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A Gift for all. In order to give all a chance to test it. and thus be convinced of its wonderful curative powers, Dr. KIng's Xew Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, will be for a limited time, given away. This offer is not ouly liberal, but shows unbounded faith In the nierits of thiu great reuiedy. All who suffer from Colds, Couglis, Consumption, Asthma, Uroncliitis, or any afiection of Tliroat, Chest. or Lungs, are especially requested to cali at Kberbach A.Son's Drog Store, and #et u Trial Bottle Vree. Large Bottles $1. The roost wonderful thing about a 9lind ia liow the nieat ever got in between the bones. The Appetite May be lncreased, the Digestive organs strengthened, and the Bowels regulated, by taking Ayer's Pilla. These Filis are purely vegetable in their composition. They contain neither calomel nor any othcr dangerous drug, and may be taken with periect safety by persons of all ages. I was a prent sufferer from Dyspepsia nnd O'onstipation. l had DO appetite, becarae greatly debilitated, and was constantly affiicteil with Headacbe and Dizziness. I consulted our family doctor, who prescribed for me, at arions timet, without afftmling more t han tcmporaiy relief. I fiually commenced taking Ayei's Tilla. In u short time íuy digestión and uppetita IMPROVED my bowels were regulated, nnd, by the time I flnlshed two boxea ol theie rüls mr ti'iidencv to headaolics bad dltappeared, and 1 becam Itrong and wel!. - Darius M. Logan, WUmlOgtOB, Del. I was troubled, for over a year, with Losa of Appetite, and Qenenu DébUlty. I commoncud tnking Ayer's Tllls, and, before finishing half a box of tliis nu-dUin.', my nppetito and itrengtb wne restored. - C. O. Clark, Daubury, Coun. Aycr'3 Pilis are the best medicine knowu to me for regulatlng the bowel, and for all dlMaaei eaosed ly a disordend Stomacli and Liver. 1 suffered for over thrce years with Headaohe, Indiaetti0O and Conattpation. 1 had no appetite, and wlis weak and nerTom mobt of tlie tiuic. BY USING threc lioxcs of Ayer's Pilis, and, at the ame time dletlng nvytelf, 1 :is completdy carea. My digestiva il;:iiis re uow i'ti (rood order, and 1 am in perfect lir;ikl).-l'l]lpLockwood,Tupeka,Kaus. Ayoi-'s Pilh hnve beneflted mn wonderfully. Formontha 1 nilered from iiulignnon and Ueadaehe, wai reiUeu t nlght, and had ;i bad taste in my mouth very morning. Afir taking one box uf Ayei's Pllli, all these troubles tliuppeaieil. my food dlgeited well, and my sleep was refresbtni.- Henry .'. licmmenwaj . Bockport, aian. I was currd of the Piles by the use of Ayer's Pilis, Tlii'y not only relleved me of (bat painful disorder, but gave me increased vigor, and rertored my health.- Jolm Lazarus, St. John, N . li. Ayer's Pilis, rrennrod by Vr. .1 '. Ay. í S. Oo . l.ow.ll, Mnn. ulJ by allbruggiaU uu'U PWlsW " Mcüiciuc.


Ann Arbor Courier
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