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Tliere is to be a Farmers' picnic at DevH' Lüke, Aug. 15. Vpsi's Business Men's Association is about ready to opérate. The Herald want9 a Building and Loan association organized at Chelsea. S. G. Ives and wife of Ctielsea are taking in Bay View these warm days. The potato erop bas been seriously injured in this county by the drought. Another effort is beinL made to oreanize a camp of Sons of Veterans at Ypsil.mti The Chelsea Herald wimta the tree trimmer to go about that place md lop off Uu low branches. Mrs. Geo. P. Glazier of Chelsen is visiling a sister at Bonlder, Col., and Geo. 1'. is at Mackinac. C. H. Wines, of Sylvmi, lias leased bis farm and expects to take up his resiOence in Chelsea soou. Air shicked lime, sprinkled over your cabbage wil! banish the worms and makc the plants grow rapidly. And now Ypsilanti has tnken the iniliative steps toward couverting her old cemetery into a public park. Chas. King has been elected viee-presIdent of the lst National Bank of Ypsilanti, vice L. A. Barnes, deceased. Two fine white cranes were shot at the head of the Klein pond, reeently, whlch J. H. Bortle will preserve and mount. R. II. Marsh, oi Saline, shipped 500 spring chickens to Detroit last week. But "Dick" Is no spring chicken, after all. A trottlng assoeiation has been orgsnized at Milan, and it is hoped that a track will be completed in time for a f all meeting. Grand old James G. Blaine of Maine, appears to be the Republican choice of candidutes for President in 1888.- Stockbridge Sun. Jacob Rathfon, of Pittsfield, died on Wednesday nisrhl of last week from heart disease. He was an old resident and highly respected. Krnie I lili, of Saline, claims to have rode his wheel from Ypsilanti to Saline via Ann Arbor in 70 minutes last Thursday forenoon. Now that Ilowell has struck natural gas she don't care a continental inuch whether the T. & A. A. R. R. runs Sunday excurslons or nut. C. F. Overackeris now the editor of the Brimfleld, 111., News. As will be remembered, he once wielded the Faber on the O bserver.- Saline Observer. Geo. W. Shaw, residí ug three miles South of town, has a Hoek of 21 sheep that sheared 299 pounds of wool this season, besides raising 10 laiabs. - Übeerver. The Manchester Knterprise still remains enthusiastic over natural gas, and liopes to eee the time when its editor can toast his toes, toast his bread and roast subscribers in arrears, all by gas. At the school meeting Monday night it was decided to build a $1,000 school house. Tlii8 will probably be large enough for present needs only, and will have to be enlarged in five years - Stockbridge Sun. At a meeting of the school board Tueaday evening it was decided to repaint the tiitire interior of the high school building. It was also decided not to build the new colored school building this year. - Ypsilantian. The Germán Vorkingmen's Society of this village will hold their annual picnic at Granger'8 Grove on Thursday, August 4th. The society will march to the groxe it 10 A. M., lieaded by the cornet band. liefreshments will be served at the grove. líowery dance in the afternoon and eveung. - Manchester Enterprise. The firetprintingpressin Michigan was drought from Baltimore by Rcv. Gabriel Itichards; a printing ofllce was fitted up at Detroit, aud a weekly newspaper, called '"The Michigan Essay or Impartial Observer" was started in 1809. The priceof the paper was $5 a year. So far as can be iscertained It perislied after an existence of one week. - Ex. Every man should subscribe and pay for lis local paper. A man in Dakota negected this and now his wife is a widow. [Ie went to a neighbor's the other day to aorrow a paper, and while returning was struck by lightniug and instantly killed. We always thought that kind Provldence was on the country editor'sside, but nevcr jefore heard of a practical demonstraliou. -Ex. As having an important hearing upon ;he value of corn it should be remembered ;hat slnce April last more corn has been 'eed to stock than during the same time ui any other year in the west. It is also worthy of remark that between this and the gathering in of the new erop the amount of feeding will be much jreater than usual. The scarcity of grass Feed from the drouth n many states will teil wonderfully upou the reserve of corn iuring the next three months. - So. Lyon Picket. While looking over a potato patch reeently we were struck by the appearance of the vines. Those in theshade a portion of the time looked fresh and thrifty and tiad no bugs on, while those receiving no shade were nearly stripped of their leaves. Whether it was mere chance that made it so, or whether the pululo bugs prefer the hot sun we canuotsay. We may not have been the Ilrst to notice it, but the Instancc was so striking that we could not help mentioning it. - Dexter Leader. Seveml horses arrived here Monday to commenco training for the meetings of the Central Michigan Circuit, the first of whlch will be held here the flrst week In August, from Tuesday to Friday, inclusive. Several other horses will arrive morrow and Saturday, and the track and ground will be utilized from early morning until evening all next week. More. and better e.ntries are being made tlian were reeeived for the meeting last year, and ndications of amoresuccessful meeting from every point of view tlmn was ever held in the Central Circuit are iucreasing daily.- Ypsilantian. It is quite evident from the reporta of gales at the principal interior markets in this state that wool-growers have cut down their flocks very materially. It was unfortunate that they (lid this, both for thcmselves and the state. There is nothing on the farm paying better than slieep - good sheep we mean - whether fine wools, middle wools or long wools. We want thern all, because we tiiink the United States can grow all the wools wantod by manufacturera, and of as good quality as can be grown in any part of the world. We have a range of cl i mate so extensive that all breeds can be suited, and every requireraent of the woolen manufacturer met. Michigan wool growers should increase their flocks at once. Wool is going to pay well for the next few years, and every farm in the state suitable for shcep should have a Hoek commensurate with its size. - Michigan Parnier. The triangle race last Friday afternoon was the cause of considerable exclteniont n our usual ly quiet village, and a largo crowd gathered in the shade of Davenport's block on the corner, watch for the racers. The excitementof speculation ran o high tUat bets were feely made on the number of racers, the color of the head nian's bat whether he wore a mustache or BOt, and that the heavier man would tuTi the corner first, and alraost everything else where chance oftered. Une man luinl there would be 712 participants in the race and wuited in hiscarriage on the corner to see the cavalcade. Another, a flat iron agent, heard that the racers would number 273, and suspended work all the afternoon, to see the grand sight. Riders carne aheacl from Ann Arbor, to prepare a leiuonade for the Adrián racers, and when Ernie Hill was seen coming up the street, on liig wheel, they thought it was their men and rushed out with their glasses, only to spill half the contentó and bc 1 isappoiuted. Sam Josenhans had arrangod with some plasterers at his new house, to let thera know the racers were coming by 8hooting oft' a canion lire-cracker, aml biirned his lingers putting out the f'use at the first false alarm, and when he lired it at the second false alarm, hurried down to the house to teil them of the mistake, only to find that they had not hcard tbc