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Tüe Coiiimander-in-Chlef of the Grand Armyof the Kepublk1, Major Gco. S. Merrill. Few remedies nre better known in tliis vicinity tlian Sulphur Bitters; tlieir sale h8 been very general tbroughottt this seclion,, and the nuniber of reljable and well attested cases of beneficia! rcsiilts and recovery by their use, is Urge and bcyond dispute. One day the cliildren were haviug an object lesson on the blue heron. The teacher called attention to his small tuil, saying : " Tlie bird has no tail to spcak of." The next day she asked the scholars to write 11 desciiption of the liird, and a little (crinan jrirl wound up by sayini;: "The blue baron bis ¦ tail, bilt it must uut be talked about." - Harper's Bazar. Aii Imnorative Noeos.sity. What pure air s to all unhealtby locality, what spring deanlnc li to the nent housekeeper, so is Ilood's Sarsaparilla to evcrybody, at tbis se.ison. Tho body Deedt to be thoioughly renovated, the blood purilied aml vilalicil, tile MTQ1Í Of disease destroyed. Scrolula, Sallllheuin and all othcr blood disorders arecured by Ilood's Sarsaparilla, the tnosl popular and successful spring medicine.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News