wliich was to lm held In Detroit has been $?iven lip, and it now Iook9 as tliouh thi quiet berg would beclieered by the sound of legal revelry, sometiine durinjr coinnienoemcnt week. I The ('hronirle elcction bas been post ])oiied indcflnltely. Colton '89 luis heen laking views of the university anti groundi. Tbe lawl expect to bc all through tbelr pxamlnatloni by Tucsduy. Miss Berrldge returns from Auslin, III., Thursduy, to take ber examlnatlooi Thos. I!. White r88 of Katon Rupids lins been vUlling the Sigma Phi's tliis week. The ini'chaniciil englneers had 4 honre exam. Satnrday niominjr and .') hours on Alonday. Mis. Mui tin tilled ber busbund's p'acein the dental dept., duriujf the examinations on 8iir:ery and pathologv. Miss Florence E. Whitromb, '88, siiiU for Europa on Jnly 20th, reaMtning ubroad lor the cnsniii year. Tlie Qrand Rapidrt high sehool have socured the services of Levi, '87 to teuch French and Gorman for theensuing ycar. Prof. Rheinliardt is stlll in town and will not leave fur Mllwaukee nntil after coinineiKcniLiit. Hls wife will accompany liim. Lou Dennis, '80, is in the city furcomntcnoenient. He will po to Cornell in the fall to accept a position In the lahoratory ut tlmt college. Seott.'Sö will fill the position in the llbrary nmv ocouulod ly Jumes '87, iind l.cliinnn and Hickey will take charge of Mm Mininary rooms. 3. H. bntrard sí, has gom to Los Aiifc'lo.-,, and will enter npon liis dulltM witli Uie city engineer of that place, i'tturniiig next October. The niciliciil dept. lias followed the exBUpre of the literary dept. and will discontinue tbc practice of giving credlts to 8ludent8 but will keep a record instead. A pharmic ba coniposedthe following: Here lies the body of Lucy Loudur, Who dled whlle takiugaSledllUpowder. CnlU'd fruni earlli to ber heuvenly reit. Slieghould have vralted Uil lt efforveseod. The national historical society haselected the tollowing oillcers : Pres. - II. W. Falrbaok, '89j vite pres.- J. W. MaU Chewa; kcj aud treas. - K. II. Wolcott. A veiy interesting paper on Licbens by Filbert Koth was delivered last Monday. One by one the students are betakin theiuselves to their homes, taking advanttige of 'the eaiiy clnsing of their work. Every train takes away a goodly nuinber; and it now looks as thongh the number rttmtlnlng for the celebration would be sadly depreciated. Prof. Cady has engaged the tollowing oloists who will take part In Elijah : Miss Hiltz, of Chicago, soprano; Miss Joslyii of New York, contralto; Mr. Slooum of Detroit, tenor; and Mr. ftdily of Chicago, basso. Thirty-flve pitees will fora the orchestra. Students bave constantly before tbeir eyes notices of inany ways In whicb to earn the Mlghty Dollar durinjr the long vacatlon. The bulletin board is filled wlth 8iich notices, and it may have tbe effect of Kndlng back next fall uiillionaiies who have amassed their fortune by selling trees, books, etc. ne of the students has invented a very neat cuff fastener for ladies'use called the Bijou, and is now engaged in baving a latge number inanufactured and will goon place them on sale over the country. It is hoped that this Iittle convenience will do away wlth many nf the tri:is and tribulalions of co-eduefltion. A little trouble is being nnticlpated about obtalnlng the tent for the pavillion for the senior reeeption. Chicago p irties from whom it was ordered wired yesterday tliat tbe tent bad been sold. Èfforts are being made to secure another but as yet the attempt bas been unsuccessful, as the hope that auother one can be made in time are very meager. A meeting of the freshtnan class was called for last Saturday morntng to consitler arrangementsfcrthe torchlijfht procession, to tuk-p place dnring Commencement week. No action was taken as a quorum was not present. It is liopei] that sufflcient interest will be displayed to make the undertakinjí a success, and tliat enougli'90 men will remata so asto make a good showing for their class. The Oracle board are out with an exhortation to the members of the class of 90, urging tliem to exert themselves during the Slimmer and strive to protluce some literal y or aitistic eftbrt whlch will be woithy of the elabórate pmes offered by thcm. With such latent tulent as is surely slumbering in the minds of many of the class, nothing can prevent the Oracle from being one of tlie best ever published at the university. Why would it not be a good scheme to organizea Lacrosse club in this univeraity? Man v of the eastern colleges have done so and find the sport very excitinjr and entertaininar. With such good material as can be foutid here, one of the best Lacrosse clubs in the country could be forined and would have a tendency to place athletlcs more prominently before the minds of the studeuts. There are many clubs who are well skllled in the game, in this Vlclnlty. as in Detroit, Windsor, Brautford, etc. and any club organized here would not want for opponent.- worthy of their notice. Peihaps next year something could be done to agítate the idea. The qucstion of organizinj; a fraternity base hall league is being agituted by the base hall enthusiasts. During the past year many games have been playcd by rraternitlet and all liave heen itteuded by niucli pleasure and excitement to the contestants. 'l'lie plan is to have every fral. pluv two or three ramcs with every otlier and the three lowest to pay for a pund set-up at the end ot the season. . -M-MM u uu vviy prumaoic 10 uome frats, whose skill in haudling the sphere is r.-itlier lacking and who would have fewer sel-upg to pay for. It also would créate more of au 'inter-fraterua! friendship wliich eould not help but be lo the adrantuge of'every body. Saturday the freshinen and gophmores strove tor mastery on the base ball Beid, and agüin the sopln. urn-t acknowledjje that "OO'.s superiority Is not coutined to foot ball. The score was 2! to 19, tliis result being obtained through the wonderful work of both batteries. the sliifftrlnjr of the freshiuen, ml the Umpire, Kline, Law, '88. Wilkinson, supported by Bailey held down the he.ivy batter9 of the 8ophomores, they being unablc to gauge liis puzzling delivery. After eighl or ten runs had been added to their opponeuts score Malley was placed in tlie box with good eÖ'ect. Tlie error of both Bidés inay be obtained b.v inultiplying the put onts by the times at bat, but these trilling deviatious trom professional ball playin did not detract froui the great interest to tlie ipaoUfeon, Wyeth and Du lly were'89's battery and did nobly. Home runs were made by Wükinson, tlircc iMMOn by Wilkinsou, Malley, üray and Hailey, and errors by everybody. The feature of the game was probftbly tlie brilliant onttleklUig of the siiphomorcs, whose apparent elToits to capture sky scraping llies sliowed a zoal worthy of a better cause. Browu of 'yo, by a combinatlon of clrcumstaHces, due' inostly to orders of the captain, sprained hig aukle in the third inning, giving pl.u e o Micmillan, who fiuished tlie game. ''M) DOW awaits other worlds to conquer and liapaüantly looks forwaid to next year when "BI wül doubtless be her vlctiins. If the editor of the Owosso Times who is nearly alvvays fair iu lus atgiiments, will look tip the fiicts, he will flnd that that the fees of foreigu students already make the professional departments selfMipporting. Whlcli departments contain at least four-lifths of the foreirn students. Now il you go to work and lax the foreign students In these depiirtments out of proportlou it will not only place additioiml taxes upon the state to mahitaiu the departments by reason of drlvinjf away li foiein HtiidenlH, lti t. niake a sinall local OoltofM of whiii is imiw :i hroad, noble imiversity. Harvard and Yule haver ncholarships for those not able to pay. The L'. of M. baa nothiiiK of the kind, and inoilratfl fees is the only thitijj that keepg it abreast of the tidc. Did the Times tlioronglily uihIcisIhikI the management of the university, we feel sure It would coinmend and not condemn it.


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