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THK STORY OF METLAKAHTLA. By Hetry 8. Wellcome. Illuatrateü PubilBhed by Saxon .v Co., of Lomion mul New York. Piloe l.fiü. This book is " dedicated to the cause of ustice, truth and humanity," and is tlie story of an outrage upon and cruelty to a civilized Indian comuiunity on the part of the Canatlian government. At Coltimbia, on the coast of the Pacitio, a practical mlsaionary genius namen! William Duncan. has succeeded In civilizing a body of Indiana degraded by cannlbalism, and at the mission of Metlakahtla lic stands at the licad of a community of a 1,000 or more souls, whlch has a larger church than is to be found elsewhere north of San Francisco. Tenlmony as to the value of the resulte was borne n 1876 by Lord Dufferin, then Governor General of Canadat who declared that he conld hardly flnd worda to expresa his astonlshraent at what lie witnessed. This community of native British Colutnbians is now seeking refuge under the American flag from gross and malicious persecution of church and state, and the touching appeal of these people ou;lit to stir the hearts of every libertylovin{ American citlzeu. If tliey can be nu iruiitecd protiü-iion this enterprislng community will take up land in Alask, and our conuress ought not to heslt;it3 i moment in gi ving them all the land and all ttie protection they want.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News