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The Natural Gas Co.

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At the first meeting of the stockholders of the Washtenaw (Natural) Gas and Fuel Co., the following otHcers were chosen : President- W. D. Harriman. KM l'r -ddi-ut- Fred'k Schmid. Treasurer- L. Qruner. Secretary- E. K. Frueaufl". Directora- Fred. Schmid, J. S. Heuderson, L Gruner, E. Imily, 11. Hutzel, John Heinzman, John F. kawrence, W. ü. Harriman, K. K. Frue.iuff. The stock is being sold to bonafide purchasers only at 20 cents on the dollar In $'2 and $50 sliares. Kvery cent raised by the sale of stock will be either expended in i setirch for gas or oil or retarned to the subscriber, and our people oujiht to take hold of the scheme and push it. It will be remembered that au artesian mll was bored at the southwest corner of the court house square in 1871, and the record of that borintr shows that gas was struck at t li ;i t time. llere is the record as kept by Prof. Winchell. At 131 feet-Qutcksand. 131S4- Compactly bedded shale-like material. 160- Partlally cernen ted Band. lul- Slmle, llghl-bluish, varylng to diirk gray. Some portions- npparently tlnii st-nins - bufflsh, ratlier hard, very slightly eflervesclnp wltli acid. 08 t'revlce- fresh water rising immediately to witliin LIJ leet of the surface. ¦ - Shale as above crevlce. S20- A cavity froia wlilch Issued lnflammnlile gas, and a llttli! black oil. 3il- lilack sliale. 330- .Sanilstone, dun, eartliy, porou, actively eflervescing wltli acid. Contiins brlne. At a deptli of 3 ft. In it a sample of brlne slauds 50 salometer. 392- Fine buUUh, calclferoua or magneslan s:md rock, about 14 dltsolvlng In sulphuric acid. Brlne M salometer. 427- Shale, blulsh. 4J0- Shale oouluining wuler lowers to 40 ft. from the surfüce. Brlae ti8. -4' - Sillcious shale. excesslvely fine, compact, blulsh-gray, accnmpanled by ga wblch cansed au ovurllow of water at the lop of the well. Water afterwards subslded but ga contlnued to escape. 4"3- .Simio idntinuing. When llghted paper is thrown dowu, uumerous detonatlons occur In the well. 720- iwlth ferruginous specks) appiirenlly somewhat chtrly. 7I ('liips of eartliy magueslau llmestone with Bome snmi. 755 - Chips quite sandy, wltli magneslan limestoue, lrou and clay. Work dlscoutlnued. Thls record leads to many hopes being buil upon the ultímate success of a natural gas well here. That there is ras tlicru is not the least doubt, but whether it can be fonnd in payinjfquantities is the (uestion to be settled, with prospects at least fair. The cotnpllmentary tickets issued by the Detroit Drivinjf Club for tlie Blue Ribbon Trolting meeting commencing .luly lWth and eiidinjc July 9M, are marvels of ueatness and printer's skill. The purses for theae races argregate $25,000, and the name of U. J. Carapau as secretary adds strength to the meeting'. Witli blmattbe helm hlr defkling It certalnjy assured, and all unfair business of a certainty tlircuvu out. He lias done more to elev;tte speed contests, than any man in Aimirica, and those who have watched liistight aiainst the jockeys and gainbleis have been more than happy to see liini triumph. A écheme is; agltated amoog the mercbants aud busiuess nien oí thisclty that may liave soine eftect on the proposed renoval of the medical tlcpartment of the Uulveraity to Detroit. The jilan is practically for theni to combine and transfer their entire trade to Toledo and Chicago houses. Tliis will make a ditlcrcnce to the Detroit wholesale trade oí at the very least $500,000 jer yenr, and probably mucli more. Toledo is as near as Detroit, prices are as cheap Hiere, and our mercbanU.oan be m well rapplled from that point as from Detroit. The movement is ii retalWitory one to oÜMt the proposed Uklogtwayof the medical deiartmeDt by Detroit, ir' it sliali be agreed to. .Judge Jotlvn saysthat.Tudgc Campbell left out onc important incident in refereiice. to Oov. Barry"a adiiiinigtration that is (iiitt! au Important onc During the i tai 1S-14 tlie university funds had become entirelyexhuwsted. Wlint was to bc done was a mystery. Finally ] tegen ts Whitinp;, Ten Brooki et al went down to Detroit to interview the Governor. After laying tliuircase before hiin lic asked: "Gentlemrii, Ikiw nuicli dn you consider necessary to run the univer.sity uutil the state aid is availaljle?" The answer was $1,000. 'I'lie goyt-rnor sat lown to a desk and wrote lii piT.-onal check lor tlmt aniount (which was a great deal in those days) and the regenté look it and cirried on the university until the legi.slature carne to its reseñe. City Snbscriheislothe Courier slionld loavo tlieir streel and No. ut tliis office atoiiccto insurc llie tlellrery of thelr papers.


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