Ann Arbor's Postoffice
'i' Rbove eol representa the Une brlck stroctiire at theoonterol Main ad Aun sts, erected lo 1882, by the late Klce A. Hcal for a poetoíBoe I) n i 1 i n f aud now used fer tlnit pwpOM, It lias a frontage of 46 feet on Aun st. opposite the court house equare, and '.: feet on Main st., s ayinnietrical and well proportioneel, aml is as line a building for the purpon as any interior city can bonst of. Tliis pOStoffloa H'i ved its líame from tlie tovvn, oiijrinally callod Ann's Arbor, after the wlfe f tlie tirst KtÜei hete, John Alien The uffloe lias been loeated Ín various places. For a period el' 9 years, from May 1834 lo 1WÜ, it was located at the coniei ol Main and Hurón sis., willi tlic brotliers John and James Alien as postulasteis; 2 veáis unUer Anson Hrown in llie lower town; 0 years under Oba. Thayer ou west sidt of Main st., lietween Ilurun and Aun sts., a greiiter porlion ol Uie, time Id the blck bloek torn down last sumiller, tlie debris of which still graces (y) the best part of Main st. ; Uien for li yeai it was taken to the north side of the eourt house siuire, being kepl in the building now oceupied by Win. Caspary'i bakery ; lor 19 yeais it was on the east side of the square, John Bom' present feed store servins the purpOM a jfrenter portion of the time; 17 years ou W. Huron st; and for 4 yeais in itpresent localitv. The business of the oll'ue bas nercased in a woiiderfnl maiiner doriDg these siuce llie time when tlie mail was broujfht once a week from Detroit throujrh dense o. ik torests by wagon and over [lidian tralla. In this coniH'fiioii the busioeat of Uk1 pn-tolliee for the past iiscal yfar, trom July lst, 18sG, to June 3Otb, 18M7, inclusive, will be veiy appropriate. The tiross receipts of the postolHce proper were $21,879-90. The total amount of busipen of tbc money order deparunent amounted to $143,441 99, tnoujrh the entire iiuount of cah handled in this tlepartnMDt dtirlag raaebai -'T."),OOO.OO. niakinf; the total business of the office aggregMte aboot ;.'S0O,0O0.0ü. The uuuibei of reistered letters sent was 1,688; No. of tnouey orders isstieil, 4,028; No. of money orders paid, H.41S; N). of postal n,,tes isMied, 4,(103; No. of postal notes pul, 8,994. Of these Jok II ind Jauies Allen, Anson Brown, Qeorge Dunforth, Ciileb Clark. Richard Beabn.n aiul Mark Howard, are dead. P. J. 13. Crane is In Colorado; John I. Tliompson is in Milwaukeo, Wis., Heury 1). HeDDett is In San Gabr.el valley, California, Col. Grant lives it Maquette, Chas. G. Clark in Dakotü, and Col. H. 8. Dean, J. C. Knowlton iiid Chas. T hay er live in Ann Arbor. KllKK MA1I. PKUVHKY. Siiue July lst the system ot' free muil del i ver; lias been iidopted, aud soinii idea of the work of the different carriers muy lie gained froni the followlng Bjpmi up to and Inotadiag July lGth, SiiUirday: No. I, Krank O'IIearn, has dellvered 5,474 mail lettere, (108 mail postáis, lili drop letters, 17 drop postáis, 1,384 papers, and eollecti'd 2.S1U letters, lili postáis uiul --'.i papers- total ol 16,008 pii-.i -s Carrier No. 2, (eorue Hluiii, lias dellvered mail letters, 7;: iiih.I1 posUtlH, ZU drop letters, (ís drop postáis, 1,1174 papers, aiul colleeled W8B letten, 501 postáis aud ö.i paperstotal 10rl.M piircs. Carrier No 3, James O'KKiie, Ims ilelivered 1. 111 mail letters, 774 mail posials. .Vi drop letters, iU drop postáis, 2.7ÜK papers, and collecied 1,118 letten, JU postáis and IS) paperstotal 10.ISB pleces. Carrier So. 4, Asu Allen, has dellvered 2.SI0ÍI mail letters. BS8 niail postáis, 1 drop letters. '26 drop postáis, i UV2 papers, and eollected i,:iiK l.'tiers, 33 postáis aud 93 papers- total 7,386 pleces. Muklui a total cr 1ii,.")SI mail letters, .'1,058 mail postáis. S(il drop lelt. rs, SI drop potilals. I1.ÜIK papers delivered, and 8.67-1 letters. 1.915 pottaM and 51 papers eollected. A grand totul ot tt(9SI pieees eollected and dellvered. Tliat soine iilca may be had of figures we give the followlDg tables ihowing the n amber of itHBpt sold by muntlis during the Btn'ed All 1 cent. 2-cent. Knvel I'osfls otlier ops. Kinds Julv.. . l,--' ÜH,I6 14JB6 SOI 2.015 August. . S7II7 37,li( H.BTI" S.rM.I 1,891 ¦Sepiem-r 10,911 21781 M.UOK H.1771 1,827 Ootober lii.Ml 48 981 l:i,Kls 15,413! 2.685 Novein'r. V),m I...177 ll.WS 11,896 1,746 em'r. 8,017 II, 'Mi. ls,s.ii iu,,s.-i s.iai lanuary.. 18,818 51,HM0! 8488 1285 2.6U7 Fehruury 11.70B 11 1 s.710 9.810 iMO Mmrch.... 16.8 8 JsTöl W,m 12,714 2.5B9 April. .. IU.8 15,981 18,080 13.158J 2,831 May 1LVJ1- 4501 1S.IHK1 1I.7W) Í.T98 Juue.... II,-' o mjUt Ukjm 11.643 2,553 i Total .. 170,548 500,7-19 178,813 139,581 30,818 maklug a eland total of stnmps and ioslils ot 1,()-JH,7"2!, tiijtiri'S tlint are soareely to be comprebended. Duiing tlie corainfr week tlie Interual ¦rranjKmenti of the postofflee will bc chnnged. At least one feelion of boxes Will DC taken out and more room for the carriers niüde incide. PÍSTÜASTESS si M'ITJII K8TAHL1SHX1NT Of aa orne - ÍN- 1824. JoIie Alien and lames Alien, Anson Brown, Chas. Thayer, George Daaíortn, Caleb ClarR, KarK Hüward F. I. B. Crane. H Bennen, Jno. I. Thompson, Col. C. B. Grant, Richard Beahan, Col. il. S. lean, Chas. (í. Clark, I. C. Knowlton, Edward Dnffy.