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A new píate glass front is beinr put in Wlll Stimson's store on Anu et. Au iuiproveiuent much needed. City Subscribers to the Couricr should Ieave their street aud No. at tbis oflïoe at ouce to insure the dellvery of their pasers. J$efore the class of '70 closed their reunión last week tliey presented Mrs. 1). Stowell wltli a liaudsuinu portfolio of American Ktchlngs In appreciation of her attention to thein daring their stay here. The Detroit Evening News hasn't Lot over makini; up faces at the University yet, but has a spasin every Otber night regularly. lts facial coutortions during the seini-ceiitennial were somethii)}; Irifjlitfnl to behuld. One wonld tliink Itf editor liad been eatlng too plentifully of green apples or cuciinibers. The house of Jus. McCormick, of Salem, caught lire iSumlay bufore last fiom ii defective fine, wbieh was discovereil by his two young daughters just as they were tarting out for Sunday scliool. BeinL level-headed and plucky oue rushed on to the roof while the other prociired water in pails and put out the Ure, but when they ot through their clothes were not hardly presentable for a Sunday school service. They saved their father' house, however, and the Watbtenaw Mutual Ins. Co. only had to pay f 12, where they would have had to pay several hundred had it not been tor their presence of mind and energy. Such daugliters are worth having. In the death of L. A. Barnes, of Ypsilanti, wbich occured very giiddenly on Thursduy of last week, from the result of a surgical operation, that city loses one of its most energetic and prosperous business men, and this county one ot its tiblest residents. Mr. Barnes had been a resident of Ypsilanti about 30 years, and was known all over the state among printers and publishers as the president óf the Peninsular Paper ;Co., with nearly all of wliimi he had pleasant dealings. He was about Cl years of age, leaves a wife one son and a daughter, and a large estáte. HU funeral was held Katurday last from the family resldence, Kev. IX McCorkle, beiug the olllciating cleryman. ' ' 'V L_ ,., .......n. The importance of purlfylng the blood cannot bc overestiniated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly cvery one need good medicine to purify, vitalize, and euricli tixe blood, and we ask you to try Hood's Sarsaparllla. Itstrengthcns r cCUIId.1 aQj tunas up the system, cretes an appetite, and tonesthe digestión, while it eradicates discase. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparatlon of the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's Sarsaparilla T +CÉlf iar curative powers. No u llOCII other medicine has such a record of wondert ui cures. If you havo made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be lnduccd to take any other tnstcad. It Is a Peculiar Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all drugglsts. Frepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. 100 Doses One Dollar REPORT OF THECONDITION ANK ARDOR SAVINGS BANK ANN ARBOR,T MICHIGAN - OM- Monday, July 4th, A. D, 1887, IMI In Accordance with Sectlons 18, 19 and 67 of the General Banking Laws is Amended In 1871. IIESOUUCKS. Loowmd DUeonb - WHgW '! llomtnand MorlKK!S 2Hll.'Jlii Sa Overdrafti) HH '21 Furultnrf nnd Klxtiirru I.9H0 ST Due rrom Nniloual und HWle Banks 4Í.Í10 " Ubuhoo hand a.8S tliO7.7l 95 MAHII.lTlliS. OaplUI Stock 50 j Boralu Kund W1" " i'niiii a i - -vÜHy„'. .luly Dlvld.nd M Duo DpMlton 479,85JS iO7.7l 95 I do Hok'muly iwear t li:t t the abovo statement i true, to the beat of my kiiowledjre and belief'. CHA9. K. H18C0CK. CahiiT. 8ubflCrlbed nnd oworn to bcfore me, thU -th day oí July, IWT. AÜAM 1). SKYI.KIl. 1358-1.)5 Notary Public.


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