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Time tablc tttkinp eflVct Nov, Uili, 188Ö Ontral Nlandartl Time. CHICAGO TO DETROIT, S la II 2 Í - ö ! L h ft J I: U.a. i.M. r. ¦ p. m . p.m. p. , „ , OhlrafTO.Lv. 680 '.ii :: 10 ( I" 8 15 9 i Kalaiuazoo. . . 1I7 1 : 658 I 50 123! j Battle Craek. 11 I 7 88 148 820 7 Jackeon 13 15, 423 8 4!l 315 4 60 tú OraLake....l S38 5 ) j g Cbelaea 3 5 5 Dexler 4 11 , 5 50 1(1(1: Eeltii Mills... 4l 11.11 Aun Arbor.... 4 33 ,5 31 945.... 4 :ii (ma, Yrallantl 4 50 5 4.i H 4.12 6 24 10 j WayneJnnc. 515 606 5 15 B 47 1 1 os Detroit. ...Ar. 6 00 7151045... 61) 7S012W Ht.Thomas 1115 445 100 9 55 34,. KallsVlew 545.... 12u... . N. Fallí 2 22 6 48 138 5 58. Buffilo 4351755 725 355 610..Ü' DETROIT TO CHICAGO. I . i-í ijT .TiT,ÜK.. Ij l i! ss & L i_f!ül_ti A.M. A.M AH A. A w Buflal 1130 545 005 VWllM N. F!hs 1215 31 1220 ..' St.Thomas..J 415 1001... 115 44,..;;; A. M A. ¦. P.M. P.M. P.M. p m Detroit... Lv. 7 00 9 10 130 4 00 800 9 15 ." ' WayneJunc. 7 40 9 53 2 08 4 45 8 37 955 Ypailantl .... 8011012 2 20 5 12 8 58 10 ai " Ann Arbor... 8 1H 10 25 2 32 5 80 9 lï 1088 ."" Delhi Mills.. 826 542' Dexter 835 550' 93Ï... Chelsea 8 48 605 952 .' OraasLake... 10 27 10 15.. Jackson 935 1135 3 32 7 10 1052 1218 '' Battle Creek.. Il 031 1 14 4 40 852,1212 1 35 ..' ' Kalamazuo. . . 1152 150 515 1 20! i :f.l 4 15 Chicago.. .Ar. 5 15 H 40 80.... 7 Oo H as 10 2p O. W. RUGGLE8, H. W. HAYES O. F. AT. Agent Atrt.. Aun Arbor. Chicaao. Toledo, Ann Arbor & Nortli MMtfgM Rail nar. riMK SCHEDULB. To tiike effect at 12 oVlock, dood, on Sunday, June I9(h,1887. Trains ron by Standard Timo. GO'NG NORTH. GOING SOUTH slá II II m U 5 fc I ft. a. p..p. h. a.m Lve. Arve a. . p. m p ï 8 SS 8 15 8 15 Toledo 9 ir, 1 10 8 5i 40 3 20 5 20 Manli'iü Jnnc H os 1 or g (o 6 50 3 25 5 27 Alexis I OS 1 00 8 4U 7 10 3 4(l; 5 45 Sainaría H 4: 12 4 8 21 7 85 3 .55 112 Monroe Jnnc S 'JO 12 31 K 00 7 50 4 0T 6 15 Dundce I 8 10 u !M 7 mi 8 0 4 16 8 25 Azalla 8 00 2 14 7 t 8 5 4 : e 3-, Milan 7 50 12 04 7 5 8 50 4 45 6 50 Urania 7 85 I H 7 S 9 00 4 53 7 00 I'iltóBeld 7 26 11 ?! 7 01 "' J I Ann Arbor 7 15 11 30 (50 830 ?? 4 2, Lcl'""1 ." ... 6 28 8 30 Howell W) -0 533 7 O 9 30 Durand 1 7 46 9 f5 Corunna 08 4 15 7 5 10 01 Owosío . 9 ld 4 ó 8 10 10 05 Owcno Jiac 8 5 4 O1' 9 15 11 10 Iiha.a 7 ¦ 11 : 8u Lonis .... 7 "7 2 26 9 4li 11 IS A'm. 1 7 -ai S P. M. 10 301 12 30 Mt. Pieaant a.. .ft) 1 au Suuth Lyon Krancli. NORTH BOUND. STATMNS. 8OUTHBODHD Train 6 Tnn 1 p ¦ r. m " 9 50 Lv. Lelands Ar. f, 45 10 00 Ar. Worduns Ar. 6 40 10 20 Ar Souüi Lyon Lv. 6 30 Connectlons: At Toledo, with rallroadadlvrnrlng; at Manhuttan Junction, iih Whwllng Lak Brie K R.; at Alexia Junction, wlih jí. C. B. R., L. h. & M. S. Ry. and F. A P. M. R. R.; at Monroe Junctiou. with L. S. & M. 8. Kv.: at üaudee, witb L. 8. M. S. Uy., M. &O. Ky.; at Mita Junction. with Wahash, St. Louis & Paclflc Ky ; al Pittyfleld, with L. f. A M. S. Ry.; at Aed Arbot with Michigan Central H. .. and t South Lyon with Detroit, LaoMnir A Nortiern K. R., and Micb. A. L Div. of Grand Trnnk Ky. Al Hmbur with M. A. División Grand Trnv k Ky. At Howell with Detroit, Linsing & Northern K'y. At Durand with ("h cago & Grand Trnnk R'y and Detroit, Grand Haven A Milwukee R'j . At Uwoso Junction with Detroit, (rand Haven & Milwaukee R'y and Michlt-an Central R. R. At St Loal with Detroit. Lhi?sídkA Northern K. 1Í. and Seei na Valley & St. Lonie R'y. At Alma with Detroit, Lansinc & Northern Ky. At Mt. Picasant iih Flint & Pere Marquette Ry. H. W. ASIILBY, Generi' Himv, W. H. BENNETT, O. G. WALBS. Gen'l. Pan. A Ticket Aeent. Local Agent. Kotlce to Credltors. STATE OF MICHIG AN.Connty of Waehtenaw.s. Notlce ia hereby given, thatby an order of tta Probate Court for the County of Waphtetmw, made on the tweotlatn day of Jute, A 1). 18(7, six monthe from that date were allowed forcrt'tlitora to present tlieir claim? Myinat the wteti oí Lncy W. S. Morgan, late of eaid cuunty, deceased, and that all creditons of eaid deceased are required to present their claims to suid I'robate Court, at tlu' ProbateOöice, in the city of Ann Arbor. furexamination an allowance. on or befare the2i)lh day of December next.aud that such claims will ba heard berore said court, o Tueeday, the 2Uth day of September, and on Tueeday.tlie 20thday of Dl ber next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eacb of aald day. Dated, Ann Arbor, June 30, A. D. 18S7. W1LLIAM D. HAKKIMAN, 1 7-1361 Jud'.-e of Prohstf ïiotlce lo CrediloiN. STA'I'K OF MICHIGAN, County or Washteraw 88. Notice Is hercby glven, that by an ordi'r ur the Probate Courl for the Oounty ol Wasliteimw, made on the flfth day of July A. D. 188J, ii moutHs Irom that date were allood for creditor to present ttn'ir claims against the estáte of Darlus Pierce, lvik' of aalri rnnarj, rttraaaod. and that all credltors of eaid deceaeed are required lo pratePt their claims to taid Probate Conrt. at the Probatv Oföce tn the city of Anu Arbur, for exaxatufttloa and allowance, on or uefori' tt' ö'h day ot Jamary next, and that such claims will be heat il btlcn said Court, on Wedtienday the 5th daj of üctober and on Thursday the flith day 01 January aext, t 10 o'clock in the forenoon of cach of said days. Dated, Ann Arbor. July Vh. A. 1. ls7. W1LL1AM 1) HAKKIMAN, iai9-B3 Jndge of Prohitte Mortage Sale. DKFAl'LT havIllK li'''n m:nli' In tlu' i'iin(lltlun of u cerialn inorlnüe nimio by Mnry A. Irlsh, k ezscutrtx of the will ol Joaeph D. Irish, Ueceiisetl, of Aun Arbor, Michigan, toöiuniiel 1'. Foaterof tba samepiüce, beanng date the eleviutli ilny of July, oue thiitisHiiil eiglit iuindri'il aml eighty-two, ml recordad In the office of the RacMMrof Daedi for the County of Waslitenaw on ttio sanu1 üay, in Ltber 64 of itortgaMI on page 258, 011 wliich mortgage there is chunuil lo be üueat the date of ihis notlce, the sum of aeven huudred aiul ninity tlve dollars and ninety cents, and 110 sult or procetüini;, t'ltlier In law or eqiilty, havlng been ltistitnteil to recover the inoiM'vs Neeuied by the said mortgage or any part thereof: Now, therefore, by vlrtue of the power of sale 0OQt&Sn6dtn ald mortgaiie and the statuie In such cases maiie and pruvided, notlce is ht-nliy glveu that said mortgaRi' III be (brecloaed in Thursilay, the elghth duy oi Bsptamber, 1887, at ten o'ciock lu the fiircuomi, by 11 sale al public auction, to the bidder at the eiut door of the court house lu the Cltyof Ann Arbor (that tMlDg tlio place where the circuit conrt for said county of Washloaa ia held), of the preralses descrtbed in said mortfiage. or uo much thereof, as inay be neceHsary to pay the amouut due 011 said mortgageund the note accimpanyiiii; 11. e sninc with lulerest iiud all leal 0Ola, lucluillug an Atloruey fee of tweuty-flve dolían provldeU for lu said raortguge. The prenil-i belngdescrlbed said morlgage as follows: All that t'i'i'tain plece or parce of land, 1lnW In tlie city of Aun Arbor iu the county ui Washtenawand State of Michigan, aud deacribed as follows. to-wit : Coiuuivncing four II) rods south of the KuuthweM corner of 'Ot four (4). block (4; south nf llur.m stntt, range li east. Ineuoetouth alone tlio cast limof Kift h street four (1) rod, theiwc parallel wit li the south line mi salil lot elglit ft rnd, theuce norlh fo ir (4) rods. tlience west elght (8) rods to place of bealnuinf, Ql OBOE C. PAGE. Ju.. Exm-utorof the lust Illoi Sniuuil 1'. I'osler, ilei't'ascl. E. 1. Kinnk, Attorney for fcaid Kxecutor. Dated II, 1887. FRANCIS L YORK, mX" Will receive duting THE COMING SUMMER A Limited numbor of Puplls In PIANO, ORCAN HARMONY, At greatly EEDUCED BATESApply by mail or at NO. 30 SOUTH INGALLS STHEET ÏHrSPAPERSl Newspapor Advertlslng Bureau (10 Spmce ¦¦¦¦¦¦f ifAIII ti.illiKi'iviitrurt.tiuilV MftiHH VIIICI bu uludu E S UiliLfl llini


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