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LL j I '& Xr-- _ -ÍÍJ NATURAL FRUIT 'üQÑLYTíTIJy Ij NAVORS MOST PERFECT MADE Prepared wh efrlct record to Fnrltv, Stroncth, and lli'kltbfulin'xs. Dr. Pnce' Baking Powdercontalni DO Annnonia,I.iint',Alum orPhotphateB. Dr.Pricefc Extracta, Vuuilla, Lonion, etc., llavur dolicioualy. PPCf B4KWS POHDfff CO. Cwc4cpM0_Sr_liiwi Ia Vjhe Best and Purest Medicine $L EVER MADE. , fj.It 111 ¦lriM'tho Humor fron).v.iiirl í.VL sv.-ti-ni, and make jour -k.i ¦!¦ 'o )i WVfl':l" '""' ÍWOoth. Tliuurlll %V 'o l'imulcB and lïlot. ii.U - , V, "', ', fljwhirli mr ymir licaulypj in fflipoonful. ItlsthcV. % I II beat and ch-iet 't' .-III JU Qattt „f your Drupplst. % r(. " Q DON'TWAIT. GETITATONCEk V tg If you are sufferiiijt trom Kiil III llln.'V lisc;i-c, mul WUB t.. Uve '"k .1.1 age, QM BULPHÜB BITTKK.-:! Hl Tliey uever Lail to cure. III Band 3 I-oent stampa to A. P. Onlwr 4 Co., Bootou. Mass., ior iwst mediaal work pcblfshed? Lampíhimney i l : K ï p I i o -o L 5 SEE AT THE o i J O fp EXACT LABLE IS ON ' A P j 1-1 M' CAOH CHIMNEY AS :' g f O f"SHOWN IN PICTURE. 11 3 -R", B iBiiiimHai '. z z i psPA,T.QCT-30TH I?. MlNUTACTURED ONLY 3Y GEO.A.MÁGBETH & GO. iplTTSBUPGH PÁy TOR SALETaCPEALERS Eysu Y WHERE. VOK DYSPKPSIA. MENTAL A N I PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, NERVOUSNESS, WEAKENED ENERGY, INDIGESTIÓN, ETC., ETC. u uomforis ACID PHOSPHA1F. A llquld prcparatlou of tlio phnsphates nü jihospiiiiric acid. Kecommended by Phvslcians. It raakes a dcllclous drink. Invlgor,itlng and strciiKthpning. ramphetfree KOR SALE BY ALL DEALERS. Rumford Chemical Works, I'rovidpnoe, - - Ulmüe Isiaiul. 0TBEWAHE Of I.MITATIONS. 1ÏEAL E&1A1E AND INSüRANetl AÖENCY, J. A. SESSIONS, ATTORNEY AND NOTARY PUBLIC Keal Kutnte sold or rsolad and reut collected ou reiisonable tering. Nont bul Old and lirst-clasR Insnrunce Companles repreaented- wlth inauranoe cao. i tal of IO.ikxi.ixxi. Ratea as lowasany otber iasuraiicecumpuny and loases promptfy pa hl Office over American Express office Main Street. nn Arbor. Mlcb. "¦Tl XT TC T TT ra ttT tBOAM'B IMPERIAL TRD88. Splml Sprint;, (railcd froni 1 to I pouuds in preKHure. WORN DAV AM) FOHT, by an lnfant a week old, oran adultHOyears. Ladles Trusses a perfrotlon. Eoclose stamps for testlmoniaU of cure, etc. EOAN IMPERIAL TRUSS CO., AKS AK11OR, MlCH. INSURANCE AL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY OF A.W. HAMILTON Office, ÜO. 2, Flirt Kloor, Iliimilton Bloek. Partiesdeslrlng to buy or sell Heul 1 wil 1 tlinl H to thelr advantage to cali on me. I represaut lSflrst-cluss Fire Insurance Compiinles, havlng an uggregute capital over 30,uoooo. Rates TiOw. Losses liberal ly adjiisted and promptly pald. I alRo Issue Life and Uivestraent Pollcles In t:ie New York Mutiml Life Insurance Company, Assetts, l7ó,U00.(XI. Persons deairlng Accldenl Insurance, can have yearly pollcles wrltN'ii tor Mimi orTraveler's Coupon Insurance Tickets lamed iit [,nw rate. Money to I.ohii ui ('nrririi Kati-. Office hours froni 8 a in. to 1-2 ui. and 2 to S p. in. ALEX. W. HAMILTON, Hamiltou Hliick.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News