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Fire! Fire!! Fire!!!

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Tliis Wediicsil.iy morillug, :it ahoul 5 O'duck fctl iil.-iriii ut lire wils long mt luid ilcnsc column ol smoke was Ken to uoeiid from naar the corasí of Xortl M-iin ;iiul Ann streets. It was foand tlia a lire bad beeu set in the bam of James K it.-n the alley in the reur and to the hui tli of the Dtill'y block. EveryIhing ib like powder aml the llnmi s loon ipretd across the alley to the livcry liara of "Gil" Snow, and Ht oue time lookuü; as thoufih the entile bloek must go, but the total absence of a bréese, alone saved It. Al it was Snow's barn was oompletely burned op except the bliek wall, and a number of old wooden barns and Sbedl were destroycd. All of the liorscs, luimess and carriages were saved from Snow's barn, his loss belng rtonflned to his entire stoek of cutters, a coupe, a largo amount of hay, abor.t 100 búhela of oals, and a few minor artlcle, fully covered by about $1,500 insiinince. The bain was owned by H. Kittredge and was iusured for $1,000, whlch w 11 cover about two-thirda of the loss. A small wooden barn to the iiorth, owned by Mr. Snow, worth about $200 was also burned with no itisurauce. Slienll Win. Walsli, occupied tlie Kitson barn where the fire was set, and he loses liis fine black carriage horse yalued at $300, also his carriage, bugjfy, ciitter, harness, robe, etc, valued altogether at about $500, with $250 insurance, $100 of which was opon the horse. The other losses were not extensive, though quite aii arca was burned over. When the (re lirst occurred we are informed that the water supply was praeti cally simt off, and very little water could be thrown. There being no teleplione or other means of rapid comniunlcation with the water WOrka, ¦ man was sent on horse back to notify the engineer of the fire. Uut as soon as direct pressure eame the dames soon commenced to subside with four streams playinj upon it. But there ought to be some bettcr method ot being ready for a fire, and the clause in the water works contract requiring from 1,000,000 to 1,800,000 gallons of water to be kept constantly in the distributing reservoir comes in good stead right here, and for the safety of the city DUght to be coniplied with. The city gives the water company about $5,000 per year for fire protection, and ought to be granted every possible ficility in the power of the company to furnish. lts contract should certainly be lived up to. A young feliow known ai "Dodger'' Eeegan, was arntted on msptelon of setting the lire, he haring been teen about the prembei just beforc the i'ue broke out. Prono au Inveatlgation of the water supply u_v some of our city official, the whole dilliculty appears to be tbat the Water Company are attemptftlg to sup ply about 1,000 customers, wtth pumpiiig and water supply facilities for about G00. We are told Uut liail not the engiuocr kept the pumps running all ïiight tbat there would have been no supply to have fought tlie liie witb Wclncxiay moimng. It was mercly i Itreak Of Knod lock that saved the tuwn. Mr. Hamlltou tells us that Uiera was pumped, froni '}X o'clock yesterdav up to 10,'i o'clock to-day, 1,686,880 gallons of water, and that the pampt were constanlly golng witli tlie exception of about one hourfnall that time. He aays Ihe fallure of the supply this morning was no fault of the company bilt that sume one must have simt off the bydiants. The L'olkikk pretents St. Thomas' parocnlal fchool, O8 one of tlie aavautUKeK and attractlons of Ann Arbor, but it woald tly Into a. jmssion lf it were proposed to give the chlldren who are schoofed In it, their share of Ihe school funds ol whieh they are now robbed.- Ypsllanti Seutinel. We have yet to learn that anu child of any parent has ever been deuied any of the privileges of any of our public schools, la which no creed is taught, in which no (luestions are asked relative to religious or politicül belief in which any race of civilizcil peoj.le, any color, any shade of belief is weluomeri on an equal footing with any otlier. Then how are they robbed ? The Uvo Germán Lutheran church societies of thU city eacli inaintain sehools at their owu expense. Are they robbed ? The Methodists of the state inaintain a college at Albiou- (hich, hy-the-wav has been {jloriously boomed by the Seutiuel of late- a dangerous thlnf for you to do Bro. Sentinel, you may suffer excoinmuiiicatioii therefor). Are the Slethodiits robbed? The Congregationtilists malntaln a cellefn at Olivet. Are they rolibed? The Bapttotl maintain a college at Kalamano. Are they robbed ? Wliat Rontenae for a sensible man to utter. When any particular creed is taught In our public schools, so that each denomination is compelled to establish its own schools to maintain lts own particular doctrine, then will be the time to talk about any one of tuem being robbed. The State Press Association at ts re cent meeting at Port Iluron elected the followiii"; offlcers and selected Detroit a the ncxt place of meeting ; Presideut- M. E. Brown, Battle Creek Mooa. Vice President- M. D. Hatnllton, Monroe Commercial. Hecrelnry- .1. Kelley, Pontlac Bill Poster Treasurer- F. B. Alnger, Sturgls Journal. Kxecutlve CommlUee- U. W. l'erry Belle vue (iazette ; J. W. Hlne, Detroit Tribune W. H. Brearley, Detroit Kveiiine Joarnal Theodore Qulnby, Uetrolt Froe Press: W J Davenuy, Detroit Evenlng News. The following are the nanies of the oflicers of the Michigan Press Sunliedrim, a body organized within the Michigan Press Association, ostensibly for the purpose of business and lun Presideut- W. H. Brearley. Vlce Presiden t-J. W.lilne. Sage- A. 1L. Kinn. Heulor Almoner- Thomas Applegate. Junior Almoner- lamen Klocuin. Senior Monitor- A. E. Melgn. Junior .Monitor -( irno .Strong. Padacogae- 0. ü, llampdeu. Bent r Notary- D. 11. Alnger. Junior Jiotary- Archlbald Mo.Mlllan. The folloWlng tïom the Deuiocrut s upon a subject tliat doserves fur more at tention tliuu it receives, and we heartily endorse it : "I wonder if all of our song birds are to bc sacriiiced tor the adornmeut of wouien's hats and bonnets, to be simply killed for sport, or to satisfy sotnebody's appetite for delicate morse's. In ridiu througli the country a few days ago, 1 could nut but notice the searcity of song birds. A few years a#o tlie woodi were full of tliem, pouring forth their sweet melodies. It was a cominon lhnr to see all kinds of beautiful binl, Chat is tliose indigenous to iliis cllmatc. hut now, one can ride miles and miles through the country and see few of these featliered heauties. I was talking u few diiys ugo with ¦ pereon upon lliis subject, wheu he remarked: "I was out thootlng last week and killed lots of birds.' I asked, 'what did you do with thcm?' The answer was, 'Oh! nothin, I lift thein where they feil." This, I think, cruel and wanton sport, and how anyone can be so heartless as to klll these innocent birde, I cannot anderstand."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News