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St. Thomas' Parochial School

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1 liisftructure Iihs a fine general hjipen ranee. I t is built of brick havinp a froutagt1 ol 110 feet on botli EliziibetliandStalf , And ril feet on the snntli, with a tower rising 90 feet sunnotinted by a plain ffllt cross. The roof is brokeu by gables and dormer windows. It is built in a solii! and Biibstantial in a n n e r, with more a 1 1 e n t i o n piiid to ts durable q'ialitios tlian to its ornamental nppcarunce. The xrounds on whicb [ tbls structure is lo cated have been converted from an I une veil fiulleyed out set of knowls I into a lmndsome plat, wliicti lina cost inuch time and considerable moncy. The above building is situated on the square siirrounded by North st. on the south.Statc and Elizabeth sts. on the east and we?t and Fuller st. on the nortli. St. Thomas' society owning the south 4TG feet of the block. The building, loeated on a bluU'on the sontli bank oí the Hnroii river, was cotn menced Sept. lat, 1884, and oOOptetad about Sept. ï.-t, 1880, mihI cost oompleled about $10,000; tliis witliout the lieating ïppnratlU or furnitiire. It 8 liandsonicly tinislied ofí inside with oak and lyORiiioK-, nnd is a tlioiiMighly tirst-clnss linililin;:. 'l'lie entire maiu part of the Htrncliirc is dt'voteil U tcbool loom purpoees, uliilc tlie rcar or winsr part is used dr living rooms tor the Sisters. Tliere ure clilM PDOIM fOT ÜM ici'oniodat ion ot about H(Mt pn pils, and duriog the pt year there wcre upward ot 200 U)on the rol Is, wlm were iMlffM b.v six Si-ters who have been sent here Ibr that especial work. In connection with tlie recular school work tlieie h a seliool of music which luis met wilh UMXpeeted and remarkab'e suecess, liiivin' M students eorolled at tlie close of the tirst year last June. Fatber Fierle tella iu tliat great puins liave been takeu in ecciiiïug instrumenta and that they have t-ome of the best to be found in the city. The school oommenoei on the tirst TiicMluy n September, and doses on or a bont June 28th. The object is to make the course oí ttüdg lit-re so excellent tliat students from abroud will be attracicd and wilh the iidvantiiffc of the larjfe univcisily librarles, it Is possible tlmt the Catbolic chnrch has already laid the foundation (or a college that other de nominalioiis have been IWfred to do, and wfaicll the BpttOOpAlblDt and I'rcsbyterians have taken steps towanl ItCOOIuplUbIng, Mocil of this work bas been noooDpllshed tliroiiifb the eneix'y hik! puthing qnalitics of Rev. Fr. Fierle, who has been untiiintr in liis fcffortl. It is a work and a propertv tliat tint (atliolic, cliiuch may well fiti-l pioud of.