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The First Sigh Of failinghcalth, whcther in the form of Niglit Sweats and Nervousness, or in m leuse of General Wearincss and Loss of Appetite.should suggest the usc of Ayer"s .S:irs:ip:irilla. Tbis preparatiou is most cffcctivc for giviug toue and strengtu to the enfcebled system, promoting the digestión and assimilation of food, restoring tlic ncrvous foroes to their normal condition, and ior purifyiug, euriehiüg, and vitalizing the blood. Failing Health. Ten ycars airo niy he&lth tana to fail. I was troubUd with a distressing Cough, Night Sweats, Weukncss, and Nervou9nrs. I trted vtirious remedies prescrlbed liv different phvsicians, luit became so weak tbat I could not po up xtairs without stopping to rest. jly friends recoiuraendea me to try Ayër's Sarsaparilla, Tvhii'h I did. aml 1 ra now ai heoltny and troiiK :is erer.- Kn. E. L. Willlanis, Alexaiulria, Jliun. I have iiscd Ayer's Sarsaparilla, In mr famlly, for Scrofula, and know, lf )t Is taken faitlifully, tliat it wlll thoroughly eradicatf thit terrible dtMMe. I bve also prescribed it ns a tonic, as well as an alterative, and mud ux ihat 1 honestly believe It to be the best blood medicine ever cnmpomided. - W. F. Fowlcr, V. V. S., M. 1., (iri'cnville, Tenn. Dyspepsia Cured. It would bc tmpossiblc for me to decribe what I 8iitfered frota Indigestión and Heailaelie up to the time I bepm takiug Ayer's Sanaparill. I was under tho care of variont )b}'slctAUJ and trled a great mtny kinds f medlcloei, but nevcr obtainéd more tban tèmporwy reliaf. Alter taking Ayer' .Sarsaparilla for a short time, niy beadacb disappeared, and niy sloinaeh perfonned itsdutles inora perfeetly. To-day mv health is ciiinpl.'tely Jlary llarley, Springüelil, UOSS. I have been greatly benefited by the prompt HM 'f Aei's Sarsaparilla. ]t tonos and InvicoratM the tyitera. ragvlatM the action of the ditfestive and assimilative ornna, and vltalizei the blood. It i. without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier yet dlscovered. - II. D. Johnson. SN3 Atlantic ave., Urooklyu, N. Y. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Tripired hy Dr. ,T.C. Ayer & Co.,Lowell, Uut. Trice 1 ; ix botll, SS.


Ann Arbor Courier
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