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WHO 18 UNACQUAINTED W1TH THE OEOCRAPHY OF THIS COUNTRY, WILl SEE BY EXAMIN1NC THI8 MAP, THAT THE B%S?x... - - -- - . ZJ?" CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAM D & PACIFIC R'Y By reason of lts central rxraltion, close relation to principal linos Bast of Chieag o and continuous linea at terminal pointa West, Northwest and Southwost- is the cnly true middle-link in that transcontinental system which invites and facil' itates travel and trafile in either direction between the Atlantic and Paciflc. The Rock Islnnd raain line and branches include Chicairo,Joliet, Ottawa, La Salle, Peoría, Geneseo, Moline and Bock Island, in Illinois; Davenport, Muscatine, Washington, Fairfleld, Ottumwa, Oskaloosa, West Liberty,Iowa City, Des ÏXoinss, Indianola, "Winterset. Atlantio, Knoxville, Audubou, Harían, Guthrie Centro and Council Bluffs, in Iowa; Galiatin, Trenton, St. Joseph, Cameron and Kansas City, in Missouri; Leavenworth and Atchison, in Kansas; Albert Lea, Mhmeapolis and St. Paul, in Minnesota; Watertown in Dakota, and hundreds of atermediate cities, towns and villag-es. THE GREAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTE Guáranteos Speed, Comfort and Safety to those who travel over lt. lts roadbed ia thoroughly ballasted. lts track Is of heavy steel. Ito bridges are solid Btructuroa of stone and iron. lts rolling: stock is perfect as human skül can make lt. xt has all the safety appliances that mochanical g-enius has invented and experience proved valuable. lts practical operation is conservative and mctliod¦ -al- its discipline strict and exactingr. The luxury of its passenger accommodations is unequalod in the West-unsurpassed in the world ALL EXPRESS TRAINS between Chicago and the Missouri Biver consist SonS2,IJr1í'rí)AYJ::!OACHES' magniflcent PULLMAN PALACE PARLOB and SLEEPING CAKS, eleirant DINING CARS providint? exceUent meals, and ?;bxe5wl,ei9feSaso' Josopi. Atchison and Kansas City-restful RECLINING THE FAMOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE Is the direct, ravorite line between Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Paul. Over thiu rout solid Fast Express Traína run daily to the nummer rosorts, picturesoue localities and hunting; and flshinir (rrounds of Iowa ooid Minnesota. Tho rich wheat fields and (rrazing lands of interior Dakota are reached via Watertowu. A ohprt desirablo route, via Séneca and Kankakee, offers superior inducomeuts to travolers between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayetta and Council Bluffe, St. Joseph, Atchisou, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolia, St. Paul and intermecuato pomts. All classes of patrons, especially families, ladioe and children, receive from omcialj and employés of Rock Island traLia protection, roepectful courtüsv aud kiiidly attention. For Tickets, Maps, Folders - obtainablo ut all principal Ticket Offices lu the Unitea States and Canada- or any doairod Information, address, R. R. CABLE, E. ST. JOHN, twldont and General Manager, Chicago. General Ticket and Passender Ai;ent, Chicajto


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News