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W royal pswjï ji B WlHö POWDER Absolutely Pure. ThiHpowdernever varíen. A marvel of purit y. streiiittli and vbol6MmeDMS. Mop loniicitl tlian the onlluary U inls, ;uul cannot i tu oompetitloti witli iiu multitudeof ow tt-st, ¦hort welght, linn or pbopht6 owilrs. Sotiluulv in ('hun. lto) ui IC. ik 1 u Pon Ier 1O Wall t., N. V. BABY HU MORS Aml all Skin anti Scalji MaeMM Speed. Ily Cured by ('ntkiira. Oor Httic fon wil) be lour ycars of airo on the Mth litt. In My, ISX5, wu atfiteked wlth a very puiDlul breiikin:; au! of llir t-kin. v e called in t iitiyeician who triiti-'l tiiin lor alout tmir eeks. The ehild ratolved lltlle or u noud from tbe ueatmcut, a Uie bre.ikiiiK out, cupposed by the phylctan to hv htaea la ¦ aggnTMeil forn, Uer.imê hir'i' iu blotciuïrt, vnd muro and more ditrefuirií; We were ireqneirttT obHired to (et op iu t: e night and rub bita wiih soda ia waUT strung liniinents, ele. Fiually, we called oihi-r pliyflciaus, until no lexg than six had atiempted to cure him, all alttoe II11dk, m.d the ctiil.l fteadlly yrow iuK woree and worse, nnlil almut Ibti 'Allb oi latt July, when we begau biin CurtuUB KSoltinT intcrrallj, aud the CtrticURA and (Juticlra Soai' fxterually, and by 'he last ol August he wis eo noar:y weli Ikat we (av him mily onc ol the Hesolvent ahnnt ivury b.Tiind day fiir abuut teu days loDfrer.aDd he ha n ver ben tronbled pincc wlth the horrible nialady. In al' we oed lees than onu half of a büttie of Cuticura Reiolvem, a little k'ss than mie box ol Outlaura and ouly unt cake of Cuticura Soap. 11. K. HYAN. Ciyii: i. L'vlnaUne Co., m. HubiCTlried and sworn to before me t'iif fourth day oi J.iuuary, l-s-7. C. N. KOK. J. P. SCORFÜLOUS HUMORS. Lisi spring I was very eick. hcing cov :rcü wi li knul of scrofbl. Tbe ilciur? eould not help me. I was udvisv'd to try Ihe Cvticuha 1(ksolvknt 1 did so, and tu a day iirew bei ter and better, until 1 im as wel] u Ter. I thank you for it very inch, uud wjuld like tu have it tnld to the public. tmv. IIOFMAV, North Attleboro, M n . SKIV ÏHSKASKS CÜRE1). Vr. Frank MoOlupka nysthit your C'uticuka RjivuKDiKd cu i e 1 l'.U boy of a kin diseapeafnr Beveral bad failed to help the boy. IW spenl over Une liiindr ¦(! Uollare with doctora. Vuticitra Rcmt-rlif enred him. J. E. TiPFANY.rieasant Mount, Pa. Ctit'onra, tht1 ;re:it tkfn ctir1, mul Outfeuri preparrd from it, rxternally, aud Cuticura Jitsolttnï the uew bluod pnrifler, internally, are poitivecii lor cvery forni of hkln and blooil dideaee from jilmplee to acrofula. Sold cverywhere. l'rlre : ('rnrnii, 60 I Hksolvent; 81.00 ; Soap, ürct;. Prepared by 1'uïTEU iiU.Ua AND CUKMUAI. Lu., IlostUu. Mead fur-II to Cte Skin UiMoaitet), I'.lacklieads, Skin Biamlabw, and T XXfL Babj IIumurH, lue (.'uticura Soap. i A Word A"bout Catarrh. 1 lt ie the une ms tneinVin', thi' wooderfal HRini-lliiid envelopi' BnrroJndin' the delicate U-u' - ol the ir and font panaget, thatCalarrb nukes lts stromhold, üaco established it oatn into the very vitáis, and renders Ufe but a long( rawn breath of mis ;ry and diseasc, dullinfc the sense of hearing, trammeniirg the p iwer of ipeccü, iltroyiuj ih-; facttlty of sm ¦ll.tamting the brcath and kllllng the refluad pla-ire "f tante. Innldiouely, by creeptog on from a eiruple Cold in the head,U apaulta tbo raembranons linïni and en f op the iinnei. eitinii thronh the delic.ite coats and causinir intlaiuinahon, cl-nuliin and de;lth. Nothin;; short of totd eradlcatlou will tocare honlip to ihe patiënt, and all ullevia'rs aru sirnply procraftnated íutlV'rinyH, leadiníí t' a tai i] terminatiun. Savifokis RaoicalCdm, by TnhaXation and by Infernal admlniptratln, hae never failed; trivt'ii when the dipeafe has made Mffhtni iii'oad in delicate conwtitntionp. bflafiQff, niell uiui tHctehave heen recovered, nart the diseace thoruuKhly given ont." öANiFoiti's Kadu'ai. Ci'KK cone'sts of oDe bottleofthe Hadical Cute, one box Catharrat Solnrn(aodonfl bnproveú Jnhtiltr. neatly wradped in one packatra. with full dlrectloni1; Price. $1.00. POl'TKK UKlli A CIIKMICAi. tt)., HOS ION. MY BACK ! MY BACK. f HKIIKVIIIIV OK JIIl'TI, sf& Achín g backa, bips, aod iU-f, kiilney rA""1 ntiTine palna, weakneH u infiainsp5Almation, rbenmatlc, nenralglc .relatie, sudI vden, shirp and nerrODi pain, concha. rrrr coldsand strains Re lief Inono min nte hy that ne. ortstaal, eleiant and infallible antidote to pain and intliiuio-it'on, tl1 'lltlrll'n Aiiti-I'iiiii I'lnstfr. J6c.: flve f.r 1100; al all drugfjists, or l'utter drug aud Chemical Co., Boston. WatghsprinG tCOOKOCCXXOOJOOOOOOOOOCOO O OPO ' ' ' "O Jo tPatented Feb. 8, MtMÍP e o 30OO6OO4OO4OO4OOAOO3O0dbAOO4OO O OflÖ Will slidingf Dctacbable Sprlngs. Í3p Better tliaii Wlialebone or Horn, and guaranteed never to break. Price, $1.25. For tale by lcadiag wholcsalc uu J retail eitablishuicuu. MAYER, STROUSE & CO. 412 Broadway, N. Y., Manufacturers. ASTHMA cured GERMÁN ASTHMA CURE InMfintly niliurnn th" ni"-t vn.l.-nt attack. nnd liuiirafl oomfortabte ileep ftOlTiWi br H1 ll.Itomti imtMiby inlmlntion. itmictii.n ÍK immediat. direct and rcrtain.and a care ím the rtwiilt in all runiUf canos. A niiisle trial twnivim-HM tlie tnuHt nk -ntical. Pnce wie and $1 (X of any druKttirt, r (y mail Hniuple Vrvv f'r


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