Time Uble Uklng effect Nov. 14in, ggg rntral standard Ti,„, CHICAGO TO DETROIT. _ Hií 3_ lL g a.h. 4.a. i-.. r.aJr.a p 7. Chicasro.Lv. 8 50 00 8 10 4Í169M Kalamazoo... 117 150 658 850 1231 „." Battle Crcek. 112 27 7 33 143 iiï-'l Jackson 315 4 23 8 49 8 15 S iu UimUke.... 3 38 !S i ! ' Chelsea 3 59 ; l Dexler 4 14 ?L D.-lhiMllH... 4-2Ï ..... inu Aun Arbor.... 4 33 5 30 9 45.... Ïk'ÏmSS Ypsilanti 450 545 D5B 452 u tfayneJniic. 5 15 6 05 5 1! í Detroit. ...Ar. 6 00 7 ÍS 10 45 61J 7Í'ii'i' tft.Tliomas 1115 245 100 966 84' FalIsView 645.... 120 N Fall Ï22 548 iS'ïft Buffalo 486 755 726 365 , DETROIT TO CHICAGO. „.„o... k i iI i j . l_!!ü.Ll A.M. A.H A. A. M A - Buffalo 1180 545 605 900 n" N. FalNj 115 681 2m "" St.Thoma.._ 4 15 1001.... 115 4 A. ¦ 1. . P.M. P.M. P.M. r M Detroit... .Lt. 7 00 9 10 180 400 800 9 15 "' ' WayneJunc. 740 9 53 2 08 4 45 831 955" Ypíllantl .... 80110 12 2 20 512 858 1020 Ano Arbor... 8 1H1025 282 530 9 12 1038 Delhl Mil!.. 846 542.. Dexter 885 550932'" Clielsea 8 48 6051952 Orase Lake... 9 10 0 27 1015 .lackson 9 85 1135 8 32 7 11) 10 52 203 ' ' " Batlle Creek.. 11 03 112 4 40 52 1212 135 " " Kalamazoo... 11 52 15015 15 -120 - Chicago... A r. I 8 15 4018 80.... 7 0u H06 10 au O. W. RUUGLB8, H. W. HAYKS tí. P. T. Agent AKt.. Ann Aiímr Chicaeo. Toledo, Aun Arbor 4 Norili Michigan Kallwny. TIME SCHBDULE. To t;ike effect at 12 o'olock, nooi), on Sun day, June 19tli, 1887. Tratos rnn by Standard Time. QOINO NORTH. GOING 8OUTB m U ai m H t P..p H. A. U. Lve. Arvc a. . y u P T i 15 5 15 Toledo I 18 i " 8 L i ID I _¦" 5 20 Manh'mJunc !) i)k i (V %,!, SO S 5 27 Átela 03 oo s tu 7 10 8 40 5 45 Sanmria K 4-, y Z 2 3 7 85 I ,y H (12 Moiiroe June 8 20 12 .SI s i 7 50 4 (i B 15 Dundee 8 II 8 10 4 10' 6 25 Azalia 8 00 12 1 1 7 5 8 25 4 33 6 35 Milán 7 50 12 Ól 7 H 8 50 4 45 6 50 Urania 7 K II H T 11 M m 4 H 7 00 PltwneW 7 46 II M ? 0 1 1 25 5 10 7 ÍS Ann Arbor 7 15 11 50 5 30: 7 .S8 LelaDri 6 45 11 14 451 7 46 Whllm-re Ike .. . II (XI J," 7 46 9 fo Corunna .... í U61 4 r, 7 55 10 01 Omwo 9Í(. ¦ 8} I 0R Owo.oJunc .:...': 85". r 9 U 11 l(i liha.a 7 411 w 88 11 ai St. I.oul. i! 7 27 2M H II II a A'nn I .... 7 W " rv. p. m 1(1 30, 12 30 Mt. Piuanant a.m. 6 30 I i) South Lyon Brnncli. NORTH BOUND. STATIONS. BOÜTH BOÜND. TralD 6 irll,, j P. M. M 9 511 Lv. Ltlandí Ar. 1, 10 00 Ar. Wordens Ar. O 4(1 10 20 Ar Sonth Lyon Lv. 6 30 Cuimectioní: At Tiledo, wlth rallrosd dfvereinp; at Manhattan Junction, wlfh Wbeellnir Lake Erte K. K.; at Alexia Junction, wlib AT. i: h. K., U B. & M. B. Ry. and F. & P. M. R. R ai Monroe Junction, wlth L. S. & M. S. Ky.; t üÚddee, wlth L. 8. A M. . Rv., M. & O. Ry. atMilnn Junction. with Wabash, St. Lonls & Pacific Kj ¦ at Pittífldld, wlth L. S. & M. S. Ry.; at Anu ArlM.i wlth Michigan Central R. R., and at South Lyon with Detroit, Mnríne 4 Northern R. ., mi Mich. A. L. Div. of Grand Trunk Ky. At Himhure wlth M. A. Line División Gmnd Trrnk H'j. At Howfll wiih Detroit, Lnnítng A Northern Ky. At Durand with Ch cago A Grand Trnnk Ry au 1 Detroit, Grand Haven 4 Milwnukec R"y. At Owosbo Junction wlth Detroit, (rand Ilavi'n & Milwankee R'y and Michigan Centra! R. R. Ai st. Louis wilh Detroit, LacBÍD;& Northern R. R. and ScLi na Valkv & SI. Loule ri'y. At Alma ith Detroit, a Northern R'y. At Mt. Plmwr.m lih Fhnt & Pcre Marquette R'y. H. W. A8HLEV, Geneml Manager. W. H. BKNNBTT, 6. (i. WALES. Gun'l. Pan. & Ticket Asent. Local Agent. Nolice lo ('redltors. STA I" KOF MICHIGAN, County ol Wu.-ht.Mia ¦t, Notice is hereby glven, tfaat by an oiil'r ol Ifcfl Probate Court lor the Couniy o( Waahtenaw, made on the fifth day of July A. I). MB7, tlx monta Irom thatdate were allowsd Tur eredlton lo preeenttheir claima agamst the ol Darlni Platee, Inte of sald county, dereaxed, and tliat all creditore of eaid deceaued are required to ineneni ih-ir claims to said Probate Court, at tbe i'rulinuOffice Ib ihu city ol Ann Arbnr. for eumluatlon and uliowancc, on or before thc ;Vh dMy o! .January next, and that such clainu will b benul balón aid Court, on Wedue?day the 5th day of October. and on l'hursaay the flith day ot Jannary nexl, t 10 o'clock in the forenoon of each of said day. Datcd, Ann Arbor, July 5th, A. 1). 1887. WILLIAM I MARKIMAN, i:9-3 Judge of Probate Mortagc Sale. DEFAULT havlng been mude I ti tlu-roii.liiiiin of a certntu tnortago nuitle by Mury A. Irísh, as e.xecutrlx uï the will 1 Jo seph I. Irisb., deoeased, of Aun Arbor, MlcbIgan, to Sauiuel 1'. boHit-r of the Mimo plnm bearliiK date tlie elevcuth iluy of July, une lUotisaud elght hundred and elgbty-lwo, arnl recoriltHl i 11 the office of the Register of lieerts for the L'ouniy of Wftfthtanavw on th' ilay, lu Líber (i of Mortgages 011 pace 258, 011 wlnch mortgHge thero is clalmed lo bedpent the dat of tuin notice, the sum of s n hundred and ninety-ïive dollars and uuety cents, and 110 sult or prooeedlng, -ulier 111 law or equlty, havluii been Instituut! to recover the secured by the salil ninrigage or any part thereof: Now, Iherefore, by virtue of the power of sule eontained In sald mortgaxe and the slauue In sucli made and provlded, notice Is h-reby trlven that sald mortgage wilt be forecloaed "ii Thurslay. the elghth duy of Septfiubt-r, 1ST at ten o'ciock In the foreuonn, by a saleat public aut'tion, 10 the hlgbest blddar at tlif easldoorof the court house In the City of A1111 Arbor (tüat belng the place wh. circuit court for sald county of Washtcnaw is held), of the premlscs descrlbed In sold morlguge. or o much thereof, as muy be necessary to pay the amount due ou sld mortgage and the note accorapanying ti- wlth Interest uut all legal costs. IucUuIIhk an Attoruey fee of twenty-flve dollars provlded for lu sald inorlgage. The preinuM belng descrlbetl sahi niurii;ii;' as ful . thatcertaln piece or parce of land, sliualf in the city of Ann Arbor In the cuunty of Wasliteinuv and State of Michigan, aml lescrlbel as follows, to-wit: CominenciiiK (uur (4) rods -nut ii of the southwesl corner of lot four (4), block (4; south of Huron streel, range (jeast, theucesoulh along the cast line of Klflh street four (4) rods, tlicnc parallel wlth the south Une or satd lot elght (8) rods, thencenorth four (4) rods, Ihence west eighl (8) rods to place of beginnin;. OEOROE C. PAGE, Jk„ Executorofthe last Wlll o! 'Sainnel P. Kohier, ilcceused. K. 11. Kinnk, Attoruey for sald Executor. Dated June 11, Me?. Estáte of Horace Coy. STATE Ol' MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw, H. At a sesülon of the Probate Court for the County ol Wuhtenaw. holden at the Probate Office, in tbc city of Ann Arbor, on Wedneiday, the tweniyeevenlh day ol July. In the year one thonsand 'lirht hundred and eighty-seven. Preeent, WillUm D. Harrlman, Judtce of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Hornee Coy, deceaeed. On readlnjr and fillng the petltton, duly verifleil, of I.oiiisa II. Rumedell praylnt; that a cerlain Instrument now on lile in Ibis court puruorting to be tl-' last wlll and testameut of sald decaeMOi nriv le ailmittcd lo probate, and that Uannah t'oy and Stephen L. Ramedell may be appointed extcitors thereof. Thereapon It Ie ordered, that Monday, tho ¦ day oí ÁOElMt next, at ten o'ciock in the toj" noon, Ixassigned for the hearing of eald petltii'O and that the devisees, legatees, and helrs ' law ol sald deceiwed, and all other pirfon! iutcrcKtcd Insald estáte, are requlred to apiit'K' al ¦ Naio ol öaid court, then to be holden at tb' Probate Offlcu, In Ihe City of Ann Arbor. and alMM cause, lf any thcre be, why the praycr of thptltloner should not be granted. And it is furlbfr ordered, that sid pciltioncr gve notice persons interested in sald estáte, of the peodeWJ of sald uetitlon, and the hearing thereof, by caiifinia copy of thls order to be publlsued in the Ann Arbor UourUr, a newspaper printcd and circula ted in said county, throe succesBive weeks previous to ald day of hearing. (A true copy.) W1LUAM D. IIARRIMAN, Judge of Probate. WJI . G. DOTY, Probate Reeieter. 1382-1S65. ïmnvEfsE.'s Newspaper Advertlsing Buruaa (10 Spruce Mrect),wherodvcr. yp ff H 111 tibiliKciintract.suniy ¦¦ MM 1 IKR be ümdo for tt In 11 E 11 111111% iëfpFPrifltiflE at tke Cofi
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News