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Onb tiiousano foet of the track of tho Erio rond woro washed into tho Susquehanua rivor four miles wost of Busijuohanna, l'a. , on tho 26th by high water. The internal rovenue colleotions for the fiscal yonr just ended wcre (118,635,757, an lacrease of f 1,933,833 over llio preceding fiscal year. John Wilson, a farm hand at Glendale, O., was gored to death by a buil on tho 26th. AN unknown person malieiously rulncd flve thousand yards of fancy goods on tho looms in the Manvillo Compai.y's cotton mili at Manville, R. I., on the 26th. A Washington dlspatch of tho 2tith says the President will visil Chicago, St. Paul, Indianapolis, Omaha, Kanaas City, Kt. Louis, Atlanta, and possibly New Orleans, during his approaching tour. The National American Teachers' couvontion bcgan its sessions at Milwaukce on the 26th, with an attendance ol three hundred. In tho vicinity of Moorhead, Minn., a wind and rain-storm on the 26th unroofed many buildings, soriously damaged crops, killed one person and injured scveral othors. A freight train was struclt by lightning, killing forty mulos in one car. The town of Deposit, N. Y., was llooded by high water on the 'Jtith. Big streams were pouring tbroiiLh Main streot, preventing acoss to many stores and doing much da mago. Gimnn B. Ai.len, of St Louis, who rercntly died, loft an estato valuei at $(,- OOO.UüO. He made bequests amounting to about $10),030 to various public objocts. The house In whlch Mrs. Harriot Beecher Stowe wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was destroyeJ by flre at Andover, Mass., on the Ü6th. Loss, 130,000. A STOiiM on the 26th at Russell, Ark., ruined tho crops on many plautatious and blew down several houses. Bevbkal witnosses testifled for the State in tho trial of the Chicago "boodlors" on the Stith, and thuir testimony, nccording to tho Times, "ruvealod the existonco of a system of Wholesale fraud and bribory than which nothing more brazen or ilagrant has ever been disclosed in tlie annals of ofncial knaverv." Operations had beon protty generally resumod on the 20th in the Pennsylvania coke región, but tbe effocts of the strike promised to be feit for a long time. The devastation by the recent flood in the Great Barrington (Mass.) región has been so complete that it was boliuved on the 26th that it would tnkoyears to restore the land to its former fertility. The heaviest hail-storm ever known in the Black Hills passed over Rapid City on the 20th, leaving a track two miles wide. Hore than three thousand lights of glass were smashed in Rapid City alone. Crops in the track of the storm were entirL-ly cut down. A FiKE on the 2Gth in the "Big Boston" building at Minneapoll, Minn., burned out W. E. Stcele & Co., extonsive clothiers, tho FrankUn bazar and other fi-ms. Loss, $350,000. Sheriff Matson, of Chicago, on theSGth offerod a reward of $2,5)0 for the capturo of ex-Warden McGarigle, the convicted "boodier," who recently escaped froni hia custody. Neootiations for a sottlemont of the great strike in the shoe industry at Bcverly, Mass., failod on the -i'.lli. Lieutenant J. T Land. a lawycr and one of the most prominent citizens of Nashville, Tenn., was shot and instantly killed by N. B. Lester on the 2üth. No cause was known for the deed. RArinir flowing gas wells were struck on tbe 2Tth atFairmont and at Hartford City, Ind. A fire on the 27th at Lincoln, Nob., destroyed Humphrey Bros.' hardware store and several other large stores, causing a total loss of $100,000. Advices of the 27th say that tho losses by the recent floods in Eastern Pennsylvania aggregate $100,000 in l'lüladolphia and over 150,000 in and about Reading. It was said on the 27th that notwithstanding the drought the corn erop of Kansas would bo abundant There would be miUions of bushels to spare in the State. On the 27th a Pre-emption (HL) stock - raiser was at the Chicago Stock Yards with some cattle that he was forced to sell, as there was no grass or water on his farm. The cattle had been fei on hay all lommer. Reuben Colb (colored) was lynched on the27thin SurryCounty,Va., forassaulting a farmer's wife, and Reuben John3on (colored) met the same fate at Redan, Ga., for a similar crime. At Grand Rapids, Mich., on the 27th Charles J. Weinan snot dead his landlady, Mrs. Susan Bonfoey, and then killed himself. They quarreled over an unpakl board bilL A CON8TRCCTION train on the Chicago & Alton railroad was run into by a freight near Uopedale, Ui., on the 27th, and twelve men were killed and twenty seriously injured. The bankers of Iowa met at Des Moines on the 27th and organized a State Bankcr's Association, with George L. Tremuino, of Humboldt, as president. A crcLOXE on the 27th in Texas did damage at Aiison to the extent of $40,000, and at Haskell nearly all the houses were demolished and several people were injured. So far as known no one was killed. The damage to growlng crops was great On the 27th Nelson Bomers, Newton Litle and John Smith were accidentally killed in mines near Brazil, Ind. Two men were killed and another seriously injured by an accident on the Baltimoro & Otiio railroad at York, Ind., on the 27th. The Citizens' Savings Bank of Leavenworth, Kan., closed its doors on the 27th. fhe president, R. P. Clement, was a deaulter to the tune of about $49,000, and ïad left for parts unknown. The bank held over $100,000 of deposits. Armour & Co.'s beef-house at the Chicago Stock Yards was destroyed by flre on the 27th with a loss of $300,000. Thb Becretary of the Interior deeided on the 27th that twenty-six thousaad acres of land in Iowa which had been granted to the Sioux City & St Paul Hail'Oad Company had not been earned by the atter, and ordered tbe samo to ba opened to settlement and entry. A F1KE on the 27th at Georgetown, Ky., lestroyed eleven buildings in the principal business block of the tovvn, includniK the office of the Times. Leb Jacobs, a prosperous and prominent man of Atlanta, Ga., killed himself with poison on the 27th becauss his wife didn't sew buttons on his shirt when ho osked her to do so. As assignment was made on the 27th by theRiversids Iron & Steel Company ol Cincinnati. The liabilities were about $200,000. D. R. AxTnosT, editor of the Leavenwortli (Kan.) Times, was publicly horsewhipped In that city on the 27th by Councilman Bond, whom he had asaailed in hi paper. On ii farm mm Faltnouth, Ky., on 1 1 87th Jolm Noavo duliberatcly shot t killed bis falhor, who visited tlio farm t got his aliare of the erop of wheat. Turks mon while gambling on tho -7tl at Bortram, Tex., were struck by Llffhtnlnj and instantly killed. A coi.i.ision bctwoon froight trnins o tho 2Sth at Mob Lick, lid., eaused thodeat of Engineer Eustis, Flreman Wlldy urn a brakeman whose name could not b learned. Im Central Illinois on the 2Sth the thermometer roached 109 degroes, causin sovoral prostrations from ttio hout, som of which proved fatal. Eightt membors of tho Plnkorton forc who had been on duty in the Pennaylvuin coke roglons woro withdrawn on thoÜSth At Ridgowood Station, noar Reading Pa., on the 28th a passongor train ran int a vehicle contalning four perjons, all o whom were killed. Leaimm; insurance mon in New York were troubled on the 28th ovor the grea nuniber of disaatrous tires tnat havo oc curred 111 the past six months. It was be UsVed tliat the teaching of Joliann Most tho Anarchist, and his followors ha 1 lu to many of the conHagrations. Thb coinmittee appointed by the G. A R. of Wisoonsin to soloct a site for tli new home, to be kuown as tho Wisconsin Veterans' Hom), on the 2Hth seleetod tho one offered by tho pcople of Waupaoa. A fi.ooi) on tlic 98tb in the Little Lenig river submergei a largj number of iron ore minos lioading, Pa., throwing many men out of work. ATNorth Helle, Mass., on tho 28th threo children namud Katy Hallihan, DelU Welch and Maggio Toomey werodrownei while bathing in tho Coneord rivor. A WIND-STORM on the L.N1W wrecked a portion of the grand stand and stables anc prostrated the feneos of tho Latonia rao track in Cincinnati. The damage was $1U, 000. Makt A. Kiíakney, agod seventeon years, and hor sister Catherine, axed six teen, weradrowned at Spring Valley, N. Y., on tho 2Sth, whilo bathing. ÜAJOii A. Ma?kknzie, of the Unitet Rtates Enginoer Corps, estimatod on tho JSth that il ." 10,030 should ba appropriated ami expende i on tho Mississippi nvjr be tafeen Bft Paul and tho Des Moines rápida for the liscal vear ending June 30, 1SS9. The Chief of tho Bureau of Animal In dustry at Washington said on the USth. that the work of stamping out pleuro pneumonía by the Uovernmont during tho past six months had been very successful and ho predicted thut thm discase among cattle would soon be eradicated. lx a quarrel at Bt. Louis on the 2011 James C. Flynn, a well-known contractor shot and killed l'atrick Smith, a tcumstur 1'iiE prolonged drought in various sec tions of Illinois and Indiana was playlng Bad havoc with the curn a:id grass crops on tho '.".Uli. Half tlio bnUdlngl in David City, Neb., including two church;s, were leveled by a t miado on the 2i)th. One man was killed. Tho flnancial los VTU placed at ti00,000. ('. Henixoer, aged eighty-sev n yoars, oommitt 'd suicido on tli ¦ J.Hh al Brooklyn, N. Y., by shuoting. Cause unknown. Ui" to the 'J9th iherc liad beun li.i cases of yellow-fever at Kev West tlns season, forty-one having rsaulted fatal ly. A violent thunder an I ruin-storm on the-'J.hin the Frankliu Falls (N. H.) district ruin ',d crops aud washed out highways. The loss wnsvery lieavv. Is a flra on tlio 59th in Ersau's bakery, la Chlcag, JIrs, Nülson Trudeau and liei two-year-old ubild wero burned to death wlule tryin;; to escapo from an upper story and ten other iumates were soiijusly Lnjored. A FiRE on the 20th In ölncinnatl, eaused by a boaflre startcd by boys, dostruyed twenty-five houses and many stables and barns. Fifty cows and forty hogs perished in the ilames, and ovor one hundred families were homeless. Loss, t200,000. A waoon containing Jjsoph Rich, his asted motliei' an 1 twoyear-old child, was struck by a train on the 29th near KichmonJ, lnd. , and all, inciudiugthe horses, wore killed. Thk Wells &. French Company's bridge and car building works in Chicago wero destroyed by liio on the 2'Jth, causing a 1039 Of U5 ),0(X). A VEHY heavy wind-storm swept over the vicinity of Mason City, la., on the 2Utli. Several buildings were unroofod and barns and dwellings blown down. The great even tof the Chicago "boodier" trial on tlie 2Uih was the entering of a plea of guüty by Ueorge C. Klehm, the chairman of the County Board, just as tho Stato's Attoruey was ready to ciosa the oeae tor (ha state. Thxri were 102 business failures in tho United States during theseven days endcd on the 2'JUi, against 147 tho previom sjven days. Sluw & Co., extensivo lumber dealers at Towanda, Pa., made aa assignment on the 29th, witli preferences of f100,000. The surplus in the United States treasury on the 29th was $45,000,000, an increase of nearly Jü.UOO.OOJ in tho past thirty days. '1 i.asury receipts avuraged over Ï1,OOO,OJÜ a day. The theimometer reglstered 110 degrees in the shate on tho '.9th at Nebraska City, Neb., lüü ut Kansas City, Mc, 102 at Louisville, Ky., 103 at Omaha, Neb., 110 at Champaign, 111., 103 at Hamburg, Ia., and 100 at Leavenworth, Kan. in ere weronve fatal casjs of suustroke at New York on the 9th. Heavy thunrter-storms swept over New York nd New England on the 9tn, and the Hghtninj caused much llamare. The Y. M. C. A. building at Brooklyn was Btruck, and many of the occupants were stunned. The Ktt'nhouse (N. J.) woolen mili was burned down, and on the Massachusotts coast shipping ha 1 a rough experience. The Columbian Bank of Philadelphia failed on the 2yth, with liabilities of Í35J,OM. Tur whereabouts of McGarljlo, the "boodier" who escaped from Sheriff Matson in Chicago, vvere on tho 2'Jth still involved in mystery. The search for him was being proseouted by the sheriff's departinent, the pólice and the private detectives, but it was believed he had succeeded in reaching Canada. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Cheshirc died on the 25th at Haydenaville, O., agod 112years. John Ïatlob, Brigham Young's successor as president of the Mormon Church, died at Balt Lake City on tho 26tn, age i seventy-niiie year-. A Fkohiuition ticket for city and county officers to be voted for next fall was nniumated at New York City on the 2Hh. Gexehai J. M. Comi.y, editor and proprietor of the Commercial, of Toledo, O., expired on the 2lith, aged lifty-live years. Sisan Raap Howi.and, wile of Rev. VV. W. Howland, for forty-two years a missionary under tho direction of the American Board, passed away at Jaft na, Ceylon, on the 2Gth. Ex-SJatok Harrisov left Chicago on the 2Cth on his proposed tour around the world. The Maryland Democrats met in Rtate convention on tho 27th at Baltimoro and nomlnated Elihu E. Jackson forOovernor. ¦y i, -i . lulu: s (lia A'lministratlon delDBnd a reduction of taxation, oppoe pauper un I ciinvici Immigratton and lavo b reform In alAOtiOBa. l)u. E, I). Stimupord, a prominent Keotuokf capiUlutt mul, riU'i suJdi'iiiv al I.i'uisviilr, Ky., on tlio 98th ased liliv Iti yoora. Tin', ohio Republicana m ¦'¦ In Blata con vontion 011 t tío 28th ut Tul ido and noin iuati'il tbe lolluw 11 r ticli-i: Governor, J B. Fora!; t (ronomtnaied) ; bleutsmuft Govoinm-, W. ('. Lyonj buprane Jmlga (long term), WniUun T. Bpear; (shor Iciin), 1'. J. Dickman; Auditor, K W. Poe Treasurer, J. C. Brown (renom n.itei) Attorncv-Gonernl, 1). E Waton; Di no bal of the Board oí Public Worlta, '¦ A. Hlck laffer (renotoinated). The platform, wiuoi was unanimously adopte!, favor.i i lio pro teotlve liintT, demanda duttsi oa nfooV ai vocates liberal pensiona) daiouncaa tha PresldenCa penulon wtoea, commeadi Governor Foraker'l admlkiatratton, de mands a freo ballot and u talr OOUnt, aNk for reatrlotlve Imtnlgraüon lawi that wil keep out contract labor, pauper, Anarota lata, etc, ;mi tadoraea Renator Baeraan ahl prosents ás name to tho puoplu of th country as a randiriutc lor tho Presidoncy. Tn i: liassaehusatta Bèpublloana wi;i meet in Statu oonventlon in Boston September B8. Ni:wi:i,i. Hátsok, tin oldeal and one ol tho best-known )è,W6lri In Chtca?o, did at Clinton, Conn., on the 8dtb, ajfod seventy-throe yaara, HimscB lUmtiü, known as 'Kabbi Ilarris, died at Un oklyu. N. Y., on thd 88th, ind one bnndred and Bine yoars llia widow hs just paased her ninotyninlh ycar. He was witli Napoloon la uü march to Moscow. Tin: National Prohibitlon Commlttes has been called to meot in CblcagO rTovetnber 16 to llx the time an-1 placa for boldiBH the Presldentlal convention of tlie party iu 1888. Tiie funoral of John Taylor, tho Mormon rhlof, tonk place at Balt Lalce (Jity on the 29th and was attendod by alargeconcourso of poople. The Ktato Loague of Ohio It-publican clubs mot at ToleJo on tho 2'.Hh, ohose Daniel Uvan, of Kcioto, president, olocted üelegatos to the National LlgM and DMMd a ri'soluüon euJursinj John Síiar - man Tor Piosident. FOREIGN. The American tishiug schoonor Annla Hodgson was seized on tho 2Öth at Shelburna, N. S., for violatious of tho customhouse laws. Advioks ot the 2rth say that a violent voli-anic eruption had occurred ou the Island of Gralita, off tho coast of Algerin. ötreams of lava wcra iasuing from the center of the volcano, and tho ï lare of ths fiamos einittod were visible for Üftv mile. A dispatch of the 20th from Bomo say that the Pope had decided there was no sround for Papal iuterferonco with tho Knights of Labor queetion. Mmi BaiLiaáRD, a Paris wldow, was on the Ü7th sentenced to imprisonment at hard labor for hfe for the murder of hor lover, whom shu killed by throwing vitriol on hin. A ruin on the 2Sth ut Iiedkerke, BelKhim, destniyed thirtv-threo housos, depriving two hundred peoploof their homes. Tkn persons wuro drownod on the 2áth by the capsizingof two ploasure yachu off Yarmouth, Eng. A FiiiK in tlio naphtha spring storehouses at Balachna, llussia, was extmguished ou the ''Sth ufter raging for several days and destroying one million pounds of naphtha. Lokd BAIJBBOBT, speaking at Rorwlob on the 2Sth, warned the Conservativo party to prepare for the possible dissolutiou of Parliament. Rev. Joseimi Parkeb, of London, who is coming to America to deliver a eulogy on Henry Ward Beocher, bade fareweU to his congre?ation on the ÜSth. Maxy rosignations among the Irish constabulary were reported on the 'Jötli, as a protrst against the Cosrclon act. Four policemen and many citizens wero injured in a riot on the 29th at Limerick. öevon of the rioters hal been arrested. SlO. ArorsTiN'E DsPBITIg, President of tho Italian Council and Ministor cf the Interior, died at Stradol on theL"Jtli LATER NEWS. TnE record of the base-ball clubs in the rTational League for the week ended on the 8ÜÜi uit was as follows: Detroit (game woni, 44; Chicago, 4i Boston, 40; New Vi ik, 41; Philadelphiíi, S7; Washington, 28; PlttsburKh, 2i; Iiidlanapolia. Z2. TiiEitii wero eight deaths from sun. stroke in Philiidelphia ou tho 31 st uit. and seven in New York. A heavy storm passed over Pittsburgh, Pa., on the 31st uit., flooding the streets and collars and doing great damage lo tree9, feuces aud small buildings. Qwrmt to a total failure of crops fifty thousand people were ou the bOth uit. Btarving at Adena, Itiily. A passenger train on tho Detroit, Lansing & Northwestern railroad ran into a wagotl on the 30th uit. at a croasing near Lakc View, Mich., and two persons wera instantly killed aud two others fatally iajured. Ia a railroad colusión on the 33th uit near Concord, N. H., four men wero killed. H. Reed, formerly a prominent Chicago attorney, who becaino notorious a counsel for Guiteau, tried to kill himself in New York ou the 3Uth uit. At twenty-six leading clearing-housos in the United States the exchangos during the week ended on tho 30th uit. aggregated 1853,896,086, ugainst 8,6Í7,8 the previous week. As comparod with the corresponding week of lSbü, the lm MIMB umounts to V-i.ü per cent FOBBST lires wero again raging on the 30th uit. iu Northern Jliohigan, and mucb. valuable timber had been burned. Boosleh BfcGABlOLB, who escaped from Sheriff Matson in Chicago, was safely landed on Canadian soilon tho morning of tbeSUtult He was in Sarnia, opposito Port Huion, Mich. Jount Enicssox, the famou3 me rlianical engineer uud inventor, celebrated at his home in BrooUlyn, N. Y.. on the 31st uit. the eighiy-lourth annivesarj' of his Lirth. Tm French steamer La Vorite was burned on tho 3üth uit at Mogadon, ÏXoroaco, ith a loss of six lives. Hicm water on the 30th uit. flooied tho nali valley in Cenrgia, destroying the cottou and corn cropa and doing othor ga Hamburg was entlrely under water and the upper and lower portions of Augusta were submerged. The loss to farmers in tho valley was estimated at (1,800,000. Three colored children were lullod by ghtnmg on tho 3Hh uit near lladensville, Ky. Tm: weokly signal-sorvieo bulletin saya .hat tho weathor during the week ended on the 3Jth uit. was unfavorable to tho erop in many sections. From Atlanta eastward cotton was suffering from tho lrought. Dry and hot weather in the corn elt had affected that, orop unfavorably. n the Nortliwest the weather was favorable, and haj-wsting was in progress as far north as tho forty-seventh parallel.


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