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Tbs National Council of Education at lts nnim.-ü scssion in Chicago on the 12tb eloctod J. I. Ptckard, of Iowa City, la., president for tbo ensulng year. A noat contaiaing flve moa capslzoi in Boston harbor on the 12th and all on board wore drowned. The annlversary of tho battlo of the Boyno was celebrated by tho Orangomen at various places in the Unltod States, I rolan il and Canada on the lüth. Therk was an increase of the not gold In the treasury from $158,933,005 July 1, 1S86, to $186,875,869 July 1, 1887. Tob "Sons of Temperance" of the United States and Canada cotnmenced thelr annual meeting on tha líth at Boston. The total uiembership of the order is 84,87a An epidomic of flux wu prevalling on the 13th in sevoral Virginia countles, with a shocking mortality, uiainly among children. At Royal Center, Ind., W. A. Garner on tho lith shot and killed his wife, whom bc had mistaken for a burilar. Tue sumraer schools openoil on the 12th at Chautauqua, N. Y., and a prosperous soason was ex pee tod. The commlssiouers intrustod wlth the location of tho Minnesota Stato Boldiers' Home decidcd on the 12th on Minnohaba FalU. Thb Pelzer factory, near Greenville, 8. C, with twenty thousand bales of cotton, was burnod on the 12th. Forest flres wero raging on the 13th in Northern Pentsylvania, and alroady much damage had boon done. Tnu weather on the 13th was intensely hot throughout tho Northwest, the thermometer registering as high as 108 (logrees in the shade in somo places. The annual convention of the National Educational Assoclation oponed at the Expositlon building in Chicago on the l'Jth. The attendance was unprecodentedly large, embracing roprosontatives of overy Stato and Territorv in the country. A fiks on the 13th in E. & H. T. Anthony's photograph material establishment at New York rcsulted in a loss of $125,000. Kniohtsvillb, Ind., a mining town of elght hundred inhabitants, was visito. i by a flre on the 12th that dastroyed the entire business portion, causing a loss of $60,000. Bix months auo a üro occurred that almostruined the town, whichhad justbeen robu Ut. WiNTnuop R. CoNsixonAM & Sons, of New York, dealers in Mexican and South American producís, assigned on the 12th, wlth liabilities of $1,000,000. The firm had been in trade half a esntury, and expected to pay one hundred cents on the dollar. Postmaster Sammon, of Flatbush, N. Y., confessed on the 13th that he had opened registered letters passing through his office and extracted the money they contained. He was conflned in jaiL Andrew Wblsh, aged ten years, and John and Alexandor McCarson, brothers, aged elghteen and thirteen years, were drowned on the 12th while bathing in the Delawaro river at Port Richmond, Pa. Mrs. Craio and her niece. Miss Alice Phillips, of Dalton, Ga., were walking on a railway trestle on the 12th, when a train overtook them and they were killed. Ni5E negroos were standing under a tree on the 12th at Mount Pleasant, Tenn., during a thunder-storm, when the tree was struck by lightning and all were iustantly killed. Foüb men wer killed at the Colby mine in Bessemer, Mich., on the 12th by a fall of ground. Joseph C. Kesnedt, an old and prominent resident of Washington, was murdered in a public street of that city on the 13th by John Daily, a laborer, who claimed that he killed Kennedy to avengo an injury done his father by the latter many years ago. President Cleveland on the 13th attended the centounial celebration at Clinton, N. Y. At Boann, Wabash County, Ind., a shower oí insects resembling millers teil on tho evening of the 12th, and the streots were covered so thickly with tneir dead bodies that boys raked them into piles and burned them by bushels. Töoy HUed the churches untll it was found necessary to idjourn the prayer meetings. The entire business portion of the town i of Hauford, Cal., was destroyod by flre on tho 13th. At Charleston, Pa., on tho 18th Henry Princo, aged seventeen years, accidenlally ; hot and killed his brother Michael, twelve pear old. The oil and lard refinery of N. K. Fairbank & Ca, in Chicago, was totally de. stroyed by flre on the 13th. Los, $160,000. In the school eleotion at Balt Lake City on the 13th the Gentiles carried five of the twenty-onedistricts. These were the flrst elections held under the new registration act, and the Mormons were greatly cast down at the result Govbrnob MiBTre, of Kansas, Issued a card on the 13th denyinjf that Atchison, in that State, bad been bankrupted by the closlng of the saloons. William H. Evkrsos & Co., of Pittsburgh. Pa, iron manufacturers and coke operators, failed on the 13th for $300,000. Thb old employés of the operators wero belng evicted ín Pennsylvania on the 13th, and new men from other partí of the country had beon ongaged to flll their places. Tna export of breadstuffs during the month of June aggregated in value $17,025,640, and during the six months ended June 30, 1887, 184,166,000, agalnst$6y,8ö3,5GO during the same period in 1888. MoDougal, Lnois & Co., oil and paint manufacturers at MontreaL iailod on the 13th for $250,000. Bcbolars on the nlght of the 13th entered the store of E. H. Stanton, at Anaconda, M. T., opened the safe by use oí the combination, abstracted 16,000 and escapad. Ebn-bst Kehmt, of Philadelphla, a molder, who had been despondent for somo time, shot kis wlfe daad and fatally wounded himself on the 13th. Thb Cass County (Ind.) soldiers' monument was unvailed at Logansport on tho 13th in the presnce ot forty thousand people. In a polltical dispute on the 18th at Lexlngton, Miss., R B. Chatham shot and killed John a Harklns, Jr. editor of theBuUelin. It was announced on the 13th that flgurei lately glven out by Mr. Powderly showed that the membershlp of th Knights of Labor had fallen from 1,000,000 to less than 600,000 ín the last fourteen months. Thb 13th was the hottest day of the sea¦on at New York. There were stx suntrokes, and the suffering in the tenement district was reported as dreadfuL Dispatchis of the 13th say that assays of the quartz found on the gold prospect of the Lako Superior Iron Company, west of Ishpemlng, Mlch., gave f13 in gold from twelve ounces of rock. or $35,000 gold tethe ton. Miners had tracod a vein 200 feet on the surface. Tu American Bducational Assoclatlon at lts scssion In Chicago on the Hth olootoc Aaron Uovo, of Colorado, by a unanimous vote, president for tho cnsulng year. W. J. Cuxningiiam, Doputy AttoineyOonoral of Indiana, was drownod at Mt Clemons, Mich., on tho 14th. A NCMBEn ol Btrikoi-9 in tho Ponnsylvanift coke región roturnod to work on the Uth, and tho indicatlons woro that tUo strlko wa9 ncarlng an end. A new kind of potato bug, stripod am about half an Inch in lcngth, mailo its appoaranco on tho Uth in tho potato flolds near Galena, 111., and was said to be moro damaging to the vines than tho old potato boetle. Twentt carponters employod on the Coates House addition at Kansas City struck on tho Hth bocauso tho management refusod to supply thom with ice water. Thb production of pig-iron in tho Kout! this year would, it was said on tho Hth, fall bclow the output of laat year. In a convention of divisionists at Huron D. T., rosolutions wero passod on the 14tl expressing unaltorablo opposition to tho adinission of Dakota as a 8 tata as a wholo, and declaring for división on tho sovonth standard parallel. Jacob Suarp, tho agod New York briber of aldormcn, was on tho Uth sentenced to four yoars' imprisonment and to pay a fine of $3,000. A stay of proceedinga was granted. The town of Nogales, A. T., was badly damaged by a cloud-burst on the Uth. in Sonora, Moz., h few miles distant, a iiumber of houses wero washed away aud ono child drowned. Dukiso a terrifle hail-storm on the Hth at Columbia, D. T. , several head of stock wore killed by lightning, the court-house was injurod and many wheat flelds wero stripped. Josefii M. WniTB, cashior of the Philadelphla Times for about ten yoars, was on the Hth suiil to ba a defaulter to the amount of at least $20,000. Tub Sons of Temperance, in convention on the Hth at Boston, votod unanimously for a prohibition amondmont to the National constitution. Tiiehe wero eisjht fatal casualtios and one murdor in Kansas City, Mo., on the Hth. A heavy hall-storm south of Decatur, 111., on the 14 th d amagad many acres of corn. DaVid Buckingham's barn was struck by lightning and destroyod by fire, together with turee horses. Mrs. John A. Looax was seriously bul not dangorously injured on the ldth white carriage-riding at Carbondale, HL The accident was caused by tho horse bacoming frightonod and throwing the buggy over an ombankment. Bernahd J. Michenfelder, son of a wealthy weavor of Dotrolt, who was bit ton by a pot dog five weeks ago, died ol oydrophobia on the 15th. The Rock Island road offers to haul Kansas product to Eastorn fairs free ot charge. Eioiit Tnoi'SAjiD acres of watermelona in Lawrence County, 111., were dying on the 15th for want of rain. Thb National EJucational Association closed its sessions in Chicago on the 15th. Ban Francisco was decided upon as the next place of moeting. Hot weather still prevailed on tne 15th in many portions of the country. In Chicago tho thermometer marked 9S degrees above zero in the shade; in Cincinnati thero wero twelvo cases of sun-stroko (four fatal), throo fatal cases in Pittsburgh and two at Cleveland. In portions of Illinois and Indiana the mercury reached 104 above. The Treasury Department at Washington docided on the 15th that thore is nothing in the Labor law to prevent American citizens who may reside in Canada f rom engaging in labor in the United ir--. - _ OU1U3S. Tiieri were 149 business failures in the United States during the soven days endod on the 15th, agalnst 13Ü the previous seven days. A collisiox occurred between freight trains near Liucoln, Neb., on the 15th, in which a bridge, two engines and thirteen cars loaded with cattlo wore burned. Loss, Í200.UU0. An oü can exploded at the residence of J. L. Smith, at Latrobe, Pa., on tho 15th, fatally burniug ayounjj son of Mr. Smith'a and two colored boys. At Greensburg, Pa., Mrs. Forsytha attempted to start a flre with petroleum on tho 15th when an explosión took place and she was burned to dcath. Im tho New York Stock Exchange on the 15th President A. B. Hill ascended the platform to announce the deaCU ol M. E. De Rivas, when he was takjo suddenly ilV, and expired in a few momJMs. Among tho flres on the 15th were the fol lowing. At Eddyville, N. Y., the Lawrence cement works, loss $140,000; at Baltimore, Md. the Hominy mili and Gambrill Manufacturing Company's works, loss, $250,000; at Philadelphia, the Bergdall Company's brewery, loss, 115,000; at Lowiston, Me., in tbe ship-building yards, loss, $125,000; at Plymouth, Wis., the entire business portion of the town, loss, $50,000; at Montreal, Can., tho St Lawrence sugar refinery, loss, $50J,030. TnE lire in tne Standard mine at Mt. Pleasant, Pa., which started a year ago, was extinguished on the 15th after the destruction of property worth $100,000. Charles Gkossb, owner of a large furniture factory at Cincinnati, hanged himself on the 15th. He labored under the hallucination that he was becoming poor. Frank Robixson, the colored man who saved nine persons from drowning on tho occasion of the capsizing of theyacht Mystery in Jamaica bay, N. Y., on the 7th inst., is to be presented with a gold medal In recognition of his bravery. It is estimated that the iron ore production this year will be one million tons In excess of the output for 1886. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Thï death of ex-Lioutenant-Governor L. J. Uobinson, of North Carolina, occurrd atFranklin on tho liJth, at the age of forty-nlne years. Oscar Nebbe, one of the convicted Chicago Anarchlsts, was thirty-seven years old on the 12th. J. P. Stibolt, one of the best known Oerman editors in the West, and for a quarter of a century editor of the Davenport (Ia.) Der Demokrat, diod in that city on the 12th, aged seventy-four years. Uexbkal RicnARD Kowktt, a wellknowD broeder of thoroughbred horses and politician of Carlinvllle, HL, dropped dead on tho 13th at the Washington Park track in Chicago. He was fifty-seven years old. At the Prohibition State convontion at Des Moines, Ia., on the Hth a f uil ticket was nominated, V. O. Farnham, of Plymouth County, being chosen for Oovernor. Tho platform declares for separate polittcal action for doaling with the liquor trafflc; advocates more stringent amendments of the present prohibitivo law; demanda a reduction of passenger rutes to tvro cents a niile; approvesawoman suffrage, and favors the establishment of postal savings banks. R. F. Cowan, Supremo Keeper of Record and Seals of the Knights of Pythias, died at his home In St. Louis on the Uth afred flftv-seven years. Lbonahu Swktt, oae of Ctileago's faroous lawyers, MU fflarried cm tho Hth to Miss Marie Decker, a dort in hl offleo for the past sevon yoars. Jvdob C. H. Lew ut, who recoiveel the nomination of tlio rooont State ProMblMMi cemvention of Iowa lor Knpivnu; Judgo, positivcly liedme I on tlio l"th. Ml9. Cathahiniï Van Bun! Suman diod 011 tho 15th in tha Rretbyl 'riuu Home for Aged Womeu ;it Nc-w York. Sho mi ICÖyoars old. Peuk Koriji r.rri'., tho fiimou-t m siionary of the Choctaw Nation, diod at the Hotol Diaz in New Orlouns on tho !5th, agud sevonty-four yoars. FOREIGN. W. K. Vandichhii.t wat party, whn sailed from New York July 2 on the yaeht Alva for a tour of the world, arrived at Quoenstown on tho IJth. Advices of tho lath from Kuropo state that Oreat Britain will nee.l to import about 15,ÜJO,ÜOO bushels of wlnit and flour durinpr tlio ramainder of its erop jrear. A NKv Miiiiwtry waf fornio'l in K linaria on the V-Mi, with" M. Ktoilort au l'ros dent of the Council. AH political prlsjnors had been ordered set at liborty. In a skirmish on tho Klth betw :on Albanians and Montenegrin, near Mokra Planino, ten of tho fornier aud two of tho latter were killod. Advices from Honolulú to July 5 MM brouftht by tho stramship Australia, which arrived at San Fiancisoo on the Uith. Tranquility had been restorod on tha islands. Advices of the 13th say that Presid -nt Barrllas, of Uautamala, had issueJ a doeree assuming full control of thJ country and suspeadiug the action of tho constituí tion. Jistice O'Brien, in addressing the County Kerry grand jury on the Hth, admitted thero was a decrease of crime in that section of Ireland, hut said the caune was tho comploto subjugation of the peaceoble raembers of the coiumumty to a lawloas orpaimatioii. The British commission appointed to investígate M. Pastour's treatmentof hydrophobia made a favorable report on the 14th. Advices of the 14th say that ten Itullan soldiers were killed and seventy injured and 00,000 worth of property dostroyed by the recent gunpowdor explosión at Massowuh. Lord Randolph Cuincmi-i, created a sensation in the British House of Commona on the Hth by a Üerce onslaught upon the leadiug features of the Irish Land b.lL Ho declared that in its prosent form it would bo an iujury instead of a benefit to the tonunts, and advocuted a general recasting of the measure. Hkbb Kkupp, the world-famous gunmaker of Esseu, Frussia, died on the 14th. Uc was bom in 1831, and had for man years controlled the largest industrial es tablishment in tho world opcrated as au individual enterpriso. It was announcod on the 14th that tho movement for tho annexation of Newfoundland to the Dominion of Canada httd been rovived, with fair prospects of suo cess. Prof. Tymdall has discovered that a large section of American opinión is oppasad to Irish home rule. In a published letter on the 14th he announces the discovery, and refors to Mr. Uladstone as "a desperate gamester miscallcd a statesman." A oroi-OMB passoJ over Quebec, Can., and vlcinity on tho Hth, causing considerable dainage to trees, chimneys and f rail structures. H. R. Beveridoe & Co., importers of woolens at Montreal, Can., falled on tha Hth, with liabüities of 1100,01. An excursión train on tho London Se Port Stanley railway was run into on tha ovoning of tho 15th at St Thomas, Ont., by a Canada Southern freight train. Tho wreek took fire and probably a dozen persons woro burned to death and many others injured. The loss to property was great Advices of the 15th say the Ameer's forces had won a great victory over tha nsurgents near Guznia. Thoy captured a arge number of prisoners and sent tha leads of two hundred of the slaia to Ca buL LATER NEWS. The record of the base-ball clubs in tlia National Leugue for tha week ended on the 16th was as foüows: Detroit (games won), 41; Chicago, 87; Boston, 37; New York, 34; Philadelphia, 31; Washington, 23: Pittsburgh, 23; Indianapolis, 18. A SAi.ooN at Fairmount, Ind., which had just been fitted up and completed, was blown up by dynamite on the löth. At twenty-3ix leading clearing-houses in the United States during the week ended on the 16th tho exchanges aggregated 95J.7S5,024, against 1806,305,373 the previous week. As compared with tha corresponding week of 1886, tho increase amounts to 10.5 per cent Extknsivh forest flres wero raging on tho 17th in the lumber regions of Pennsylvania, in tho vicinity of Brockwayville. Mbs. WilliJlM DAuanBRTT, of Apollo, Pa., and Mrs. Moshen, of McDonald, in tha same State, lightod thetr üres with kerosene oll on the 16tn, and both wero burned to death, and live women in Pittsburgh met death in the same way. WniLE cleaning nis pun on tho 16th Henry Hallstone, of Crystal Falls, Mich., accidentally shot and killed his wife. Ha was nearly crazy over tho accident. TnB City of Mackinaw ran ovor near Dotroit, on the lOth, and wrocked a rowboatin which wore Christopher Nicolás and wife, Jacob Uohler and Jacob Bachman, all of Detroit, and all four wore drowned. A crci-oxB struck the town of Waupaca, Wis., on the löth, wrecklng tho operahouse, tho Episcopal Church, unrooflnjj two hotels and dolng othor damage. Tna Presidont's special train met with an accident on the löth while tho party was returning from Clayton to Alder Creek, N. Y. One of the connocting rod broke, wrecking the locomotivo, and the oirginoer was killed, but tho President and party escaped unhurt Tíjree workmen in tho Bridgeport steelworks at Chicago were fatally injured on the lOth by an explosión of molton metaL The Metropolitan storage warehouse in New York was destroyed by flre on th lOth. Loss, 1500,000. Advices of the 17th say that fully one hundred persons wero injured in the recent horrible railroad acotdont at Bt. Thomas, Ont, and tho number of killed was placed at twolve. Heiokt8 roceivod at tho Bignal Office in Washington on the 16th and 17th indicafcsd that the days wore ones of unusual hoat in all parts of the UinteJ States lylng east of the Misslssippi and south of tho lakes, the thermometer throughout the entira región ígisterlng o degroes or more. Tho record in Chicago was 100 degrees in Milwaukee 100, in Cincinnati 101, in Bt. Louis 108, in Des Moines 1(2, In New York 10U, in Washington ÜS, in Philade!phiains, in IndianapoliB 109. There wera 75deatlis from sun-stroke in Chicago on the lOth und 17tli, 12 in Cinclunati 4 in Milwaukeo, 18 in 8t. Louis, 14 in Philadelphla, and numorous -isos in many other plnces.


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