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A (lrniiiml lor the miUBllug ut áogi comes trom Cüetaan. The alumni of llic state normnl tchool fit Ypsilanti mimher.s ],;(¦}(. And now Chelsea sijflis for fice dclivcry. Not quite eize cnouli. About 20 Saline ladies are "camping nul" in a cottage nt Sand L)ce thia week. Olí! my, wliat tishing! Sljrnal service flnjfa is imw t he dcaira of Uie hearis of Dexter's citicns. I i's oheap and inri( to e supplied. The contract for building t i new Llviui:lon cmintv j.iil it Hnwell hna been let to Mejora & Son, oCHUIsdale, for 9,Dl'.i. The M. K. .society ure planning repairs on tlicii' ehnrcli and lúe erectlon of a new narponage In the near future So Lvorj Plekot. Tlie Baptist, Coiifrcational and Methodist churches uill hold unión Sunday eveiiin services during the rust of the nummer. - (Jhelsea Herald. The Ypsilanti gravel road needs OOO'iderable repair?, and it would be a good ptati for tlie farmers along the route to hold a bee for doinjr the work. - Observer. The semi-centennial of the Michigan Universlty takc9 place to-day. Michigan is justly prond of the end achieved by her great seat ot education. - Stockbiidge Sun. Boating on the pond is the favorito evenin; pastime now. And au island at Iba upper end of the pond with 11 bij; iwiag, adds mueh to the pleasure of tlie trip. - Saline Observer. The South Lyon people are greatly in liopes of lassoin{ a railroad to be built froiu Sagiuaw via Flusliinj; to that polnt. Qo in boys and win, it is a fcasiblc ani! probable project. Messrs. Brown and Bassett were over., of course, trom Anu Arlior last Sunday. It is mM that the boys footed it tiack lo the city, arrivingthere lalc, Ibot-soie and weary. - Saline Observer. Dexter beat Chelsea at base ball, and now the wailiiifr in one place and the njoicing at the other is wonderful to beholil. All should remember that tbc game is a mighty easy one to lose. Fred Davis met with a singular misfortuue while bathiog last weck. Heoonghed out his patent teeth and they went to the bottom of the race. II Is endeavors to lind tiiem the next day were fruitlcss. - I'inckney Dispatch. A large number of veterana froin Dexter and viclnity attended the reunión of the old Fourth Michigan at A nu Arbor. June 24th. All reporta pleasant time, and , speak highly of the kindness nmt bospitality of their Ann Arbor Meada. About $200 were raised for the Jeffords inonumeut. - Leader. The law forbidsany pensioner barkam ing, selling, or promisng his quartcrly j 8lon before it becoines due, and on the other hand, all persons are forbidden to accept the same, In any manner, as 1 rity or otherwise. The iine is lixed at j $100 for any violation of the act and is ecjuul upon the soldier and dealer. - ! 8ea Herald. St. John's Day, Friday last, was celebrated here by u parade of St. Andrew's masonic lodge, colored, In the evenlng. The parade ended at Benevolent Hall, on Chicago avenue, wliere addresses were i delivercd by Hev. Greenbury Polk of Ann Arbor, Itev. Max Smitli and Hev. ! Mr. Baundere. The Ypsilanti colored band headed the prooealón. - Vpsihiutian. .Mrs. Ij. J. Waring, ot South Lyon, went out the other afleruooii to do sonie ; ping, leavi ig the house unlocked. During her absence Mr. Waring le'urned, and, ! to tench lier a lesson, took his wife's watch and chain and lett. WjttOB she came back i it took lier less than live minutes to tumble to the fact that she had been robbed and in Uve more she had sent for the slicrill, and that official made the t rail so hot that the robber had a hard run to get back the property in time to avoid arrest. Vcry properly people are becoming alarnied at the unenviable record Michir:ui is owkiog tor herM'H' in lier numerous minder cases. One per day for a whole weck natUrally temls to mitk human life veiy unsafe. Whether the restoration of capital punishment tor murder would decrease tlieteudeiiey tocouimit thecrime is il mncfa disputeil (luestlon. It 11 very dü ricnlt non1 under tlie exisüng luws lo convict a murderer, and to mercase the sevcrIty of tlie punishment wonld probably dccrease the chances of convictions. What I is most necded is speedier and more certalnty of punlshment. .lust how tbMe eniN aro to be reached is unknown, but soine way onght to be devised to brin;; the criminal to justice. - Stockbridge Sun. Ilow would It do to have more justice In our couits of law, imd lewcr cases dacided upon tcchnii-alilies v Wonldn't thal be Bil improvemwit?


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