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MVSOXU' IHK1UTOUV. riiHsJiW of ,-a.-U mmilli, W.G IMly. K.C.. W A Tolcluinl. Reoorder. Haudy, II P.; ' K..MM. s, vrelary. ySlNESS CARDS. o. :mi. ikLÁ.ÍRTiisr, CLOTH CASKETS, METALIG UUVUlWUKMIlU. (:1IN:lll'lll.-.l t. l'ay room"" E. Washington streel. ftwrt_roee Cpt. I.HhtIv nnl fifia. W. II. JACKSO, I_ __ rSTiTilIIISHTiL OFFICE : Dvor Baeh á kWh lry Good Store. Kutrance uext to N:itiomil Bank. WILL1AM HE BZ, House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! mini?, (ildinü, ana Oaleimlnlne, and work of everj feacrlnUou In h.ft style. and warrnted to giw itifclMU. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St„ Anr, Arbor. V W. & A. E. Xlt HOI,, DE1TTISTS. Koonis Ovpr Ann Arbor Savings Bank, M;ionic Templo IJIoek. G S or VITALIZED AIR A l ¦nnii-t.Tfl tor the pAlatoM extractíoa of G ET THE BEST F1RE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. S-curity hclil lur Uic arutTCtlen of the PUcj CHRISTIAN MACK Bei-resenu 'tae f.iUowliw ttrla compjmlCTjOl which une, tho if.tna. tu_ alone paúl io',HO,UOU üre osa'Diu sl_iy-_vi' 1 Ewa, of Il.uifor.l i 9,192,644 frankítii ot [tiiladel)hlii 3,116,718 CMffflhnlH, N. V 2,700,739 Qermn American, N V 4,0ftü,968 Londoa lt_nirinrr. Lomlon... I. UC,788 Michigan F. ,V M., llt-ir..H . . . 287,608 '. V. l'n'lorwutrt-, N. V 2,590,679 National, Hartford 1,774,505 IMiu'iiix, Urooklyn 3,759,036 l.iscs liberally acijus;cil and promptly ikl. Policies issued at the lowot of priiiiimn. llDltf LI7MBERI LUMBER! ZiTJMB-SB.! II ymi lonteraplate bullilinfr, cali at FERDON Lultr Yard ! (! rner Pourlli and Depot Bis., and re our figures for al] kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and ru arantes AERY LOW PRICES 0riiive us a cali and we wil) mak. it to ynur interest, as our irge and well yraded stock fully ustmlni our ssertion Telcphone Connections ilh Office. r. . KtfiBCH Supt. JAMKS TOLÏÏERT, Prop A DePOREST. Fire Insurance Plate Grlass Insurance, Steam Roiler INSURANCE ! UiiTcst Ratcs, Honorable A Ijnstinriits and Losscs Promptly l'nid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS SPKI'IAL ATTKNTIii.n QIVBM TO Cul.l.n nOH 'if RlEITfS Wil UANAOl WEKT OF llK.VI. KsTATK INIKIÍKSIS KOK N'itN - Ki;SI UlINTS. ESTIRE SATMKAUnuN TO OfTK-IW QUARANTKK1). A. DeFORK8T. MBOr money iban at any tlilni; elíe by tan ing n aui'iicy for the best ndllug book out. -''jflnnere tncreed gmndly. Iffone Inll fivo. Hauitt ilMK Co., Portland, Mine. PENNYROYAL WAFERS. t_ rescription of a physician who haa had a life lonf? experience in treatiüK femalo dusoaaea. Is used monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ladu s. Pleatant, safe, cffectual. I- .diua askyourdrugKist for Pennyroyal Wafers ana take no substitute, orincloso postaeeforBealedxarticulars. Sold by all dniErr'ts, $1 pur ix. Addrees THE EUKEKA _H_M-__ Cö.. Drinott. Mica. Sjld lu Anü Arbor, Mich , by Khe rbach & Son 1S0H 1 r i f T cao Mve at home.nnd miiko morí' money at I I I II work for us, ihan at nnyiliiiii; elee In thia I III world. Capital nol nei-dcd ; yoa are 'V%J mrled free. üoth eex.-n ; all ares. Any 'me can do the work. Larj;i! earnlDKS are f rom "rt tirt. Cotd; outllt aud term Pree. Better not delivy. CobC8 you nothing to send a your addreM and nr.d out; f y ui tre wlu jon wlll do so t once. H. Hailktt ,t Co.. Portland, Muine. Jtef LMKRSL Kf'iuil. A Var luifl WatCT- WiAr%al' ,t K,!atl. Old Bthi Ri-nwni. 5J 8_a r Otarin E. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor, Mich. A CO)II'I.I,TB AlillANcnOIKST Vult Phyiieii."wd Families. Neiier asi Cheipe: 11 HOBJt CONVENIENT PH VV MTATIONAItV liATIl TOB, WITH NO KXI'KNSK. Of KO(iv) AND FIXTUKKS. SUBSCH1HE KOU The Ann Arbor Courier.


Ann Arbor Courier
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