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The Local Option Law

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The county lociil option bilí has pussed both houses ot the Legislatura and reeeived the signature of the Qovernor. Below we ve the bill In full : BfCtlon 1. The mopla of the State of Miotilgan enaet, That upon npplicatinn by petitioti sincd by nol less than onefiflli of llie votersof any county, as shown by the last preceeding vote on governor, who are qaliried to vote fnr county offiCer in nny county in tliis State the county clerk of sueli county shnll cali an cleetion to be held at the places of holding elections for state and county offlcers to taUe place within forty days after the reccipt of such petition hy said county clerk, to di-tertnine wlicthcr or not intoxicalnir Mquon as mentioned i:1. section two of tliig act shall he inanufactured or solil wit li i o the limits of such desiynated eomity; Provided, That no election held uuder this act shall be held in any nionth in whlch an election for State, county, city, village or township ofticers is luid and such questlon havinfr been once rteclded by the votes of the electora shnll i.ot be ugaln subtnitted for a pcriod of Ihree ycars." Notice that such a questinn is to be submitted shall be given hy the ("iinty clerk for the saine time and in the same marmer as is provided by luw for üivinsr notice of special elections for county nllic.r.-. Tlie vote "hall be by ballot, and the b;illots shall be deposited in ballot, boxei turntshed for the purpose, and separate poll lUts, and tal ly sheets shall be kept. The county shall provlde poll llsts, tallv sheets and a sufticient numbar of ticket for sucli elee lion at each polin(f place, at the expense of the county. Those voUrs who wish the manufacture nnd sale of intoxieating liquors for use as a beverage prohihited, shall iiave piintcd or written or partly prinleil or partlf written on tlieir hallots the words, "Agaiust the manufacture and sale ot intoxiciitiu}; liqiiors," and thoje lio f!d not wish íuch sale prohlbited hall have printed or written or pnitly prlnted or partij written on their ballon the Word. "For the manufacture and sale of IntnxIcAttng liquors." The inspectore of ek'Otioua, as provided by law, sh ill act, and shall have authority to appoinl assltants, if any shall be necessary. The hallots shnll be eatt and counted and the returns of the same shall le made 1 rom eacli votinjf precinct to the Clerk ot tlic cotiuty in wliich such election U luid, in the manner )rescrlbed by law for the electinn of county offleers. The cletk of s:iid BBIinlj shall enter in a bo ik to be piovided by hini for the purpose, a tabular stitenient of tlie immber of votes cust for and itgaiiigt Mieh proposition in efleh votint' prieinet in said eounty, hs thown by !! returns, together with the afjireirnte niiintier of votes cast for and na in si sunh prnposition in each voting pieeinet in said county, as shown by said lelinns. toirether with the ararpgate nuiiiber of votes cast for nnd Hgulnot such sale in the elective county. Said statement so recorded shall bc I public record of the county, and sliall ba [Mima facii' evidence of the tru t h of the muiters therein stated. Sec 2. That froni and after the flrst Mondav iu May next, after such special election, it U herehy declared unlawful to maiiiifaeture, sell, give away, or furnisli muit, lirewed, fermented, vinous or lutnzlcatlnx liquors of any kind or in any qua'itity, or liquors, any part of which is malt, hrewod, fermented, vinous or iutoxicstli}, or to keep for sale or keep a place where sivh liquors are mannfactni'Pil or kept for a'e, trlven away, or furnii-heil, within the limits of any county in which a majority of the votes cast t tlie election next preeeediriff. upon the question of prohiblting the sale of Intoxicating liquors, Pxaept where done by a drnggist who is or who employs a regiptered pharniacist strictly in compliance with the laws for the regulation of druagists. And whoever, within such limlts, himself, or by an agent, or otherwise, tluH manufacture, sells, fiirniahes or gives away any such liquors, or keepi a place where such liquors are manufactured or kept for sale, glven away or furnshed, upon conviction thereof in any eourt of competent iurisdictlon, shnll be fined In any sum not less than fifty nor more thati five liundred dollars, and be imprisoned in the county jail not legs than ten days nor more than six months, or both, in the discretion of the court S.c. :i. In any county in tlils State whereby the electors of such counties as herelnbeforc provided, for the sale of euch liquors Is proliibited by a majority vote, then In such case the provisión of the penara) laws of this state for the taxation and regulation of the business of the sale, manufacture or dealing In gnch liquors is suspended, or superceded so far as relates to the territory of sueh county and all sales made by drujfgltfa in such county shall be under nll restrietlons imposed upon druggists by said general hiws of the State.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News