John Burg
![John Burg image](/sites/default/files/aa_courier/aa_courier_18870810-p02-014.jpg)
WILL OPEN AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF CARPETS! AT HIS 8HOE STORE, NO. 43 SOUTH MAIN STREET, About the 25th of March. All the novelties Persia, Turkish and Floral designs, a large assortment of Velvets, Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Three Plys and Extra Suppers. INGRAIN8 AS LOW AS 25 CENTS PER YARD ! BEUSSELS AS LOW AS 50 CENTS PER TAM. We will also have an extensivo assortment of Art Squares, Smyrna Rugs, Mats, Rugs, Oil Cloths and Mattinss. Before making your spring purchases give us an opportunity to show you our choice varieties. Ladies who wear Will flnd in our Shoe Department a full assortment of French and Cured Kidd, also Dongola Hand Se wed, turned shoes in all the latest styles, Kidd and Dongola flexible solé shoe at S2.5O. Kidd shoes worked button hole at $I.OO. Large line of Centleman's Shoes in Kangaroo, Dongola, NeatKidd and Calf. Also complete line of Farmer's Kipp and Calf Boots and Shoes.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News