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Dead As Julius Caesar

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The Oommittee appointed fw that purpose, coubtlng of Regenta Draper, Bla!r a.ui Gromnor, went down to Detroit Mcinday to liear what the Detroit people had to Offer relative to removInR the elinique from Aini Arbor to tlmt city. But It seems no one was preparad to make. any Bort of proposition. The Detroiters pretended tobe there tot the expreei purpoaeof Itatenlng to aoy propoaltlon the Regenta mlght mak Iut tlic liejrent.-. rere not there to ofïer but to liften to propoBitioni. They had been leJ to belleve tlmt if they would onlv come down Hiere ej ou'ul be mt with wonderful [iberallty, tlmt the dtinui of Detroit with tKeir pur In their huda wouM ¦arroaad them even as infectó swarin Rbout the out-door eleetric llghtl these warm nlghto, and tempt the wtth uatold wealth of gieenbooka, gold awt Uver ti ciitainaiiraiiii' the medie! dUpartmenl of the Bntwhen the EtegenU went there tbe maetlng was turned Into a pumping contest with Dr. tCaelean and ¦ few f his fri;mls at the bandiet endeavortag to pump out of the Reyentt an admlnton that a ehange wsi Beeirable, The ilottor dldn't fucceed ; and the Madean torpedo whleh was to have gone off with so much noise only sissed out llke unto the defeetive lirecracker picked up by the simiil boy the next day after the Fourth. The meeting was b flat (allure so far as the pet scbenie of euttiiig in two the medie:. 1 department is eoncerned. Now woukl it not be wise for tlie regents to weed out al) discordant ek-meiits trom the medical faculty? To fiud BMn - iiid good men om be found - to lili the chaire who will work contlnnally for the upbullding of the university insteail of its overtlirow! To get the medical department into gooU condition once more and stop thla agitaUon at once ? More harm hal been done the medical departiiniit of the university the past year by this BgitatkMi, aud constant difcontent iiislillcil into the minds of stndents tlmn cm be uniloce in years of the vcry beat eflörte of the veiy best talent to be procurad la the Union. Wc woiilil rail the atttntion of our city readers to the coiniimnicaüoii of a "booiner"' in auothcr column, and bis iiuthod of advwtUtng the city. Let ther be ¦ Lrciicral ittendanoe of business me at the animal meeting next Friday even Ing, and an aprewlon made apon thi qaettion. üvcry minister, justlce of the pence o othsr penon autboriaed by law to per form the niarriage ceieuiony should seni their address to G. R. O.-iinin, Sec'y o State, Laniiiift, Mich., and receive a cop) of the uew law relativ to maiiiag ricenses. The Detroit Evening News is jott now engaged Ib a very laudable undertakiiv Of briaging about conmurcial union le Iweun Canada and the Ünited Statep which II the first stride- and a long one - tpward annexatlon. Alfred Krupp, the frrent, heavy ordnance inanufacturer of Germany is dead at Eeeen, Hhenisli l'nissia, .1 u 1 y 15th, aged 86. Bot his big guns tttll live.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News