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i-; _S' Uufenc r%Sk_? V Keu ftjilftia. ¦- aw....tZiw.YJ Time thlc 1 ikinf ¦tt.-ct Nuv. Mih. Mg cv ii trui Niitmliipil Time. ( 1IK Aii( To DKTKOIT. J_iS_ 5J t a ¦. ¦ i'-" !¦¦ p r. .i. Chlcuro Lv 650 00 3 10 4 4" 815 911 Kalnmazoo 12 17 1 ' 188 50 12 ;ii B 146 Battle CreekJ 1 13 S27 7 : 1 IS :i 2 7 In Kluon ,3 16 4 23 8 4H 3 15 4 50 IU' BIB 51 34 helft-a SS fSt Dexler 4 14 6 Ml 1 Di-lliiMIllB... 41 : 'l 14 Aun Arbor.... 4 13 5 30 9 4.1 .... 4 35 ü 08 10 Ü6 Ypallanll 4 5(1 5 45 9 0b ,4 5a 824,1040 Waynr June. 5 IS 6 05 5 IS 047 11".: r-tn1..Ar. 0 00 7 15 1045 ... 61) 7 80 12 trt Bt.Toonuw U 15 245 J 00 9 55 846.... Fallí View ... 545.... 112 I Fallí I 22 54K 1 33 5 5K ... Buffilo i 485 766 Tit 3 55 6 10,., .. DKTKOIT TO CHICAGO. i " & L& L i TATIOMS. : lí !k K ÍÍ " SS ¦ A 1 - - .i. _ .- A.M. A.M A ¦ AH AM Buffalo 1 1180 54B 05 UU% .... N. Faln lila 031 12-.0 8t.Thoma 4 1 10 O. 115 44 A.M A. . r.M r.M. P.M. p.M - . Detroit.... l.v.j 7 00 910 130 4 00 8 UO 9 15 .... W.yneJoocJ 7 40 53 2 08 4 45 8 K7 9 5? Ypallutl ....' Sul 10 12 2 2(1 5 14 8 68 10 Ann Arhor... 8 1 102,") 232 530 9 12 ..... Delhi Mf1la.. 8W 54Í'. Dext.-r 885 650 34 Chelaea 8 48 05,952 arunLake... 10 K 47 10 i: ... Jackson 985 1135 3 32 710 1052 1203 . . Battle Crek.. 1103 112 140 85311212 135... Kalamazoo. . . 11 W 1 50 5 15 1 W 1 :)5I 4 45 Chicago.. .Ar. j f ir; i40 Hl. . 7 Ül) 8 0d 10 20 O. W. KCJUULKK, H. W HAVKO. P. T. Agent AlM.. Alm Afluir. Chicago. Toledo, in Arbor Sorïli Michigan Kallwai. riMK (tcaimü'ijt. Tot:ike effect ut 12 o'clock, hoon, on Bund.iy,. linie lOtli, 1887. Train run by Standard Time. GOING NORTH. GO1NU SOUTH gj i 1 &$i ij p.ic.p . a. u.iLvr. Arv.a. .. mar ¦ 8 -'¦ 3 15 ¦' 1') Tilfd ¦ U 15 1 ík d 5ñ' 10 2 5 -_i. Miinl.'n. Jnuc Os 105 g '0 8.50 11 i T, M OX 1 (fl B 4U 7 10 H m ") 45 Samirla - ; 7 : :t 55 ir2 Knnr.e June 8 V 1 :] % in 7 501 4 ! IS Dundee S 10 14 14 7 50 8 0! 4 lli K 25 Az.ilia (j 00 12 14 T u 8 í5 4 :ïi B S5 Milu 7 Sil 12 01 7 28 8 MI 4 4.-Í 6 50 Urania 7 3í II 50 7 IB 9 00 4 M! 7 00 PltUflcld 7 H II 4Í 7 01 9 25 5 1(1 7 15 Ann Ari)ir 7 15 11 HO (.vi 9 51 5 W 7 33 Lflan 6 15 11 ü i; mi SI'. 7 i; Whltni'rc Ike . . . 110 ... 6 28. 8l llowell 1 10 40 5 89 7 ) 9 30 lnra:irt 99 M 7 46 9 r.i Cnronn 9 IM 115 Vi 10 01 ihiniMí i i ,w 8 10 10(15 OwofSO .luuc S 5i 4 U2 .. - 9 I", II i.: Ii ,„ , I T ï„ 2 9 83 II H Si, l.oul. .. 7 27 2 2 9 41 11 12 A'm I .. 7 3ü t 20 r. 10 3O I2 Mi P .n-ant .¦ B : 1 rt) Nontli l.viiii ürnin'li. NüKTH B'll'ND. SI'ATMNS. .-c K I 11 Hol NI) Traln T,an I " h. m. 9 60 LV, L('!anrlp Ar. h I 10 00 Ar. Wurdetw Ar. M 21 Ar Booth l.ynn Lv. i Connucttons: At Tíilfdo, Ith rartrcnris'itivrntine; at Alaiih.itun ,lui,, híiIi Whefllnif a Lakc KriB K. K.; at Ali-xl Jui.ciinu, ih M. C' K. K., I.. S. U. 9 Ky. nn.l b'. Jt 1'. M. R. R .; ai Mimriic Jiliit'linii. with L. S. A M S Hv at Oundee, withl.. 8.4 M. M. Hy.. M.AU. Ky.;'niMll-n Junctlon. with Walah, St.' 4 Pacilr l!y ¦ at PlttHÍeld, wlth [,.". M. s. Ky.; at Ann Arbor with Michigan C. Mitra] li. l(., nrt at South Lynn with Detroit, Uníinir & Noith.n. l(. K., n,l Mlch. A. L Div. of Grand frnnk !v. AtHmliur- wlih M. A. Une Dlvf-fon Onml Trui B'i. At llowell wnh D.iroit, LiBtinc .V Nor1hrn H'j. At Uurand wit Ch e ig i è ( ;.id IVinik K'y au i Detroit, Grand Haven j: Milwulifi. R'j . Ai nwosso Junction with Detroit, tvmnd lluv.-'n % Milwaukee K'y and Michigan tntral H. R. Ai M. Louis with Detroit. Lariinc Nurtht ru K. U. aurt na Vallt-y .t Si. Louis h'y. A' Alma itli Detru t, [jinutiiL' A Nnrtht-rn R'y. Al Mt. Pk'MSain witb Flmt l'ere K'y. H. V. ASHI.KV, üti Maogr. W. H. BKNNBTT, O. O. WAI.ES Oéu'i. PK. ,t Ticket Aecnt. I.neil .Vgent, THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AHnOK. MIinUJAN, Transacts General Banking Business CAPITAL, $60,000. Oráiitzed uuder tbe (iuthI BanfciMtf Law iM thls 8iHtt. Hit' Htuckh.ildui) nr iiii1iví.jü.iII in1 ¦ for un additlonul amuunt equal to itir sto k htrlO t tíu-iii. llierrtiy t ri-íttiiik; u v.u-.ruii lex bu mi lor tLe beot'rtt of Depositar oí $100,00.00. Three per cent. Inturegt la allo ad Mi al Sivi !¦- Depositíol ' oue ilollar and upnanl-, accorUiiix lu the rules ui the Uank anú inturc-i cuiup undt-d temi-annually. Koimy to Loan on ontiicumbt-r. d rea] estáte and otlnr Kood security. DIRKCTORS: CHHI8TIAN MAC'K. Wm. U. I1AHK1MAN, W. W. W1NKS. DANIKL HIM'IK K, W1LLIAM DKUUEL. V, ILLA !( .) tí. MI TU. UAVID KINSKY. OFFÍCERS: 0. MAOK, Pre. W. W, Vi 1NKS V.-Pr. y. K. HlHCOCK.P.inhier. JBSv A6ENTS WANTED FOR THE Mfè% AUTH0RÏ2SD 1 tíf LIFE of LOGAN KzSTJHBnirs. locan. TtiU BIORraphr ha been uiore thit iw.i ynarK ni Srt'paration C;en. Loiznn hlmnelf turnisned Ilio ata to the anUior. Uru. Fraaili Iuuon, DU Intímate triend atul aaaoolAtei and bofuru liis dt'uch laTead all nut th' rtuKinif t-hapteri of the work and :it It htl unqualirtett enilorsooient. Mrv. l.o:ari laten thls In the Introdoctlon. A mllllon ud¦tiren ot the deat Chleftain mi Ihl. thrllllnv lory of hls irr'iit rarcer tn pcace nnd war. Hplendldlr HlUBtnitod trlth porlrattM an.t bnttle ?ceni'R. Sen'! uuii'k fl for outflt and itet cüütce of lerritory. Addrem C B. BEACH de CO., C, II'MtirttfiiK1 Salo. DKKAILT liHVlng beeu nuide In the con. ditluu of u ceriuii) raoriiiKi' ni:ile by Mitry A. Irlsli, ns executrlx of the wlll f I" Ht'ph L. Il ish, deoeilseil, of Ann Ardor, Mli-hii;ii, to sanuii-1 P. KcMitvr of llie sume place, bourln late tlie elevcnlh tlny of July, oue tlionminil i'iyhl miiHlr.-.l miiM t'lKhtv -t wu, aiul reoordeU in llieotflce of tile lltílster ot lie. da for llie l'ounty oí hnIiUdiiw od the sauir day, lu Lllerrl- of M.irtkjuif on P'iut' 258, on wiiicli notnaii IIhtc isclulmel tobeilaeat llie cIhic ot mu none.-, tlie suiu of Mren huuilruU und ninety-nve dallara uní iiint'tj OCtDU, iind no milt or proocMtlInB. eilher Id Inw or t-iulty, hiisinu' heen luatltuted to recover llie uioiievH MTinril by I tu sai.l mortEhkc or iiny part Ihereof; Novr, tliereforx, y vlrttie oí tlie power ot sale i-oiit&inetl Ín nunl inoriKi'Ui' hiuI t iUl ute lu luob )¦ mude mul provlUcMl. uollce ís hreby glven tlmt nid mortKtiK' wili i' IbrCMlaacHl on 'l'liiirwluy. Hit' e iglith ilii.v of September, 1S.S7, at Ifii o'cltM'k lu the forenoon, ly u Hule nt public urtlou, to tin' nlgbest bldaor ftt thd etufl door of tlie eourt hause In tht' t!lty of Aun Arbor nuil buuiK tbe pliice wliere the ilrcult couit for mild oounty of WiuiUU)iiw Ik lieldl, of the premisos descrlbcil Ín said inoriKatce, or ío iniich Ihereof, ns may te neoeaaary to puy the iimoiint ttue on sjtld inortgHxe und tlio note accompanylng tl. e sume wllb inti-ii'.M nuil ull legal oosts, luoludiuii uil A(.Umey feu f tweiuy-ïlve djollATi provlilitl for In salil morlgiige. Tbe pTerdlsei belng dd8crlted baIcI inoriai.'t' aa follovva : All tlmt nertiini pli-ce or páíroe of luml. sil nitIn tbe u;ty of Aun Arbor tu the coiiniy 01 WaNbtenaw and Ktatt' of Michigan, nuil ilHorlbei! lis follows. to-wll : 'omiiK'iicinK four (4) roda Bouth of the aouthwest trner f (Ot four (4), blofk li Moulb ol Hurón itreot, ranea (i east, tbenceBouth nlong tlie eaal Une of Fifth streel four (I) rcxls, t henee paral 1I with Ibesoutb llneof gald lol elglil 8 rodi tln'iii'1' n.irll! ío r I roilM. tht'lHf Mtlght iK roda to place or Im-kIiiiiíiiü. OKOltOK 0. PAOK. Jk., Executorof the laat Wlll of Samuel P. Koster, flcifi-inci. K. 1). Kinnb, Attorney for sald Exeoulor. Dated June II, 1887. I HlV Hl kll ItowELt A Cos Mirwspcipar Advertlslng Bureau (10 8pruc up UAf1l# {ists NEW YORK.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News